Well, E3 has crept up rather quickly, hasn't it? The expo is due to run from 13th to 15th June but, as veterans of the LA show will know, that's only the beginning. A lot of companies will be broadcasting showcases and live press conferences before the doors are even open, and then there'll be live streams galore during the week.
Nintendo, of course, seems to be set to go big this year. Super Mario Odyssey will be a key attraction, while the company will broadcast the 'Nintendo Spotlight' to showcase games, and then have three days of Nintendo Treehouse demonstrations and even live tournaments for Splatoon 2 and ARMS. Though the 3DS will get a bit of a look-in, it's also clear that the Nintendo Switch is going to be the big focus.
Beyond the big N there are other publishers to check out, too, and with the Switch picking up solid early momentum we may have more third-party news to follow than in recent years.
In the interest of being helpful, then, we've produced a breakdown of the key events that you'll be able to follow online. We'll be hosting and live blogging all of the major streams right here on the site, of course, and will be updating this guide as more details emerge nearer the show's opening.
So, let's get to it.

Nintendo Spotlight, Treehouse and Splatoon 2 World Inkling Invitational - starting 13th June at 9am Pacific / noon Eastern / 5pm UK / 6pm CEST
This will certainly be a busy day. The big kick-off is with the Nintendo Spotlight presentation, which will surely be the showcase around which the rest of the big N's week will revolve. It'll be focused mostly on Nintendo Switch games coming in 2017; Super Mario Odyssey has already been highlighted as a key feature, but there'll likely be plenty of other games shown, from those we already know about to inevitable surprises.
The Treehouse will follow right after, and based on past years we can expect a lot of in-depth previews of Switch games shown in the Spotlight and, of course, some 3DS games as well.
Also on this day we'll have the Splatoon 2 World Inkling Invitational at approximately 2:30pm Pacific / 5:30pm Eastern / 10:30pm UK / 11:30pm CEST. There'll be four teams - “Deadbeat” from the United States, “Dynameu” from Japan, “Rising Moon” from Europe and “Blue Ringed Octolings” from Australia/New Zealand. Announcers will be avid Splatoon player, Nintendo fan, athlete and broadcaster Jordan Kent, Ashley Esqueda of CNET and the Nintendo Treehouse’s Eric Smith.
Nintendo Treehouse, Pokken Tournament DX Invitational and ARMS Open Invitational - 14th June starting at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK / 7pm CEST
This day will focus primarily on the Treehouse team and their demonstrations of games over a number of hours, but there will also be two tournaments to break up the day.
After an introduction by the Treehouse team we'll kick into the Pokkén Tournament DX Invitation at 10:30am Pacific / 1:30pm Eastern / 6.30pm UK / 7:30pm CEST. Eight YouTube and Twitch stars will split into four teams of two and compete for the title, with D1 and VikkiKitty providing commentary.
In addition there'll be the ARMS Open Invitational, starting at approximately 3:30pm Pacific / 6:30pm Eastern / 11:30pm UK / 12:30am CEST (15th June). Prior to this players will be able to compete on the show floor (this likely won't be shown in full) to try and qualify for a final eight that'll include four pro players. These will be Alex Valle of Street Fighter fame; Kelsy Medeiros, aka SuperGirlKels, a professional Super Smash Bros. for Wii U player hailing from Canada; acclaimed Super Smash Bros. player Daniel “Tafokints” Lee; and French Super Smash Bros. player Marie-Laure “Kayane” Norindr, one of the world’s most decorated professional female fighting game players in history. Announcers for the tourney include Super Smash Bros. broadcasters D1 and VikkiKitty.
Nintendo Treehouse - 15th June starting at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK / 7pm CEST
As of right now only the Treehouse is pegged for the final day of live broadcasts from Nintendo, which will be another chance to check out game demonstrations.

Platform Rivals
Microsoft - 11th June at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern / 10pm UK / 11pm CEST
This is a big year for Microsoft as it's expected to lift the lid on Project Scorpio, a mid-gen upgrade / refresh in the Xbox family of consoles.
Sony - 12th June at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern / 2am UK /3am CEST
Sony is rather mean to its European fans (in terms of timing) courtesy of its quest to upstage Microsoft, and we can certainly expect the usual press conference formula. For Sony you can expect a big push on exclusive games in order to try and undermine the console reveal from Microsoft. Our colleagues at Push Square will be covering this one live.

Third-Parties Related to Nintendo (sort of)
Ubisoft - 12th June at 1pm Pacific / 4pm Eastern / 9pm UK / 10pm CEST
Well, it's not just about Just Dance any more, though you can be darn sure that it'll feature and be confirmed for Nintendo Switch. This year we'll surely see a certain Nintendo-themed crossover, unless Nintendo wants to have dibs on that reveal the following day. There's genuine hope, too, that Ubisoft will have one or two more Switch titles to confirm, even if they're ports. We could also do with release dates for Steep and Rayman Legends: Definitive Edition.
The suggestion seems to be that devs will host rather than Aisha Tyler, which could deprive us of some memorable moments, sadly.
