It seems that Nintendo is gearing up for another game / merchandise collaboration, this time with Hasbro. The hugely popular video presenter Joshua Wittenkeller (aka TheJWittz), has teased a world premiere from the Nintendo NY store that he'll be hosting on Twitch.
It seems to be a board game, which is further reinforced in some other tweets from fellow content creators that will be on the stream.
Some have wondered if this is related to Ubisoft's Monopoly for Nintendo Switch, but it definitely seems to be for an actual board game.
We shall see, anyway - the live stream will be on TheJWittz Twitch channel from 7pm Pacific / 10pm Eastern today, which is 3am UK / 4am CEST on 29th June in Europe. We'll host the stream with a live blog if this scribe (based in the UK) is still awake.
Comments 73
It's not a Zelda one so I don't need to scramble and buy it, phew
@StarmanSSP Erm, it looks like a Mario board game!
I have no clue who any of these people are, but cool.
It looks sweet. Id deffo buy it
As long as it isn't an update on that Mario board game from the 80s/early 90s that was featured on Board James we should be okay. Can't remember the name off the top of my head.
Big fan of JWittz and The Completionist and of course Nintendo so I'll be watching tonight.
I hope you can exchange 100 of those coins for little green mushrooms.
Please for the love of Christ be it a Mario Monopoly video game (with some Mario (Party)-inspired twists, of course!)!
I know I've seen Nintendo Monopoly, so my best guess is a board game version of Mario Party - not any one in particular - which will look similar to the board game Life. We own Mario chess, checkers and Connect 4, and Pokémon Monopoly, and Zelda yahtzee, so I'm guessing we end up owning this too, whatever it is.
Is the store open for this? My kids are big TheJWitz fans, and The Completionists sounds familiar.
Tired of loading screens on your DS copy of Mario Party non-numbered title? Well, no more with Mario Party 11-board game! Only $59.99.
I have been wondering about this. My GameStop had these out a couple of weeks ago. I asked a staff member about it, and it was promptly pulled off the shel because the street date wasn't until today. I did not get an answer by the way.
This is monopoly I think. The coins you see in the pictures are promotional material.
@rjejr This is all I can see on a meet and greet -
Hype for a board game? Are we really in 2017?
@Captain_Gonru Funny you should up. My oldest just told me about the eReader game, then we decided this could be an actual videogame, Mario Party: amiibo Fail. My kids got a kick out of that, told them it was you, then here you are.
First thing I thought of was this:
But this is clearly not the same game. This should be interesting. The die is cool.
@Captain_Gonru Funny or coincidence? I told my kid about telling you what you told me and he told me he only knew about the Mario Party eReader game b/c he heard about it, guess where, on TheJWitz YouTube channel. So maybe it is a videogame of Mario Party eReader but with amiibo? If it's called Mario amiibo Party...
@ThomasBW84 Hey thanks TW. We're actually on our way to go see Ice Age 5: Scrat Blows Up More Stuff, at the $1 theater, so probably not heading in today on a whim, but thanks anyway.
@ThatNyteDaez Board games are awesome and better than they've ever been, in my opinion. Maybe it's passing you by unnoticed but plenty of people are enjoying them as much and more than video games.
Gamestop's Weekly Ad suggests it is Monopoly:
@aaronsullivan Fully agreed! There is a huge surge in popularity of table gaming. Has been for the last several years. There are so many cool games out there from dungeon crawls to deck building card games to space combat and horror games with miniatures, dice, cards with stats and powerups and tons of different mechanics. Table gaming is a great companion to video gaming. Its a totally different feel but gives you the same rush. People should really check it out.
Just sayin'... (warning: language)
Okay... I am really curious
@AcesHigh sadly, this will probably not be a modern boardgame design, since Hasbro is connected.
@Therad It appears you're right. But at least there's a bit of a twist. And the custom dice always get me right in my Nerd button.
Woot woot, more expensive party games with twenty dollar amiibo peripherals. Have fun, kids. Amiibo Festival has taught me my lesson.
@Captain_Gonru "I really need to spend more time on YouTube,"
Only if you're 15 or under. Youtube is the new Saturday morning and after school cartoons for kids. Which is why there aren't any of those any more.
And I thought the My Little Pony Movie Trailer was the surprising thing from Hasbro today.
Mario Party: The Board Game.
@Captain_Gonru Can't find our last thread, so starting a new one again.
Just canceled Hulu, Netflix a few weeks back. Hulu was great for season 1 of Preacher - better than I thought, need to find season 2 - and Ballers on HBO, which had a seriously lame last ep after a good season.
Finished up IF and Defenders on Netflix. IF got better near the end, and it did go nicely into Defenders like you said. Defenders seemed rush w/ only 8 eps after the others all had 13, but all of the others seemed a few eps too long anyway. Ending of Defenders makes me think Punisher won't have a lot of "Red" in it. I'll probably wait on Punisher until whatever comes next - DD or JJ I guess - in early 2018 before signing up for Netflix again when Dragonriders last season shows up.
Started watching the 2008-10 "V" reboot last night. Wife and I had seen the first 12 eps when it was on but missed the last 10. We watched all 6 eps of Hitchhikers Guide over the weekend along w/ the movie. V is a nice somber change of pace.
Looking forward to Inhumans Friday though I fear the worst. Hopefully Free On Demand will have way less commercials anyway. Then another 2 weeks until the CW shows start. Still only watching Arrow and Flash, DC just looks so bad, Supergirl not related enough being on a different planet and all. 2 night Nov 27-28 I'll watch all 4. Maybe I'll watch DC Legends from last season just to make sure while I still have the CW app on my soon to be traded in Xbox. I think I told you I put $50 down at Gamestop for the Mario Switch bundle due out Oct 27th. Hopefully GS doesn't screw me over but we'll see. I hate paying $50 in advance, makes me doubly anxious.
Gaming on PS4 now but thinking about taking on a 2 week free Gamepass on Xbox to try and play GoW 2 and 3, 1 per week. 1 was pretty short, I played on easy so not too much replaying.
So what have you been up to besides working? You must be all unpacked and settled in in the new place by now.
@Captain_Gonru Oh wow, you never finished season 4? Man, I hope I didn't spoil anything for you. And yeah, we were calling it the Matrix w/ my kid, and he hasn't even seen the Matrix. Now he kind of doesn't have to. We were supposed to watch it with him 1 Sunday on Amazon Prime or Netflix but something came up instead. Or we just watched something else.
