It's that time, once again, for the Nintendo Download Update details for North America. This week offers up a few interesting choices, so let's get to it.
Missed the European Nintendo Download Update? Turn that frown upside down, the details are still waiting for you right here.
3DS eShop
Tank Troopers (Nintendo, $7.99) - A cartoonish tank battle game announced in a Nintendo Direct last year and given a decent amount of promotion in Japan, in particular. 36 customisations are promised for tanks, accompanying a broad cast of characters and various maps and modes; there's support for up to six battlers in local multiplayer, too. We'll head into battle for a review.
Wii U eShop
Back to Bed (Bedtime Digital Games, $9.99) – Back to Bed is a 3D indie puzzle game set in a unique and artistic dream world, in which you guide sleepwalker Bob to the safety of his bed. To achieve this, you must take control of Bob's subconscious guardian named Subob. The pair travels through a surreal and painting-like dream world, filled with objects used to guide Bob toward the Bed, but also dangers that must be avoided. We quite liked it in our review.
WALL BALL (RCMADIAX, $1.49) - RCMADIAX is back with what is claimed to be a suspenseful zigzag endless runner game with simple, yet appealing 3D graphics. The levels are randomly generated and a long lasting gaming experience is promised. Don't get your hopes up too much and you might not be too disappointed.
COLOR CUBES (RCMADIAX, $1.49) - Not one, but two games from the prolific RCMADIAX this week. Tap the screen to switch the color boxes, or keep them the way they are. You must act quickly as the game gets faster and faster. Doesn't that sound thrilling?
Wii U Virtual Console
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber (Square Enix, $9.99) – A tactical RPG originally released for the Nintendo 64 system. The game tells the story of Magnus Gallant, a recently graduated officer of the Palatinean Army who is assigned to the troubled southern region of his native land. With civil war brewing, Magnus is faced with a terrible choice: betray his own noble origins in the name of liberty, or turn a blind eye to the evils of his rotten society. We awarded this top marks when reviewed it back on the Wii Virtual Console!
Nintendo eShop sales
Great deals this week include The Keep, Art of Balance TOUCH! and Soul Axiom, plus several more! Check out the full list of deals on Nintendo 3DS and Wii U available this week at http://www.nintendo.com/games/sales-and-deals.
Celebrate The Legend of Zelda with My Nintendo Rewards – With the upcoming launch of the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game, it's a great time to be a fan! Celebrate by redeeming My Nintendo points for 30 percent off select digital games at https://my.nintendo.com:
- The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (Nintendo 3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages (Nintendo 3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons (Nintendo 3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Wii U & Nintendo 3DS)
- The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii U)
In addition to all of these discounts, don't miss out on digital content, such as the special 30th anniversary HOME Menu theme for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems and a selection of orchestral music videos featuring music from the series:
- The Legend of Zelda Main Theme Medley
- The Legend of Zelda Ballad of the Goddess
- The Legend of Zelda Great Fairy's Fountain Theme
Theme Shop on Nintendo 3DS
New themes this week include:
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: A Wide World
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: A New Adventure
- Rune Factory 4
That's the line-up for this week's Nintendo Download Update in North America. Let us know what you plan to download in the poll and comments below.
Comments 56
So weird PAL price for Tank Troopers is out, but not the US one. Shouldn't it be sold at the same price though?
2 weeks until the switch! Can't be spending money on anything else right now.
Thought I saw tank troopers for a price of $7.99
Ogre Battle for me!!
Wow...it looks like Nintendo has a new console launching in two weeks and that they're focusing on it and not their old console. I should probably understand that and not complain like an entitled [person who is entitled and complains].
And I'll finally get Soul Axiom.
Lol, still no price on Tank Troopers. Incoming rant from @rjejr!
Ogre Battle is a really fun series.
Ogre Battle... that's what's up!
The save states are perfect for Ogre Battle 64 due to their really LONG battles and some of the NPC allies you have to protect are occasionally content with suicidal attacks that could've been prevented if they waited until they were ready to mount a legitimate assault.
@PanurgeJr I believe the word you're looking for is millennial, sir. That being said, Nintendo is large enough that I would hope that their 3DS team is different from their Switch team. They've been reassuring us that 3DS will not die with the release of Switch, so this scarce week seems odd to me. Still, Ogre Battle!
@Dazza RCMADIAX is just one person. The way you wrote your (deservedly mocking) preview implies it's a team.
I expected Shrek Super Slam, 0/10 I am disappoint.
I want a new ogre battle game to come out.
Those Legend of Zelda orchestral music videos are quite nice.
$90 worth of gold coins for 30% off a $40 game causing you to still pay $30 for it. Sounds like a great deal
I'm pretty sure Nintendo have Tank Troopers listed on their site for $7.99.
Anyways that's the game I'll download as soon as it drops. Kind of eager to use download play (or full play if good enough for them) to play with my 2 friends.
They better put Pikmin 2 on Wii U in North America before they stop supporting the system.
I half expected the tagline to end with "Oh my!"
Probably the themes for me. And I'll see what games are on sale this week.
Oh hey, more RCMADIAX junk. I hope he keeps his filthy mitts off the Switch. There needs to be some level of quality control.