EA - 10th June at 12pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern / 8pm UK / 9pm CEST
EA puts less stock in E3 every year, albeit this year it's running a competing 'Play' event nearby for fans to try out the company's games. From a Nintendo perspective this could be interesting just to see if FIFA for Nintendo Switch makes an appearance.
Bethesda - 11th June at 9pm Pacific / 12am Eastern (12th June) / 5am UK / 6am CEST
This normally appears in the 'other events of interest' section, but this year we could get a glimpse of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for the Nintendo Switch; that start time is brutal, though...
Devolver Digital - 11th June at 10pm Pacific / 1am Eastern / 6am UK / 7am CEST
This is opening up a broader Indie-centric show, and Devolver Digital has said it won't be revealing 'new games'. Nevertheless it has shared its intention to publish on Switch so may confirm some existing projects as getting ports on the Nintendo system.

Other Events of Interest
PC Gaming Show - 12th June at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK / 7pm CEST
For you PC Gamers, this one guarantees some dodgy presenting and some games to gawk at.
Reveals From The Show Floor and PR Departments - 10th to 15th June
It's surprising how much gets announced outside of the major press conferences and live streams, with plenty of publishers bombarding our inboxes with announcements and assets; when they're relevant we share them with you. Some publishers like Natsume have already revealed what they're taking to the show, but we'll also be watching companies like Capcom, Bandai Namco and Koei Tecmo with interest.
So there you have it, the festivities of this year's E3. We'll be going all out, as always, to share the news here on Nintendo Life, while our chums at Push Square will be doing the same with all things PlayStation.
We'll naturally live blog for the various relevant streams, which should be full of shenanigans and amusing chat. We hope you'll join us.
Comments 125
Mario's boots for Odyssey are...just so shiny!
People should be keeping their expectations low. Nintendo always has the worst E3 out of the big three. People get themselves overhyped and are naturally disappointed. Don't expect much because Nintendo never delivers.
@LeRaposa E3 2014 says hi.
@LeRaposa They've been known to deliver. 2014 probably being the most recent example.
I'm interested as to what Square has to offer this year
@LeRaposa Nah. That "honor" definitely goes to Microsoft. I expect this year to be no different.
"Look at all the gigaflops in our new machine! 4K! HDR!"
Count me in the camp that isn't really excited for E3 at all. Sure, we'll get some announcements and surprises from all camps, but it's mostly teasers for games to come in the next couple years. Any release date for a game from Sony or Square Enix is basically guaranteed to be wrong, so hopefully they don't go nuts on those for upcoming games.
UGH 9 AM I may just call out sick that day. I'm expecting MS to make me sell my xbone. Sony should be ok though. Don't really need hype for Nintendo...I'm STILL playing Zelda.
Just hope there's some games that really interest me, as at the moment I really don't want a switch as it's just got loads of ports of games I've got on the wii u, seems to me like a wii u 2.0 at the moment.
Retro Studios please!
Just looked at the calendar and both my sons are off from school the day of the Nintendo Spotlight (can we all agree to go back to calling it a ND or NDE?) so that will be fun to watch w/ them as we all feel like something new has to be announced, Switch has nothing for next year, that needs to be addressed, even if it's just more Wii U ports.
I always watch the Sony conference, they've been having it 9PM on Monday night the past few years which I like. Dont' think I'll watch the others but it's nice to have it all here, so thanks NL.
10 more days.
@LeRaposa Lol. They had a bloody ace E3 last year with one game.
Hype levels are Ninty 1st, Sony 2nd, MS 3rd and to be honest screw everyone else except Devolver Digital. No interest in what EA have to say or Bethesda or Ubi.
@LeRaposa You mean Microsoft right? With them showing off exclusives and cancelling them months later and still talking about teraflops?
Micro$oft's conference will be all about convincing current Xbox gamers and gamers who've left the Xbox brand to buy another $500 US (guessing) box that plays games slightly sharper, but you need a more expensive new TV to really take full advantage of. The BIGGEST thing with them will be what exclusive games can they announce to convince the majority who aren't die-hard Xbox fanboys to buy one?
$ony will focus probably 30% on PSVR stuff, 60% on PS4 exclusives, 10% bragging about sales numbers and 0% on Vita.
Nintendo will focus heavily on Mario Odyssey, and may even shed more light on their online plans and network/community for the Switch. 3DS will get some attention too, but it'll be more back burner. I doubt they'll really touch much on mobile stuff either. All I'm hoping for is a new Metroid reveal/announcement for the Switch!
Can't wait! E3 is always like Christmas in June for me!
@LeRaposa I don't think most people are over-hyped for Nintendo at e3. We know the drill, and Ninty even underlines that in all their press releases, "focus on 2017 games".
Sony is going to knock it out of the park with the exclusives they're going to show.
Microsoft will show off nothing interesting other than Scorpio.
Nintendo will continue to be the wild card, for better or for worse, while delivering some Mario and Splatoon.