Sitting thru all the commercials on CW Seed for V is killing my entire family. I might actually have to buy it on DVD before we all lose our minds. OK maybe not $23 for the first 12 epsidoe "Season", $10 for the last 10 episode season. I can't beleive they never boxed up the 22 eps. Oh well, commercials it is. Unless my library has it, I'll check tomorrow.
And don't start doing any of that remodeling or painting, once you start it never ends.
CBS All Access
The standard subscription costs $5.99 for streaming with ads, while the ad-free version will set you back $9.99 a month.
I may wait for Discovery to be over and try to watch it all in a free 1 week trial. Maybe.
@Captain_Gonru "Ward in her Matrix house. He wore out his welcome with me, like, two resurrections ago."
My wife will be so happy when I tell her that later. Her and my son both expected it to be Kennedy - who my son can't stand and was very happy to see go - but I knew it had to be him, why else cover him with sheets in bed? I always knew they'd find a way to get him back, b/c I'm sick of him too.
So we think you have 7 eps left, (I can only tell you why after you've seen them) so I'm going to shut up now before I do spoil anything.
How can CBS keep you from watching STD (didn't realize how bad that abbreviation was until just now) during a 1 week free trial? Sure, 95% of people will quit after that, but that still gives them the 5% who stay on. That's 5% more than they are getting now, b/c can you honestly say you know even one person who is paying for CBS All Access? STD is like cold calling. Have you ever extended your car warranty b/c you got a phone call asking you to do so? I get 3 of them a day, but it's never going to happen. So a lot of people will free trial for STD, 97% will watch and quit, the other 3% will pay and stay a month or 2 or 3. 1% will forget and keep paying until they die and their estate shuts off the credit card.
Well even if your right, I'm still waiting until all of the eps are online just to see for myself.
Well that's odd. I thought the show would be Netflix like, all at once or at least close together, but its 15 spread out over many months. Maybe I'll just wait for it to come out on DVD next summer and borrow it from my library.
@Captain_Gonru Well up until now all CBS shows have probably either been free on Demand - which is how I watch almost everything on my cable box - or on Netflix or Hulu. I read somewhere the CBS All Access line-up is a bit spotty w/ shows like Big Bang Theory, so I can't imagine a lot of people paying that monthly or yearly fee. OK, Wiki says 1.5m, so that's not nothing.
1 week free trial, I think that has commercials though, like the $5.99 weekly plan. $9.99 w/o commercials.
Since they are spreading out the 15 eps over 6 months, Sept - Feb I'm guessing they're expecting people to pay each of those 5 months to watch the show as it becomes available. So they aren't worried about people like me who are going to binge watch it all in 7 days next March while the CW shows are on a spring break hiatus.
The basic service, CBS All Access Limited Commercials, costs $5.99 per month for CBS Live and access to the On Demand library (with ads). If sitting through ads isn’t your thing, you can upgrade to CBS All Access Commercial Free for $9.99 per month.
You can also opt for an annual subscription. Per CBS, the current cost of a yearly plan breaks down this way:
Limited Commercials Annual Plan: $59.99/annually with a 1 Week Free Trial*
Commercial Free Annual Plan: $99.99/year with a 2-Day Free Trial*
@Captain_Gonru So last night I watched ep 12 or 13 of Legends, the one w/ King Arthur, b/c neither the CW app nor cable had anything other than the last few. It seemed to explain enough that I figured I'd be ok. Went to the library to pick up my kid today from his 3D Printer meeting and found season 2 in a box looking untouched, so I borrowed it. Ep 1 was actually pretty good. Good use of Oliver and it had a nice cliffhanger ending. I'm expecting it to be bad for the next 9 but it's free, and commercial free, so I'm watching 2-3 a day for the next week. Also borrowed X-Men 1st Class so we can watch that, DoFP (Rogue Cut) and Apocalypse.
@Captain_Gonru 1 week later check in, maybe I'll make it a regular Wed thing.
Still haven't see Inhumans, waiting for it to get shorter On Demand, too many commercials now.
Finished Legends. Thought it was much better than the first season. I liked the focus on Mic and Sarah Lance-a-lot. The less Rip the better, crossing my fingers he's gone for good, I'll grant him a cameo for an episode or 2 arc, I'm sure he'll need rescuing eventually the sop. Legion of Doom is better than Vandal Savage. Well Legion of Doom would be better than most and Savage worse than most so it really wasn't close. Maya and Steel way better than the Hawk Egyptians who had no chemistry w/ each other or anyone else. The storyline w/ Maya and Steel was a clone of Haircut and Hawkgirl but it works this time. I have no history w/ the comics so none of that matters to me, just on screen presence and chemistry. Set-up wnding was ridiculous, but that's ok. Oh and no Timeeasters helped. And Mic's opening calling viewers stupid was epic.
X-Men First Class was much better than I thought it would be. My kid wants to know why no Stan Lee cameo but besides that everything was good. My wife, being Jewish, has always had a soft spot for Magneto. I am familiar w/ the comics in this case, and The Hellfire club w/o Jean Grey and Dark Phoenix makes absolutely no sense, but I never compare across mediums, movies, games and comics are all different experiences, timelines and universes to me. Looking forward to Days of Future Past Rogue Cut maybe this weekend. I've always liked Rogue and Anna Paquin. Not enough to watch True Blood, but I liked her as Rogue.
Retail - saw Target is moving stuff around, moved amiibo to Lego D and have an entire STEM section in videogames. I took a pic but it's still on my phone.
@Captain_Gonru "and not getting some"
Sarah getting some is pretty much the only reason to watch the show. Though I think her kiss w/ Guinevere was about it for her this year, she was too busy trying to be Captain, poor thing.
Oh, funny story. The DVD had deleted scenes. There were 2 scenes from the episode - maybe #2 - w/ JSA. 1 was Jax talking up Taylor Swift wannabe Stargirl and the other was her and him kissing goodbye. So they basically cut out his 1 love interest from both seasons. They should let him hook-up w/ Gray's daughter next season. Well if she still exists. Do you know what the main thread is for this season? Looks like a whole season of Gullivers Travels, just trying to fix different versions of reality, but that doesn't sound like an entire season, just a few episodes. I probably won't watch it until next summer anyway, everything is SO MUCH BETTER w/o commercials. V on CW Seed w/ the same 4 commercials 5x every epsidoe is killing us. Well except the Victoria Secret sports bra commercial, that one's ok.