EA and Ubisoft will cringe, but at least info will be there
Bethesda will continue to impress
Looking forward to a release date for Steep! Heard its a meh game at the start but is amazing after an hour or 3. Can't wait to play that on switch
Exactly. Nintendo says the focus will be Super Mario Odyssey and Splatoon2 and that's what it's gonna be. Don't expect any other suprises, as Nintendo never does that on E3. Hasn't done it for years.
@LeRaposa Well there was this one time...
All Bethesda needs to say is TES VI. All systems...including switch.
(it won't happen but I can dream!)
Won't be watching this year. Don't have a Switch but might watch Sony's.
So no Direct until after E3? VC info is overdue.
@Pokefanmum82 But it's supposed to make you buy a Switch. That's why you should watch
All i want is DK Tropical Freeze for the Switch!!!) I know it's improbable, but still, i keep my fingers crossed
Good luck to the staff with the coverage, and thank you in advance.
Definitely keeping my expectations low (looks back to E3 2015 when the hype got the best of me...) but I do have to admit I'm excited. Mario Odyssey definitely has me intrigued and I'm looking forward to seeing more of it. I'm also just excited to see what new games Nintendo announces.
I am pleased, however, that Switch is the focus. Unlike the past few E3's (excluding 2016), where it was 10-15 3DS games versus 2-4 Wii U games. Nintendo needs to keep the Switch hype train going. They've been doing pretty good so far.
My one, hopefully not unjustified hope that they have something big under wraps for Switch that they'll surprise us with.
Never understood the purpose of this. They announce future games that you wont see for a long time or not at all. Big whoop. It's like saying, I have candy for you that you cant have now. Maybe later you'll get the candy. Boy is it going to be delicious. You cant have it now though. Yeah ok sure then. That sucks. Let me know when it's here.
Thanks for the breakdown! My company picked a lousy time of year to contract me out. I'll be busier than usual during the time of E3.
@Priceless_Spork So...you've never liked dreaming about something or anticipating something? Pretty much every game, movie, gadget...anything ever does the same thing. It's called looking forward to something and being hyped about it.
The only thing that I could care about at E3 would be if they show or at least announce Metroid; Been waiting 7 years for them to chuck one out already.
Oh, and maybe a solidified date for Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
We already know Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, and ARMS exist - Don't waste time as usual Nintendo.
You know whats better than dreaming it? Playing it !!!
@Priceless_Spork That's pretty much the constant dilemma of new media - endlessly playing the waiting game till the next big thing comes out. Ideally it's better off to forget that it is going to exist until it's actually available - harder to appreciate the present otherwise.
Yes. I think you put it better than me. Enjoy what's here now. Lust is just frustrating. And just like my candy analogy, once I realise someone is trying to manipulate my lust I lose interest.
@Priceless_Spork There's a balance to that though. I can play great games now like Zelda BotW and Horizon which I'm currently playing and enjoying, while also being excited for upcoming future games which have been announced - even games announced at last year's E3 which I'm excited to see more of and hopefully have release dates for at this years show.
So youve been thinking about and wanting something that isnt available for over a year? Dang. Im not gonna judge but I just know I wont do that. It seems unhealthy but more power to you.
Eeeewww, Bethesda has midnight eastern (their own home timezone) on a SUNDAY night/Monday morning? What a horrible timeslot! I usually enjoy watching them....but not this year, the one year they might have something for Nintendo...
Also, EA on a SATURDAY? And people say Nintendo is putting less emphasis on E3. I guess you don't need an E3 stage to say "We have the same games as last year incremented another number, plus Star Wars."
@subpopz @Ralizah It's kind of telling when Microsofts customer survey is asking if people are more interested in Scorpio, PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES (!!), or new games.....as though each of those categories is mutually exclusive....you can either be interested in Scorpio OR games, but not both
@Priceless_Spork Well sort of. Let's take the new God of War for example. I go long stretches of time where I'm not thinking about it, then every once in a while I read an article or see a new PlayStation ad with Kratos in it and I'm like "Oh yeah the new God of War! That game looks awesome, wonder when it's coming out?" And I will admit there is a bit of frustration mixed in with anticipation for sure.
@NEStalgia: Wow. O.o I missed the actual date for Bethesda on my first pass. That's a time I could still handle (I'm on US Central Time), though I may have to go to bed before the presentation is done.
Unless they announce a Dragon Age game for the Switch, I'll be completely ignoring EA.
Of all three companies, Nintendo seems to be the most interesting one. There are still many things that we don't know about Switch and its online features. It's a make or break for Nintendo to reveal how good the Online Services will be.
Microsoft is bragging how Project Scorpio is the most powerful home console. They need to back up their claim with games. If the games are bad, then Project Scorpio isn't likely to be picked up but hard-core fans.
Sony will just need to unveil more exclusives to their PS4 (and PS4 Pro). Rumours that they might reveal a new portable console that competes with Nintendo Switch, but we'll keep our fingers crossed with this one.
The rest of the companies depend on the big 3's performance.
@Urameshi #36 Indeed. We definitely don't need a repeat of E3 2015. That's certain.
"Pretty much every game, movie, gadget...anything ever does the same thing. It's called looking forward to something and being hyped about it."
Well I will say this, since youve included everything, I guess it's cool you are hyped about the future of everything.
@Priceless_Spork "Let me know when it's here."
Yeah, Nintendo should just announce every game a day before it comes out, right?!
@Priceless_Spork I'm not necessarily "hyped about the future of everything", it's more just the way it is - everything is hyped ahead of time. It's called "Marketing". How hyped or excited you are personally or how much time you want to invest in following it, dreaming about it or anticipating it is entirely up to you.
@Tyranexx Yeah, I'm bummed about Bethesda's timeslot. I like watching their show, and Pete's great. And for the first time there's a big Nintendo title there's no way I can watch it. That's my big let-down for E3 right there, it's only up-hill from here I guess.
EA....the Bioware games are the only ones of interest to me for years, but after seeing what happened with Andromeda....I'm not sure even Dragon Age could pique my interest. Maybe on Switch. But that's even debatable. I'll probably watch anyway. It was fun to laugh at them in 2015 with that cringey show. But 2016 was just a snore-fest from start to finish. Sports, Battlefield, Sports, more Battlefield, thensomeothergames. Battlefield trailer again, thanks for watching!
@Gravedigga13 I'd love a sequel to Tropical Freeze, but I agree they should port that game over and maybe add amiibo support. The game was amazing on it's own and it deserves a port.
@NEStalgia I'm not sure Microsoft even cares about actual games at this point. When the Xbone was first announced, they treated it like an all-in-one entertainment center. Now they're treating Scorpio like a box to play samey AAA multiplats on... there's just nothing there for me. At all. In any way, shape, or form.
@subpopz Yep. The performance fetishism we're seeing in some people is disgusting. Do these "I won't play anything that isn't 60fps 1080p" types even enjoy playing video games?
I love E3. I love the hype of it, the endless analysis afterwards. I like the Treehouse coverage. I watch all of the conferences - even ones I know will not be good like EA and Ubisoft - and unlike last year, I'm legit excited about Nintendo's Event. I just hope that excitement doesn't turn into extreme disappointment like 2015 did. I don't think it will because at the very least, I'm pumped for Mario Odyssey.
@StarmanSSP "Animal Crossing or Bust" < This
I dont require any more info on any games already announced, I dont need confirmed release dates, I like E3 for surprises and unannounced games
I was holding off playing BotW until I've got a Switch, but seeing as it's basically the only game I would be getting for it right now, I can't really justify the purchase, esp. not since I could be playing BotW on the WiiU. I hope Nintendo delivers some potent arguments in the form of games coming out in the next 12 months - besides Mario that is, because I just don't have it in me anymore to feel anything for another Mario game, no matter how good it might be.
ARMS does look interesting, but it strikes me more as a potential buy once I have the system than something to buy the system for. Maybe FE Warriors can convince me, as Hyrule Warriors was actually rather neat, other than that, I'm hoping for some surprises, like at least some FE footage (doubt it) or something about SMT (doubt it as well) ... well, anything at all that makes we want the system enough to actually get it (plus, some actual stock would be nice^^).
The last great E3 I remember Nintendo having was the Twilight Princess reveal. That's going back a while.
I hope Nintendo deliver but they can't be trusted unfortunately. So far there's been nothing on Switch for me, most games I've played on Wii U. 3rd party support? I can already envisage the nightmares.
Super Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will be great but what else is there?
Edit: Sorry, I should be more clear. That E3 was kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck, fantastic. I miss that Nintendo.
@NEStalgia You could always just watch the VoD of Bethesda's conference between the other conferences on Monday.
I'm expecting the biggest announcement from Nintendo to be an official cable tidy for their voice chat solution on Switch. They could 'win' E3
I remember the drip feed method for the Wii U which had many people wondering when the games were going to come and they never really did with any real frequency. The Switch had a solid launch but they need to have a far better release schedule than the Wii U so I think this E3 is important to showcase they learned from the Wii U.
Online is something I'd like addressed as well as it's marginally better than what the Wii U offered and I sure don't want to pay for something where voice and party chat aren't even options. Even through an app is an ass backwards workaround. Nintendo has been very late to the online party it'd be nice if they could at least offer a comparable service.
As for games I'm hoping Xenoblade 2 makes it this year. X was ok but I preferred Chronicles.
@LeRaposa It was really just the past 2 years. Nintendo has had plenty of amazing E3 events, and this year already at the very least will probably have new information on a number of previously announced but hardly seen games like Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem Switch and Fire Emblem Warriors. Plus, they pretty much always save at least one major new game reveal for E3. (Pikmin 4 being a likely possibility for example.)
E3 is always fun to watch. As I haven't yet got a Switch, I'm hoping that Nintendo will do a good job persuading me to grab one. Nintendo is unpredictable, and I have no idea whether they do great or not. A new Pokemon generation would get me hyped, but I'm not sure if that'll happen this year.