Don't know about ST, my son was watching them on his own in his bedroom on his monitor on Amazon Prime, he only watched 3 or 4 before we canceled, but I have no idea what version they were. Didn't even really think about it.
@Captain_Gonru Jax may be the only one on all the shows, everyone else has either been married or in a relationship. And some have kids, imaginary or otherwise.
@Captain_Gonru Just watched ep 1 & 2 of Inhumans. The 3 of us panned it 8 ways to Sunday. I'm not sure I've ever seen a show with zero redeeming value.
The trailer for 2013 animated movie actually looks worse, but I can't deal w/ those slideshow graphics.
The 4 minute making of the animated film, narrated by some director who looks like she's 12 years old, was better than ep 1 & 2.
Think I'll hold off on the last 6 eps until they're all done.
@Captain_Gonru Oh sorry, thought you were going to watch Inhumans when it was on, apologies. I won't be watching any more episodes until I can watch them all on demand in a week - there's only 8 and I've already seen 2 so...
Haven't seen anything anywhere as I haven't been out of the house since my angiogram on Thursday, my right wrist is killing me, which went well for the most part, need to get an MRI next, haven't called the office yet to set it up as my Dr is an annoying conceited hipster, may need a new one.
One way or another we'll have a Switch in 2 weeks. Even though I've already put down $50 at Gamestop I may still get it elsewhere, we'll see what offers pop up in the Sunday paper. Finished Gears of War 3 - good trilogy - so I need to reformat my X1 and trade it in.
CW shows started last night, you watching them now or later? I'll watch ep 1 of DC Legends but probably wait on the rest until next summer. Just discovered Constatine is in ep 8 + 9 so I'll have to watch those, and the cross-over, so maybe I'll watch until the holiday break. I started watching Mr. Robot to offset the horror that was Inhumans, better than I expected. I may need to start doing drugs now.
@Captain_Gonru Constantine is on CW Seed if you still have your Xbox One. I had to buy season 2 of V b/c I coudlnt 'stand all of the commercials watching season 1. $10 for 10 episodes, that's how bad the commercials were. Constaine was great, my wife and I still wish for a season 2, it was just getting good. Netflix should pick it up, they do that. Or CW, Supernatural has to end eventually.
Good call on putting off INhumans until after CW. Be like me and watch them all in 1 week while CW is on it's usual break all of December.
@Captain_Gonru "two episodes too many"
I liked AoS enough that I didn't care this season about the too many episodes. Season 2 was about 20 episodes too long so I do put things in context. Binge watching shows certainly makes the filler episodes stand out in almost everything I watch, even shows I really like like Jessica Jones - which was only 13 to begin with - has 2 or 3 too many. Though I do realize most of it is me, I hate almost everything, which is sad but true. I'm just glad I've found so many shows lately I do like - Preacher, Ballers, Westworld, Mr. Robot, Brockmire, the Netflix Marvel shows not named Iron Fist, heck I even liked season 2 of DC Legends, owing in no small part to season 1 being a horrible mess so way low expectations. Breaking Bad I had high expectations for, but after season 1 was so lame I haven't been motivated to go back to it, maybe someday.
So for me, that's a lot of tv, not to mention GoT but that's a cultural event more like the SuperBowl at this point than TV. Though 2 weeks from today I pick up the Switch, so I can get back to gaming. Too much of TV or gaming bores me, so I need to go back and forth so I want to do one, not just out of habit.
Oh, and I realize I didn't mention the CW shows, I enjoy them as something to do w/ my wife, but I can't get excited for all of those commercials week after week, and really it's hard for me to watch shows for 9 months, by month 6 or 7 I've forgotten and stopped caring about months 1 and 2. I've been Netflixified into a binge preferring Netflix zombie. Though my definition of binge watching is an episode a day, not 8 a day, but I prefer it that way.
2 weeks to Mario, that's what matters, good to be excited for a videogame again. Then XC2 a month later. And Horizon in there somewhere.
Oh, my kid is helping host a SSB tournament tonight for his HS robotics team. I'm lending them my Wii U and game. The Wii U lives!! I should tell Slig, he'd be excited.
@Captain_Gonru Preacher is trying too hard, way too hard probably, but it just works enough. I give it a little leeway being based on a comic, if I didn't know that I'd probably write it off.
Guess who just got back from playing SMO at Target? 😆 Thanks for the heads up. They sold 2 SNES Mini while I was there. Said they got in 24 this morning, had 4 left when I left. Gotta admit I was tempted, but $80 is too rich for our blood. I spent $175 in April to play Rare Replay and out of those 30 games I really only liked 1 Kameo, but not enough to finish it. And I just can't stomach the angular look of N64 games. But I'll hopefully get $100 of that back, but we don't need a SNES Mini.
The SSB Tournament only had about a dozen people show up. They used to have 3x that a few years ago. Of course it was only $4 back then, now it's $10, they may have priced themselves out of business.
Have a good weekend. If we get to watch Days of Future Past I'll let you know. Oh and the CW shows too, but we'll probably hold off on those until after I finish 1886 The Order on PS4.
@Captain_Gonru the circle throw
I've been complaining about that for months, it's rubbish. Just like I was complaining about them taking the map off the Gamepad for Zelda U and everybody was all "you're retarded, they aren't going to take the map out, it's in the game, try hitting the pause button why don't you".
So now we're stuck with jerking things all over the place and half the time it still doesn't work.
I've been a bit under the weather since getting a Switch, so all I've done is complain about it. Hopefully I'll get healthy and get to enjoy it soon. 😆
@Captain_Gonru "There's one move mapped to two buttons, and another button unused. I've got to wonder if a patch is in the cards, somewhere down the road."
That's the annoying part, unused buttons. The spin cap move is so unanimously complained about online SURELY it must have come up during testing. Considering how hard it is for me to effectively use roll and even long jump bc/ of the button combos SURELY they could have had a button combo for the spin throw.
I think there will be an update. There have been a few times where I thought stuff could be added. I'd like to be able to scroll thru the maps, not just see the one I'm on. Considering we can scroll moons scrolling maps seems easy. And more explanation in the bestiary. And add a bestiary for NPCs and others. That gliding lizard (sorry if that's a spoiler) is pretty cool. And the Jaxi.
And honestly, I never ever never ever thought I'd say this, but SMO is making me miss Miiverse. I used Miiverse a lot while playing Zelda U, that game was so photogenic. Now Mario. And I have to post stuff to Twitter, or FB blech, but Switch doesn't have a twitter app so I can't see what anybody else is posting. That doesn't make any sense. My kids also used Miiverse a lot, but they're12 and 15 and have no use for Twitter or FB. They've been taking pics but they just sit there.
Oh, and that's another thing, not sure if your wife has her own account, but we can only filter pics by pic or vid, memory or SD card, so all 3 of us have our stuff all mixed up all together. Why? Why is there no filter by user? (OK, that's a OS update, not SMO patch)
But yes, there will be a SMO update. There already was day 1, more will come. It will at least be version 1.4 when all is said and done.
Since I don't see you on twitter, my best pic.

"My Silver Mario amiibo turned me into C3PO"
It's weird, they made a gold Mario costume, but not Silver. I feel so insulted.
Feeling better today, thanks. Tore a 2' hole in my bedroom wall yesterday trying to fix our roof leak in the torrential downpour. Almost 70 year old house is losing it, like me. Which reminds me, need to call my cardiologist for my MRI. Fun fun fun.
@Captain_Gonru Home ownership, fun fun fun.
You probably know this already, but we are supposed to be able to move user accounts, not the whole thing, just 1 user, onto a new Switch. NL did a vid on it a few days back.
So it might be easier than you think to make your wife her own account now. Though we still have to share pics and vids all in 1 folder. With 3 of us playing Mario that's a lot of pics and vids.
@Captain_Gonru "but instead went back to the previous two, and have been Moon hunting."
I did exactly the same thing. Picked forest world - I dread water and ice in all Mario games - but then went back to fossil land and Hat land. i think I'm up to 61 moons now. Next time I play I'm off to forest world.
Since I've been discussing it with everyone else, have I asked you abut Mr. Robot? The USA tv show now on season 3. I've watched an ep a day for the past 3 weeks, almost caught up. Season 1 was awesome 2 was ok, we'll see what 3 brings.
And you're welcome. Now you can let your wife play and get her a Switch for Christmas. Or is she waiting for an AC game?
@Captain_Gonru Working hard? You make 1 comment a day every other day.
This Punisher commentary showed up in my Google feed today. Don't know what Uproxx is but it wasn't a bad write-up.
We're halfway thru Inhumans and it's almost tolerable. Have you seen the Verizon add w/ the guy on the bike who says H2+O at the end? I'm going to kill myself next time I see it. We're keeping up w/ our CW shows, DC Legends became good last season and it's still going, I just watch it knowing it's all slapstick nonsense and none of it every pretends anymore to make any sense. Arrow, as I predicted, should have ended after season 5. Actually it may have ended after season 5 b/c I have no idea what that is I'm watching. It has to get better b/c it can't get any worse. So. Bad. Sad. Flash meanwhile is kicking it, it's like they know how bad Arrow is so they are trying to get as far away from it as possible, practically mocking it talking about how good looking Oliver is.
We're supposed to be going to see Thor this weekend, if I can stomach $60 for 4 people to see a 2 hour movie. That's not imax, NY standard prices.
Oh, went off on Friday over on PS, basically begging them to ban me, which if it happens I get banned on here too, so if I go away, well I'll find you.
Don't work too hard, get some fun in. 3 weeks to AoS Dec 1.
@Captain_Gonru "Interesting" at work sounds bad, but blame it on the weather, weather has been weird. And Halloween almost didn't happen. 100 pieces of candy, I think I gave out 7. The whole world is interesting in a bad way. Global warming is melting our brains or something.
How goes Mario? You bringing the Switch out and about? I'm up to about 607 moons, think I'm done. SMG was better I think, I'd re-play an HD remake of 1 + 2. Not getting XC2 now b/c of the "half the price of the whole game" $30 season pass. Loaded up on PS4 games on sale at the Target B2G1 so I'm good.
@Captain_Gonru "I can't play it in portable mode, though. I got too used to the motion controls."
Yeah, I got used to the motion after awhile as well. Was planning on getting a Pro but doubt it now as I'm protesting the XC2 season pass. I did find that the circle throw was easier w/ the Grip, just let go w/ my right hand and flick it to the left w/ my left hand, but there is almost no reason to use that move in the game. Sunshine had you spin a lot more.
So what have you been doing, just working and sleeping and home repair?
@Captain_Gonru OK enough about AC:PC for now...
Saw Thor this weekend, took me awhile to get used to the fact they turned it into Laurel and Hardy - very DC Legends like - but it was still really good. Immigrant Song twice didn't hurt.
Just finished watching ep 8 of Inhumans, it was like watching ep 1 but in reverse. The series really was bad. It may have been worse than Iron Fist. Thank goodness AoS returns next Friday.
I'm all caught up w/ the DC shows besides Supergirl which I'm not watching ever except the cross-over next week. Arrow unbelievably is on Thanksgiving night. I'm hoping they take a long holiday break after the crossover.
My son is getting pretty much every Dragonball anime on DVD that we don't already have so I'm going to be spending 6 months of 2018 watching DBZ. Still not sure when we'll be getting Netflix for Punisher. I'm also not watching Runwaways or any other "mutant" tv show. We saw the trailer for New Mutants before Thor and weren't pleased, we're not big horror fans.
Have a nice Thanksgiving, I think you'll be working a lot after that so enjoy it while you can. I'm going away for the weekend, I'll catch back up w/ ya after ya catch up w/ the CW shows whenever your schedule permits.
PS: Feel free to friend rjejr if you run into him in AC:PC
@Captain_Gonru Sorry about Inhumans, thought you had finished it. I'm just going to keep quiet from now on.
See the Avengers trailer yet?
My wife is in bed sick, I feel it coming on, so I'm cutting this one short. Hope you and Mrs. Gonru had a good holiday weekend and you weren't stampeded to death by any BF shoppers. 😆
@Captain_Gonru Nothing like those random Tuesdays off.