Sony usually has a great press conference, so I'll likely stay up for that with the coffee at the ready.
I'm curious to see what Microsoft does. They could do with having a good E3 showcasing plenty of new games, but they might end up focusing too much on the Scorpio.
Funny, I don't recall Nintendo formally saying that Mario and Splatoon 2 were the only games being shown off at E3
E3 2017
Nintendo =
So excited about Super Mario Odyssey and upcoming Switch & 3DS games !
Sony =
Meh...! Wake me up for Good E & E10+ games for kids.
Microsoft = (-_-)
Yawn.... 4K ? XBOX Scorpio ??
@NEStalgia: "Sports, Battlefield, Sports, more Battlefield, thensomeothergames. Battlefield trailer again, thanks for watching!"
You more or less just summarized why I don't ever watch EA's presentations. XD
I'll probably at least read notes on Ubi's presentation to see if anything there interests me (BG&E, though I doubt much of it will be shown, if at all). I have no interest at all in the Mario/Rabbids crossover as I can't stand the things. An Assassin's Creed game on the Switch would be nice, though I won't get my hopes up much for that.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE 2010 was a great E3 for Nintendo.
Switch has had me riding a high since launch. Just look at the lineup, and we haven't even hit 6 months yet or the first e3...
Zelda Breath of the Wild (having this on a handheld alone sold me)
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (perfect game for portable local co-op)
Arms (game is so much fun, great new IP)
Splatoon 2 (this game speaks for itself)
Fire Emblem Warriors (huge FE fan- looks gorgeous!)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (can we say hype!)
Super Mario Odyssey (finally a return to open Mario!)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (this game on Switch- dream come true)
Monster Hunter XX (I can die and go to heaven! Yeeeeesssss!!!)
Fire Emblem Switch (just imagine how great this will be)
Dragon Quest XI (this game is up there with Xenoblade hype-wise)
Ultra Street Fighter II (gorgeous HD sprites, local play anywhere)
Shin Megami Tensei V (if you played Persona 5/SMT4, you know!)
That's a golden year 1 lineup (and really, just the big stuff, there's so many other games like Lost Sphear and Disgaea 5 and Sonic Mania and Mario crossover and Tales of and Octopath Traveller and Dragon Quest Heroes games and so on).
Anything that gets added to the 2017 roster is icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned. The 3rd party support seems to be slowly taking shape too. If we get the Dark Souls Trilogy on Switch (and I think we will, the system is selling well and JP devs are steadily lining up) it'll be a console to remember. Skyrim, Zelda, Dark Souls, Monster Hunter, Fire Emblem and Xenoblade all on HD handheld? Jackpot! 😄
(In other words.... yes, I'm excited)
@Anti-Matter I expect this E3 to be the third in a row where Sony and Microsoft show off how their consoles are like PCs. Message received; I'll just get an actual PC for games Nintendo doesn't get.
For PC, I just want The Sims series. Nothing else but The Sims series.
If only EA announce The Sims 4 for consoles like Switch...
This is becoming less and less relevant, but still fun.
We will see something good from Nintendo on E3 2017.
Enjoy your persistence to NOT buy Great Switch games but I will Enjoy later when I have enough budget to buy Switch.
Oh, need more Salt for your Saltiness feeling ?
@SLIGEACH_EIRE what else is there,,,ummmmmm games no one knows about.you really can't be that dumb. I bet you a 10 year old that knows nothing about e3 and announcing games no one knows about that's the point of e3 stuff we don't know lol
Obviously most excited for Nintendo's side of e3, but for once I'll actually be super excited for what Bethesda might have in store.
I'm hoping they will announce the Switch VC and give more clarification on the paid online service perks
@Anti-Matter I can't imagine the Sims would come to console but not Switch. It's allegedly much easier to develop for, and Animal Crossing demonstrates that there'd be an audience for sim games on it.
EA has announced The Sims 4 Mobile for IOs and Android recently. If EA can make NON PC version of The Sims 4, so there is No Excuses for not creating The Sims 4 consoles version.
I watch every press conference besides pc. E3 is always a great time of year.
Good luck Nintendo. This E3 is very significant for you whether you want to admit that or not. Fans, media, and industry execs will all be watching to see what is in store for Switch.
Paid Online service explanations has already announced officially.
Check on another thread.
@Haru17 Yeah, that's what I plan on doing. But it loses some of the magic, to be sure!
@Tyranexx Last year we also got treated to that really weird, awkward and TOTALLY coincidental </sarc> appearance by...who was it, Snoop Dog and Jaimie Foxx? Something like that, who just HAPPENED to be promoting a movie..... EA's just fun stuff I tell you.
I think I'm in a tiny minority that needs to hide under a rock at E3 for being excited about the Rabbids thing. I don't have a pre-existing bias against Rabbids because I've never actually played their games (and didn't know there was a TV show until the thread on the game came up.) I might regret that hype once I see it....but I'm going into it with blind excitement 'till I find out it's annoying!
I'm actually half-expecting Assassin's Creed. Unlike most AAA games it has at least some meaningful history on Nintendo with III and IV both being on WiiU. Unity wasn't (but Unity is a game they more or less deny existing because it was a disaster across the board), and the last one wasn't but sales kind of flagged on that one which is why they retired the series until now to give it a rest. Since it's the big reboot for the series more or less and it fits Nintendo more than most of their IPs (it's violent but it's still a historical-fantasy action-adventure game more than an all out violence fest) it's a good place for them to prove some Nintendo support on a new console. Also, portable Assassin's Creed has history on PSP and Vita....and Switch fills that role best now. I give it 60/40 for AC on Switch!
Wait, the Splatoon team representing America is called THE DEADBEATS?
@OrigamiSquirtle I was thinking the same thing. They're like two buttery loaves of bread.
I like all companies but Nintendo is the one that always excites me the most.
Looooooove the E3 articles! Shame no one I know is interested in E3 right now - but that could change soon enough.
@GrailUK Last year was boring.
They only showed us the great plateau for like 8 hours lol
@TommyTLG I would have complained if they had spoiled too much of the game. I guess we are different sides of the same coin
Yay E3! Can't wait for the next few weeks! Italian holiday + E3 = match made in heaven!
@SEGATA_DREAMCAST Animal Crossing Switch! Holy shiz yes!
@Azooooz and Sony's announcement of Bloodborne 2 of course! setting myself up for disappointment
Came for the Odessy reveal!
@Ralek85 i understand why your sceptical about buying a console for one game, i was the same - then i took the plunge , enjoyed botw at home...and then on a plane o_0 and my gaming life has never been the same lol.
@Powerballad Hehe good to know, but I'm not a frequent flyer by any stretch of the imagination, nor do I have a long daily commute or something like that (not to mention, that I've already own a smartphone a tablet, a Vita and a 3DS, plus a kindle for those occasions^^).
I get what you are saying though, I do like being able to play games away from my TV. I mean, I mostly use my 3DS and Vita at home to be honest, I rarely carry them around with me, if ever really.
So while I'm not sure it's going to change my gaming life, it is a welcome feature. What I would have really loved is the option to actually play outside, but from what I can tell, just as with similar device like the 3DS or vita, that is just not an option due to a lack of brightness and contrast in 'sunny' scenarios and significant screen glare.
I haven't missed out on a Nintendo system (outside of the GBA) in more than two decades, so in the end, it's only going to be a matter of time. I'll still appreciate it, if they were to have a E3 that really flashed me though ... because there is something to be said for hype and just boundless anticipation. In some ways, that's actually the past part of it all
This should be a good E3. If I remember reading on other game sites (push square for one), Sony has the biggest amount of space reserved with nintendo in second. Microsoft has the smallest. Should be good to see what sony and nintendo have up their sleeves (sorry, don't care for Microsoft)...especially since I may actually buy a switch next year, nice to see some games for it that I'd want.
RIP my sleep schedule.
Don't even attempt to predict what Nintendo will do at E3, they are unpredictable. If you think they will show something great, they will show nothing. When you are disappointed at nothing exciting, 2 weeks after E3 they will announce something incredible with their Direct show.
You can forget what I just said, it will never happened. Nintendo is unpredictable.
@Urameshi Even though Super Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2 & ARMS have been announced, there's very little we actually know about the games. Sure we know of the fighters in ARMS, but how do we know if that is it? We still don't have a spoiler-free look at Super Mario Odyssey's backstory. We don't know what threat the Inklings are facing in Splatoon 2, if it's even the Octo Army or an entirely new threat. And Nintendo has a focus on games that are coming THIS year and early 2018, not games coming out in late 2018-2019. That means more info on the 2 Fire Emblem games they confirmed at the Switch presentation(I know we already got some info earlier this week for Fire Emblem Warriors, but those were characters and not backstory). And there might be word on Breath of the Wild's major story DLC(Due out in winter this year).
It's a shame, because during Nintendo's E3 I'll be in classes then... Oh jeez, how I would be thinking about what they announced or talked about!
Nintendo and Sony's E3 will be my focus this time around. I wasn't filled with any excitement whatsoever (well, maybe for BoTW) on the days leading up to E3 2016, but I came out super satisfied. Now I'm dangerously heading into E3 2017 with more hype than ever. Nintendo already has Mario Odyssey, which is sure to knock it out of the park. Sony will probably show me something I really want to play on my PS4. Microsoft.... Eh. Not stoked about the Scorpio, anyway.
We're almost there. HYPE!
I can't believe it's almost here! Super Mario Odyssey is probably the game I'm looking forward to the most but I'm also hoping that Call of Duty on Switch and Retro Studios project will be revealed. Also looking forward to the PC presentation because Quake Champions is looking pretty dope and I want to see what NVIDIA has to show off.
@Gravedigga13 Donkey Kong Country ( original or 2) - Remaster.. with sharp poppping (but HD) graphics like the SNES prerendered ones with original/remastered sound. I can hope can't I?