In case you missed it, Jessica Jones in March. 18th maybe. I'll watch Punisher then as well.
We're up to date on CW with 1 Arrow left, and 2/3 of the last Legends, got called away. They start back up January 16th FYI.
If you want my recommendations for tomorrow, Shield. Then CW. Then Inhumans, then Punisher b/c what's the rush? Though if your wife is waiting on you for Punisher, well I'm a jerk most of the time, but I am a fan of chivalry, ladies first.
Logan came on HBO this weekend, really looking forward to that, hopefully next Sunday. I'm a Wolverine fan since his inception in Hulk, Jackman is good, and nobody plays old like Picard. Young scrappy kicks ass girl is a bonus.
Saw Spiderman Homecoming at my sisters yesterday. Wasn't bad, better than I expected b/c I had seriously low expectations. Do you remember/know ABC After School Specials? It was like that.
Enjoy your day off. Tomorrow starts Hanukkah, I have 16 gifts to wrap. Then Christmas week in Michigan. Then my son's bar mitzvah January 20th. If I seem nutter than usual, I am. Bombs going off near my wife's job not helping.
@Captain_Gonru Merry Christmas from the blizzard in Michigan, where there are no plows or snowblowers, just snow every where. I was thinking on the 12 hour car ride here you were one of the guys I forgot to say Merry Christmas to so glad you reached out. I was here looking for an article about the eshop errors and the down for Maintenance messages, my kid got the season pass with Lego Marvel 2 and we can't redeem it. My sister's kids got a Wii U with Nintenfo Land do they've been playing 5 player for 2 hours now. Mario chase uses the camera that I forgot the game pad had.
This blizzard is insane, I'm gonna go cry now, my hotel is now only 13 minutes aways but they don't plow here, not even the hotel.I can't see my car. Reach ed Force Awakens last night, planning on watching Wonder Woman tonight, going to see Last Jedri tomorrow morning for my nieces birthday, I'll give you me verdict over the weekend. Now go enjoy. 😊
@Captain_Gonru Sorry about all the typos last message, even for me that was pretty bad.
So is it cold where you are, if not can I visit?
Slid off the road in Michigan, $480 repair bill for a bent lower control arm. Still not happy about those unplowed roads.
Did see WW, which was the female version of Captain America fighting Ares from God of War, so I'm not sure what all the praise is about. Though I also feel that way about Captain America 1. She was good, and the message was good, but my expectations were too high. My wife said they used the same special effects as the CW shows. That's not praise, it's ridicule.
Last Jedi was a good ending to the 8 movies. Funny enough I didn't want to see it b/c I wanted to wait for 9 to tie it all up, now I don't know what will be in 9. Though we've never discussed SW before so I'll just leave it there. It is worth going to see though if you're on the fence. Theaters are $5 in Michigan. Id' go see A LOT of movies for $5 in those big new reclining seats. Only in summer though, I'm done w/ Michigan in the winter, it's not safe.
You don't care about Dr. Who right? Saw the Christmas special last night, it was ok for Dr. Who, good for most TV.
I bought us a FireTV for $25, came w/ a free month of CBS Online so we'll be watching ST:D in Feb after it finishes, I think the last ep in season 1 is mid Feb. You start yet? We discussed it for awhile but I can't recall you actually watching it, maybe the first ep.
We're 1 ep left of Shield, waiting for tomorrow free on demand when it's 48 minutes, not 61. Surely your caught up by now.
We're still holding out on NF until March so you can tell me how Punisher was but you'll be spared my usual negativity.
Man, it's good to be home, even w/ this cold I brought back. Canceled on my firends party tomorrow night. Have plans NY Eve and NY Day then back to normal. Do you know what a bar mitzvah is? Short version - $5,000 wedding reception for a 13 year old boy. That's 3 weeks from tomorrow, I'll really be happy when that's over. And it's warm again.
Happy New Year!! 2018 has to be better right?
@Captain_Gonru I'd take 26'. It was supposed to start snowing today at noon so I got up at 8 to go food shopping but it's snowing already, ugh Food isn't really necessary is it?
I thought the WW special effects were fine, if Ares was a bit odd, but my wife, well she's a harsh critic.
Glad you're caught up, mostly, and you finally had a chance to watch Punisher w/ your wife so I know you two finally had a chance to sit down and relax. I think everybody was talking about how good the crossover was - in comparison to last year - when Supergrl's ep wasn't even part of it and we all got suckered in to watching it for no reason. this season it did feel just like 1 long movie, which was better than making each show fit into the arc. That double wedding at the end was ridicuoulsy lame, but I felt like it shut up the Olicity fans - they're a thing on social media - so it's good to get that out of the way. Arrow is still currently the worst show on tv though. I can't recall the last ep which I think started well but ended as expected, but I honestly can only remember the first 5 minutes, maybe I fell asleep and missed the rest? Of course the only thing I clearly recall from the crossover is Mic saying "Did you hit that?" and Sara smacking him in the back of the head. Legends is like a fan fiction web series at times. Oh, I am really looking forward to the next ep. Hurrah, I finally remembered something good and something to look forward to, this email was way to morbid.
I never did find out why people were opposed to SW. I know reviews were split, but now that I've seen it I guess I don't care why people didn't like it, but there were certainly reasons. Nobody says Leia like Mark Hamil though. Nobody.
OK, think that about wraps things up for us, enjoy your 3 day weekend if your job allows you a 3 day weekend. Stay warm. Shield is mostly good if you and the missus want to snuggle up to catch up.
@Captain_Gonru I saw an ad for Ray somewhere, I was going to watch it but it seemed like it was slowly dripping out rather than a Netflix like dump so I'll wait for it to be finished.
Watched Logan today, it wasn't as good as I had hoped but it was good enough. I think I'm done w/ mutant movies now until Dark Phoenix. Next up the 3 new(ish) Apes movies, then Hobbit and LotR.
All right, short one for a change, enjoy the rest of your weekend.
@Captain_Gonru Happy New Year to you too, have we really not talked in 2 weeks? It's been crazy here getting ready for my son's bar mitzvah next Saturday, he turned 13 today, and my car troubles, and 16" of snow and zero temps, and football playoffs always distract me this time of year. I feel like 2 weeks have gone by so fast where I've done nothing either video game or TV related since I watched Logan. I signed up for a week of Sling just to watch the College Championship - worth it - but watched nothing else. No wait, I finished Mr. Robot. No wait, that was my 1 week free trial of YouTube TV to watch the Dr. Who Christmas special.