@Anti-Matter I was mostly interested in the classic games part and didn't realize that had been announced yesterday as well at the time I made the comment. Oh well.
@sp_initiate-001 Can't say I can relate to wanting to spoil a game's surprises by knowing everything about it before I even play it (especially for games that are releasing soon), but to each their own.
@NEStalgia: I've never played any of the Rabbids games, but I've caught the TV show a couple of times. I find them more annoying than the Minions from Despicable Me. Just not my brand of humor, I guess.
I've played both the AC games (III and IV) that came to the Wii U. I had fun with both games, particularly Black Flag. I like the series due to its historical fiction, parkour, and action elements. I'm sort of glad they placed more of a focus on the actual past memories instead of what's going on in the present, but that's just me.
Unity can stay away for all I care, but I'd really like to see the new one announced for the Switch. A well-done port of Syndicate isn't unwelcome either.
@Tyranexx I keep hearing that about Rabbids. I'm getting pretty cautious about it...but I'll still go into with reserved optimism I mean Nintendo can't approve it if it's that annoying....I hope....
Yeah AC has always been about the memories....for a while they got way too caught up in Desmond's story in the present and it got in the way of the game, but it's always focused on the past. I'm one of the few people I think that still prefers the FIRST AC game. The structure was very different. But the Crusades era Middle East was an interesting (if controversial) backdrop, and it's the only game you really felt like an assassin more than "a hero in a Ubisoft sandbox" It had flaws...it had repetitive task mini-quests to be given the assassination target, and it was short. But instead of focusing on complicated open world activities it was very to the point. You entered a specific city district, were given a target and the whole district was the mission zone, with a nicely scripted infiltration and public assassination, and then the whole place was on alert until you got back to the safehouse. It was a neat sequence replaced by what seemed like smaller missions and less important targets in a more cinematic production in later entries. I love Ezio's outings, of course, and the renaissance Italy world, Black Flag was fun (if repetitious) III.....Connor just was wrong...he was like Kratos from God of War as a revolutionary....ick. Syndicate was a lot of fun...."different"....kind of not really an AC game in some ways....but a lot of fun. But the basic strength of AC was that feel of the wrist-bladed assassin....once they got into gunpowder it kind of messed with the original assassin feel of "blend with the crowd and strike unexpectedly". I'm really really curious about this new one....it sounds like they might be taking it back to its roots. If they are, I'm hyped no matter what platforms its on!
As long as the time is dividedreasonably between the games Nintendo will have succeeded in my book. The Breath of the Wild footage was boring as heck after the first 15 minutes and just kept going. I'm crossing my fingers that Mario won't devour this presentation like Zelda did.
@NEStalgia: I actually have played roughly half of the first AC game on my cousin's Xbox 360 a few years ago (My aunt's family was on vacation, and I was taking care of their pet. I was allowed full run of the Xbox, though their indoor cat made sure to stake out my lap. XD), and that was what really got me into the series. I think the simplified structure that you mentioned was nice when compared to the later games I have played. I don't dislike the open world elements as many of them are entirely optional, but they do tend to get in the way sometimes.
I'm glad I played Assassin's Creed III before Black Flag (I try to play franchises in order if I can ). Connor was meh, but Haytham was actually an interesting character. I did a lot of the homestead missions, but past that I ignored most of the frontier minus the lookout points since I love the challenge of getting to them. I don't think the game was bad by any means, but it's definitely weaker compared to Black Flag.
According to my time logs on my Wii U, I spent over 75 hours playing Black Flag. I loved the story, loved sailing and upgrading the Jackdaw (whereas I hated it in III), loved pillaging, exploring, etc. Edward was an interesting character, one that broke the hero mold a bit by not being the perfect person. There was very little about the game that I didn't enjoy.
I've completely missed out on Ezio's games so far (though I hear they're good), would love to try out Liberation and Rogue, could care less about playing Unity, and would also like to try out Syndicate. I'm likewise curious about the new one; I prefer bladed weapons in my games, though I'm not adverse to using guns as side weapons. The feel of those wrist blades....They're still my favorite weapons.
(Also, apologies for not getting back sooner. These autoplay video ads seriously mess with the site when I'm on mobile, which makes it hard to type out long replies.)
@Tyranexx exactly! I tend not to think of it as a simplified structure, and more as "focused"....a word increasingly missing from Ubi's design documents. they add chess, they add gopher missions and character expositions and complicated travel options, with buggy scripted events, but out feels like it meanders everywhere without a focus. Black Flag they said was a return to roots.... which is why it was better. But it did fall into a trap of repetition after a while..... still a great game though. 1, didn't obsess over the sandbox in trying to be GTA and include every weapon type and focused on it's core battle mechanic and design ideas of being an assassin on a mission. In a way it was a fusion of Hitman and Prince of Persia. Newer games have been more of an interactive movie with Chase scenes and escort missions ets.
Ezio is really the start of the newer design......but it got the balance better..... assasining still felt more assassiny, and combat was still mostly mele which is imo necessary to focus the "robes assassin" core concept. Add in guns and it's a sniper game. The design was more focused though not like the first one.