Ok, on with the (CW) shows.
My wife says Barry can't be the time remant b/c the time remant was never created by distraught Barry after Savitar killed Iris, which he didn't, so Barry never creates the time remants to fight him.
I don't recall any of that b/c it happened more than 15 minutes ago, but here's my take - time remant Barry wouldn't say "don't run". You did say you were caught up right, otherwise that's a huge spoiler. 😆 Now I never read Flash, so I'm not seeing things you are, but it just feels like Barry is Barry b/c Mentallo is now the other guy and one body swap is enough per season.
Arrow may be the worst show on tv. OK that's harsh, there are hundreds of shows on TV and I only watch 6 or 7 (Arrow, Flash, Legends, Mr. Robot, GoT but not this year, Westworld this year but not last year, Preacher, How to Train Your Dragon, Trollhunter, AoS) but it's currently the worst of those. Which I foresaw years ago when I realized the show was created from the start to end after 5 years, and I've always feared what would happen after Oliver story was finished being told. They go on without him, but they let him marry Felicity as a consolation prize for the fans. ugh
CALLED IT!!! That only helps if you were watching the Vikings Saints game. 10 seconds left, I tell my wife, anything can hapoen, it's not over yet, stuff happens, guys run into each other, guys fall down. Everybody is thinking about the field goal but the touchdown could happen. And he throws the pass, and the guys falks, and hits his owner player, and that's that. So called it. Also funny, right before that I was talking about how bad I felt for Vikings fans b/c the Super bowl was there, and they would so crush the Eagles. Now we'll see. They still can't beat Brady though, nobody can. I hate Brady.
Ok, where was I? Guess I picked a bad time to reply, huh. 😛
Shield has been good, my son keeps us up to date on that one.
You see the Mini ND?
Ok, heart is racing from the game and too much coffee, I gotta go breath, sorry.
@Captain_Gonru Star City has run out of more than good villains, how many cops gave died? Why would anybody join that police force, red shirts on ST in the future are watching Arrow saying, "man I wouldn't want to be a cop in that city, you're as good as dead." Underground bomb, zombie apocalypse, riots in the streets, random villains and viligantes. Couldn't pay me enough.
Barry not being Barry makes perfect sense in that "is not is" Flashpoint time line where nothing makes any sense b/c they've rewritten things more times than they can count. Throw the speed force into the time line rewrites, then add in the multiverses, and there is no reason for anybody on that show not to think they are in a mental instuition drawing on the walls in crayon. So Barry being "something else" actually makes way more sense than Barry being the real Barry b/c odds are more likely it isn't the 1 and only Barry. Not sure what it is, just not Barry. Also he came out crazy, so there's that.
But I'm hoping it's Barry, b/c I don't what to spend the next 3 seasons listening to them discuss what happened with whom on their wedding night.
If this season is all not Barry, might as well go full Dallas and have Iris waking from a dream where she imagined Barry came back from the speed force but he hasn't yet. Would explain the ridiculous joke of a villain. Buffy the Vampire Slayer would finish him off in 1 episode.
That's no 2nd rate LoD, it's more like the moderately amusing gathering of nobodies. The Legends wouldn't even bother with them. And I'm so over black canaries ex boyfriend cop vigilante. Totally over it.
Bar mitzvah is gonna kill me, just spent 15 minutes of trial run with the kids clothes, I thought it was gonna turn into a bloodbath. 15 minutes like like an hour, it was horrible. Ugh, 6 more days, at least the weather is cooperating. I've been avoiding the local government range weather reports but can't avoid it now. Or do anything other than cross my fingers. Ulcer here I come.
Teen Titans Go has been good lately, can we just start talking about that?
@Captain_Gonru Batman v Superman
So it wasn't as bad as I'd read. It helped that I watched the first weird boring 90 minutes, then took a 2 hour break for dinner, then watched the last hour which was just like watching Wonder Woman only, nah it was pretty much just like watching the last hour of Wonder Woman.
Actually looking forward to Justice League, think Redbox gets it in March. I'm not going back to watch any of the old Batman or Superman movies though, it was Afleck's first and Henry Cavil is a horrible Superman. Well maybe he's not terrible I just didn't like him, maybe b/c I didn't see Man of Steel. And Lois Lane wasn't working for me. Actress was fine she just seemed too young and insecure. Again, maybe had I'd seen the previous movie, but I didn't. I really liked the African American actor who I think was playing Secretary of State, seen him in stuff before, he's always good. Lex was good too. I still haven't seen Suicide Squad, which I now isn't really related, but I'll probably watch anyway just for Harley Quinn, b/c I'm a dirty old man.
My wife says we have to start watching the CW shows again. Flash is ok, but I'm really not looking forward to wasting any more of my life on Arrow. It has to get better though, right? My wife is gonna start watching Legends next month b/c Constantine. She's a dirty old lady.
So, your job affected at all by TRU store closings? The one near me and the one near my mom are both closing, but we're mostly a Amazon family at this point anyway. It's not lost on me that's why they're closing.
And don't forget to start watching AoS when you have the time.
@Captain_Gonru Ok, I'll stop bugging you about AoS, I'm only watching it live b/c of my son anyway.
TV shows are made for stupid people, so I expect and accept some stupidity, but I do expect more of my movies. Glad I skipped Man of Steel though, sounds unbearable. And I figured he'd be back for Justice League, even without the dirt rising from the coffin, which again, is only there for stupid people. I would have just laid him out in the sun for a few days, guy survived a nuke in space, what's a nail to the chest, krptonite or no. And there's no way I watch Krypton, I forsee Inhumans like unwatchability.
Did you watch ST:D? I'm probably starting it next week, I got a free month of CBS w/ my Fire I need to sign up for.
So, anywhere you want me to shop to save your job? Well besides the closed TRU? 😊
@Captain_Gonru As for where to shop, just in a store.
But, but, but... then I have to leave the house. I do shop at Target twice a week, hope that helps.
I just signed up for my 1 month free trial of CBS All Access, got 30 days to watch 15 episodes, 3 of which still need to air. Then I cancel, not paying $9.99 per month for 1 show.
@Captain_Gonru You won't burst into flames
Have you checked a thermometer lately? Bursting into flames really isn't my worry. I'm a big fan of hibernation.
Watched ep 1 of STD last night. I'm refraining from commenting further, maybe until I finish all 15. Watched ep 10 of Flash tonight w/ the courtroom and Fallout. Probably watching 10 of Arrow later. Though if I could walk outside and burst into flames to get out of it, I would.
BTW, what you up to gaming these days? I'm trying to work thru Zelda BotW DLC but it sucks, getting sent to places where nothing happens. Thinking about starting Horizon for the 100th time. I've technically started it 3x, I'm like an hour in.
Oh, I went to the grocery store today and found this.

@Captain_Gonru Gonru!!!!
"I'm curious if there's anything I should be looking out for."
You mean since the overhaul? I'm not sure, I'll ask her? No, she doesn't think so, sorry.
I've being seeing that Mario cereal almost every time I shop now, you should be able to find it. I still haven't purchased any yet.
Oh, good news, I may go see Black Panther as I just found out there is a $5 matinee theater 10 minutes way, just re-opened in August. It's small, way small, but they just remodeled everything. I'll take it for $5. Probably take the kids during winter break, Feb 19-23.
Was near TRU a couple of times last week - I now drive 15 minutes out of my way to not have to pay 5c per bag food shopping, that's a thing in Suffolk county now where I live, all stores have to charge 5c per bag, Target, grocery shopping, at the mall. B/c my life isn't hectic enough w/ $80 red light cameras on every corner. Anyway I didn't see any "going out of business" signs, but I didn't go in either, have to get home for the kid by 3:00. I'll go check it out tomorrow and let you know.
Do you have cable or satellite? I'm planning on canceling my tv and phone tomorrow - we have the triple play - and maybe getting a streaming service instead and using our smartphones, 4 people and 4 phones in our house. DirectTV Now is offering the first 3 months for $10 each so we'll start there. Though I hooked up a clothes hangar to my TV and got several channels, not CW or ABC though for our shows and Shield, so I need something. CW app is fine and free, ABC sucks though.
Watched Hobbit 1 w/ my kids yesterday, we're going to watch 1 movie a weekend for 6 weekends in a row. Not sure of your interest in those.
Oh, need IFC for Brockmire. I need more Brockmire. 4/25. 2 months. I think that's nearly the same date as Westworld. Need to rewatch all of that.
I think I actually had more than that, but senility. I'll catch ya later.
PS - Arrow had 1 good ep - they remembered they were married - then a really bad 1. I may be done after this season, I can't take the stupidity anymore. Super heroes shouldn't be fighting hackers, they should be fighting super villains. Rob Porter is more of a threat than Cayden. Looking forward to Legends. Constantine and Brockmire drinking in a bar while fighting zombies would be more epic than From Dusk 'til Dawn, which was itself epic in it's time.
@Captain_Gonru Not Direct TV w/ the satellite set-up, Direct TV NOW like Sling or PS Vue or Hulu Live or Youtube TV. About a year ago I had an installation scheduled w/ FIOS but then Cablevision (now Altice) made me an offer, so I stayed. Thing is, we don't really watch enough TV to pay anything for it. I'm paying $150 now for internet, TV, and phone, if we cancel TV and phone it'll be about $70, so $35 for DirectTV Now saves me $45 a month. That's almost $600 a year. That's a lot for homemaker like me. And if we don't pay for DirectTV that's another $300.
Glad you wrote back, my senility moment was STD. We're about 6 episodes in and it's good so far. We should finish before our free month is up, kids are off next week for school so no homework.
Still can't get my kids into Potter, first movie was so slow. I still want to watch the rest, but we'll see. My wife and kids actually played Pokemon Monopoly board game today while I napped, Sunday after the Superbowl always leaves me napping. And contemplating the cord cutting.
All right going to bed now. Or watching Flash, gotta discuss it w/ the mrs while we prepare for bed. lata
@Captain_Gonru Saw NY toy show was this weekend, recalled you were going again. Glad you enjoyed yourself and had a night out.
I cut the cord, what an ordeal. You can read all about it about halfway down the article What are you playing this weekend in my reply to Jaxon. #88
Baseball is also an issue for me, but I'm annoyed that the Yankees channel YES is available in several OTT packages but the Mets channel SNY (Sportsnet NY) isn't. If they want me to watch, they'll make themselves available. Maybe if the Tim Tebow fans start demanding it. 😛 And MLB has GOT to get rid of blackout restrictions, so freaking stupid. I might pay $100 to watch the Mets, but I'm not paying anything to watch every team except the Mets. 😠
I ordered PSVR yesterday, probably in part due to my cable trauma. $200 for headset, camera and GT Sport which we'll trade in for $22 trade or $18 credit. We played HTC Vive Saturday night and I like PSVR more, less moving, so I can play sitting down, I'm old, tired and lazy.
I just saw that last Flash 2 nights ago, I may have mispoke earlier when I said I was caught up. It was odd. Those shows are all so far beyond belief now. Is Digby going to spend months like that? Reporters will be all over him. Arrow's Star City may as well be in Land of the Lost, so little contact with the outside world. Where are the Trump tweets? "Star City, more like sad city, another dozen cops killed last week, Russians colluding with masked vigilantes, not my campaign." Legends was good, not sure going forward. No shows for 2 weeks. Well maybe Legends, but 1 I can keep up with.
Almost done w/ STD, it's been good. Have to rush this week to finish before canceling CBS.
Which direction outside Philly? I have relatives in King of Prussia. I also spent a couple of years as a patient at Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children (they've since changed the name to something more PC). You'd know the building if you saw it, one of those block long buildings that looks like Arkham Asylum. Thing was freaking huge and terrifying to 15 year old me. Also the most depressing place inside.
You get Presidents Day off? My whole family is home, I need to go cook them breakfast now. Then Hobbit 2 "Legalos Gets Retconned into Hobbit and Chases Them to the Dragon Battle That Never Took Place in the Book".
@Captain_Gonru Super girl sounds much better than Arrow, though it would take a lot to be worse.
Digby wasn't a typo, it's what I call him. It's just easier to say.