I think the biggest issue though is Jade Raymond left after ezios's first sequel, and without her i think the team totally lost focus of the real game design. It would be like a Bayonetta game without Kamiya. The real mind behind the idea leaves and a committee designs the rest. Unity is what you end up with I think she's at EA now... proving that EA can crush the inventiveness from even iconic creators
Syndicate is a really good game.... Add long as you can separate your ideas of what AC is from it and enjoy it stand- alone. Giving you two characters, one a brawler that wouldnt know stealth if you hid him in Snake's cardboard box like Connor, and one actual AC assassin did what FE fates did for catering to a divided fan base. I just with they key me play Evie in all missions rather than shoehorning her heavy fisted brother into half of them without choice. I like my stealth!
But unlike 3 it has a few VERY "AC" missions. The Asylum.... was awesome....and terrifying.... because it was real...
Edit: but that plus the delay plus setting makes me very interested in the new one!
Wait, no Aisha Tyler this year!? Whyyyyyy? D8
@NEStalgia: I was partway through constructing a long reply, but the site is still being horribly picky when I'm on mobile. To summarize, I agree with all of your points and hope that the upcoming AC game is a return to form. It would be even better if it were also announced for the Switch!
@ThatNyteDaez Aisha's the only thing that saved them from their own awkwardness these past few years. It would get awkward, and she could diffuse it with a quip and make it part of the joke. Without her.....you're left with only the awkwardness. That is not going to be a very watchable event.
Lets just hope they try not having devs sound like Scottish Vikings anymore....
@Tyranexx LOL, I've lost count of how many posts this site has eaten before posting them! Just happened to me in the switch forum thread! Though to make up for it it sometimes posts my message 5 times in a row.
Fingers crossed that it comes to Switch, actually returns to roots, AND doesn't have some ridiculous always online anti-piracy mechanism that makes the above to hopes irrelevant.
Btw Ubisoft did something right for once and dropped the unfunny Aisha Tyler for their 2017 conference.
@ThomasBW84: You forgot to mention Devolver Digital, and haven't they said something about preparing games for Switch at some point?
It's literally the first year when I'm legitimately interested in and looking forward to E3. Whether it's more info and release dates one the announced stuff (Skyrim, Steep, Syberia), more info on localizing the known Japanese stuff (MHXX, Nights of Azure 2, hopefully even Seiken Densetsu collection) or surprise new announcements to further fill out Q3/Q4 (although winter will be a double-edged sword between a holiday launch and a launch alongside Odyssey XD). More info on VC definitely wouldn't hurt either - I dare doubt CGC is its sole replacement since Ninty has more libraries beyond NES and SNES and they have all been tapped into before.
I sure am optimistic and I'm not afraid to be underwhelmed - my Switch wishlist keeps steadily growing as it is. Bring it on!
Does anyone think that the SNES mini will be announced? it'll be interesting to see what Nintendo has kept up their sleeve.
@KJ85 I'm pretty sure I've seen Enter the Gungeon on many announced Switch game lists before, for one. And I'm SO double-dipping when it's out.
@SleeplessKnight I don't really mind the marketing/hype either unless it's waaaay early. 6 months out, "holiday release", that ok. But when they show a game 2-3 years before it's going to be released (which happens quite often now) is just ridiculous and sucks the fun & anticipation out of it & replaces it was annoyance/frustration.
@IceClimbers Not to mention last year when Nintendo delivered despite basically one game.
@KJ85 I'll check that out and add an update
Just hope theres a good surprise like a switch animal crossing. Well mario is great on his own but ive already seen enough to be convinced of its greatness. Interested in the two new bethesda games, the new far cry and assassins creed. Also darksiders 3. The new mordor game actually could be good this time. Also want to like destiny 2.
Im interested in pretty much everything this e 3. And this is the first time i think ill watch the live streams.
@ThomasBW84 Guess you should update your schedule as well, because you have the date wrong on Bethesda and Devolver Digital. They are both showing the same day as Ubisoft here in Europe. You'll be dissappointed if you get up early to watch them Sunday
@LeRaposa "Nintendo always has the worst out of the big 3?" Nah bro. They've had some not so great ones sure, but MS usually takes home that trophy at E3.
I'm moderately excited. I hope Nintendo has some surprise announcement!
@LeRaposa Sony always has the best presentation and biggest budget show, certainly. They're so far ahead of the curve, they're actually doing E3 2019 this year, because that's the earliest we'll see any games they show....
@IceClimbers So does E3 2010. Nintendo went buckwild that year.
@NinChocolate this is all I ask.
E3 is the best time of year!
@Tyranexx battlefield, Madden, fifa, nfs, star wars, more Madden, more nfs, more fifa, more battlefield, and one cool indie.
You missed nothing another year
@NEStalgia: As I thought. Thanks for keeping me in the loop!
Where is a good place to watch the Xbox show? (No hate please, I like gaming.)
I wonder if they will address Switch availability issues?
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