People aren't going to stop going to baseball games b/c of tv, they stop going b/c it costs $22 to frakin park. And I'm over 30 miles away, Queens, Nassau, Suffolk. If they want to blackout NYC, fine, mass transit is everywhere. But if I take the train, LIRR, it's $9 each way, and I have to go past the stadium to change trains and come back, not gonna happen. So black out the city, but I don't live in the city, it's a 45 minute drive on non-gamevdays, over an hour each way with game teafgic. Watching in an app won't change that.
So any good toys? I saw a $200 Nerf gun and $120 Hot Wheels set. The $200 PSVR isn't looking too bad now. $70 Labo is the cheapest gift around.
Battery is 5%, screen is dsrk, that's a sign.
@Captain_Gonru Didn't realize you were still there, that's a long business trip away from home. My wife and I have been together 20 years and since we moved in together (yes in sin) in Dec '97 I don't think we've spent longer than 1 night apart. And even that has probably only happened half a dozen times. Oh no wait, her back surgery in '06, she was in the hospital 5 nights. I don't think I slept very well that week.
Yeah, AR Hot Wheels. One of those things that seems really cool and my kids would play with once for 15 minutes. That would probably happen w/ our PSVR except for the 30+ demos we have to experience. Even if we don't really get hooked on any of them long term I figure the experiences for the 4 of us will make it worthwhile.
Got my new cable modem today, wasn't too bad setting it up online. Both the FCC and BBB sent me emails saying Altice should be contacting me shortly, we'll see.
@Captain_Gonru I'm about an hour from midtown by train. Cost is more the issue to me, which I'm not sure what it is anymore exactly, but about $16 each rush hour, $10 each way non-rush hour maybe. And of course I'm here for the kids, 1 of the reasons I'm still not working. By next year that wouldn't be a problem, they need to learn to fend for themselves.
I actually considered asking you when you'd be in town, but I didn't want to come across as the "gay homicidal stalker from the internet" and have your wife worrying about you while you were in NY, she probably does enough of that already between the muggers, bombings, cab drivers and people just running people over. My wife suffers from internet paranoia. Arronsullivan - I'm sure you've seen his comments around these parts - wanted to mail me one of those Spaltoon water pistols b/c I couldn't find one. My wife made him send it to her job in case it was a bomb. True story, you can ask him, he still thinks it's funny. Of course she's a woman, I'm a man, if I were a woman I'd carry a big gun and always have a large growling dog w/ me, world is full of psychos. I am starting to worry about the psychos more as I get older, I don't feel as disinterested on the subway platforms as I used to. I used to figure everybody looked at me and got out of my way, now I'm older and look more like a target. Not enough to frighten me out of doing anything, but I'm more aware of my surroundings.
So yea, next time you're in town give me a holler, I'll buy ya a beer. There are worse people I could be kidnapped and held for ransom by.
@Captain_Gonru My wife and I haven't been on a plane in, well it will be 16 years next month, we flew out to LA hang out with Marc as luck would have it, he snuck us into Universal and the Terminator 4D ride. But it's not so much 9/11 related as $ related, as in we can't afford it. My sisters kids, 3 and 4, probably have 100,000 miles each, relatives in California, friends in Florida, and she travels for business a lot so the family secretively tags along on occasion. Neither of my sons have been on a plane, or train for that matter. Subway, but who hasn't? Someday. We wanted to take them to Disney about 5 years back but the DVD bored them, so we didn't. They've traveled though, Canada, Maine, Michigan, Virginia, anywhere I can drive in 12 hours, that's my travel radius. Most of the major cities in the northeast, NY, Boston, Philly, Baltimore, DC, Hartford. There's nothing in NJ worth mentioning.
But she doesn't worry about me that much, I'm good to go.
@Captain_Gonru Just so you know Constantine doesn't end. We were going to have our son watch it but after the cliffhanger that was the V reboot we decided against it. We started DRAGON BALL Z season 7 last night so we'll be watching that for the next few months.
Legends was good, but with both Constantine and Leo leaving I've lost all interest, and the next episode is another 80s movie. My wife is done without John.
I played Horizon Zero Dawn for 4 straight hours last night. It was nice to play a game like that for that long in 1 shot, I usually only play for an hour, which is horrible for a game like that. Game is beautiful and the world so real. Also started Uncharted Lost Legacy over the weekend, and that game looks more like real life, which is boring compared to H:ZD. It's going to take a whole lot to impress me after this, we'll see how GoW does.
Last day of FEBRUARY, always good to see that month go, I'm not a fan of winter. Spent half of yesterday finishing up my taxes, it was free on H&R Block, both federal and state, so that's done. I think it's time for the job hunt, I'll be unemployed 16 years in 2 weeks, wish me luck.
@Captain_Gonru Sounds to me like you need to fathom some more as that was indeed episodes 9 and 10.
"He will appear in episodes nine and 10 of Legends of Tomorrow season three,"
On the bright side, even though there is no season 2 the web series should eb out any day now, so that's something to look forward too.
Did you know JJ comes out on International Women's Day? Show has been getting bad p/reviews but I don't care. Plus, if I watch it back to back w/ Punisher it should seem awesome in comparison. Will probably have to wait though until we're done w/ season 9 of DBZ, so probably late April.
Oooohhhh, lookie what I found.
OK, I have to stop now, I'm starting to question my masculinity.
@Captain_Gonru Yeah, I'm on twitter. I've been avoiding it the last couple of days b/c I stupidly started discussing guns w/ some NRA guys but i usually check it every day.
This is me.
If you happen to peruse my past comments you'll find I spend most of my time chatting up hot chicks, it's a whole different side of me, but I am usually happier on there, no dress code, so there's that.
Not sure it will be easier though, have you ever known me to keep anything under 240 characters?
Oh, just realized this is about your work isn't it? I'll go back and delete those comments, no prob, I'm just slow to catch on sometimes.
@Captain_Gonru Oh yeah, forgot about the DM's, I dont' do those with all the women I follow for fear of being blocked. I'll go check ti out now cause there's nothing in my inbox. Did you DM me?
Found it. Seriously, you;'re Captain Gonru on there? Why didn't you just say so, I didn't look bc/ everybody I know on there from here uses their real name, it's very confusing at times. Not that it takes much.
OK we're good to go. It's not gonna be the same though.
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