1. I already own all the freaking Zelda games on sale!
2. Why the heck are we JUST finding out the price for Tank Troopers, and we still have no official confirmation on online multiplayer?
3. Those Breath of the Wild Themes are AMAZING!
@ultraraichu how sneaky, they just slipped the price in after we published this. Updated
Not a single VC release this year for 3DS....where is my Gen 2 VC?
Gen 2 is about to come out in GO...perfect chance.
I wish Link's Awakening was on sale
Nothing for me. Saving my money for Switch 😉
It blows my mind to 1, get Ogre Battle on WiiU and 2, get it right around the same time as Europe. Will wonders ever cease!? While all of my current gaming funds are going to pay off my Switch and BOTW preorders, I will definitely be picking this up soon after. It's the one N64 game besides MISCHIEF MAKERS I never got to play, but always wanted to.
Two weeks to a new console, RCMADIAX doesn't have long left to release those free Blok Drop U levels he's promised multiple times and have supposedly been finishing up.
@DoomTurtle That would require him to MAKE something. Lol.
It's dead. They did the same thing with NES support. They haven't released anything in Japan since November, so you can pretty much forget about getting Super Mario RPG, Kirby Superstar, Kirby Dreamland 3, anything by Square Enix (that was never going to happen in America anyway), etc. Honestly, VC is the only thing that has kept me interested in the 3DS, save for the reissues of the Dragon Quest games.
@TheRavingTimes Ugh you're giving me flashbacks of when a special character of mine was turned into a zombie.
May have to pick it up to make up for the mistakes I made back in the N64 days.
definitely overdue for one of those wacky circle entertainment 3DS releases that ends up being inexplicably fun
@RCMADIAX is a sham, and Nintendo should be held accountable for allowing his stuff and crap like The Letter into the eShop.
@Spoony_Tech Sorry to disappoint but they already had the price edited in by the time I got here and read the article. And it was funny b/c even though it was there and I knew it, somebody sent me a link in that comment thread, I still expected it to be free to start or have a demo so I could try it out before buying, so I was still confused. Wadayagunnado?
Nintendo should send RCMADIAX a dev kit so that they can have more of those all-important third party games at launch.
@Ralizah That's a horrible joke right there
No option for the themes? Well, I will get Ogre Battle 64. Glad it only took a week for us to get it after Europe.
I might get one of those BotW themes. Really hyped for that game.
@Kilroy I find many Gen Xer's and Baby Boomers just as whiny and entitled as millennials. So they don't really have a patent on being so. I also find we have a ton of older gamers who come on these sites and also act as if they are owed something for free.
What can be so difficult about putting some games on the 3ds VC?! Where's star tropics, it's their own ip for heavens sake!
Ogre Battle 64!!! Yes, I've been waiting for that! I mean, first one would be nice, too, but 64 is the one I haven't played yet.
Not just Startropics, and it's sequel, but also Super Mario RPG, the two Kirby games, Uniracers, Gradius III (Konami), some of the more obscure beat-em-ups from Capcom (Knights of the Round, Captain Commando), anything by Square/Enix (Actraiser, Illusion of Gaia, the Final Fantasy series, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore).
I understand that Square has shown reluctance when it comes to supporting the VC in America, for whatever reason (they have no problem supporting less successful platforms in the states), but if Nintendo can work out a deal to include the original Final Fantasy on the NES Classic, why would it be so difficult to work out a deal to put their catalog on the N3DS? It'd be nice if they were actually transparent about their VC plans! I remember, pre-Wiiware, weekly releases of three games, and there would be a list of upcoming releases so you had an idea of what to look forward to. What was awesome about that is that even though they released their fair share of crap (China Warrior), they took a real "one man's junk is another man's treasure" approach. It was awesome!
Don't forget the konami portable vanias (legends, Belmonts revenge, kid Dracula) or squares ff legend, and dragon warrior NES quartet!
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber... Now that was a fav back in the day. Have fun whoever hasn't played it yet
I would love to get my hands on a copy of Belmont's Revenge! I hated Castlevania Adventure, but II was actually a really good game! Legend was so-so, but it'd be nice to have without having to take out a second mortgage for it! Sadly, I doubt that we'll ever see any trace of Final Fantasy Legends 1-3 here. The Romancing Saga series never took flight. It's a shame, because FFL 1-2 were both excellent (I actually never played III).
Even getting the first three Dragon Quest games in a physical form would be nice. I love that Square-Enix has rereleased/remade IV-8! I'd love to see a DQ Origins cart! I'd buy it in a heartbeat!
Tank Troopers and that SOS theme for me! Might also take a look at Back to Bed.
Ogre battle for me......although I'm gonna wait a few days and see if we get any news on Switch VC info......I'd like to know what options are available day 1 and if and how an account system would work
Interested in the themes
BotW and Rune Factory 4 themes!
Ogre Battle! Was waiting for that. Definitely going to spend the weekend playing it
Orge Battle is tempting, but I am saving for Zelda right now. Still have plans to go back and finish out my 16-bit collection (especially if there is an upgrade path with the switch).
@Jingo_Unchained RCMADIAX noted this on his twitter. It was hilarious. XD
It's more entertaining than his asset flips.
Tank Troopers caught my eye when it first showed up in last year's nintendo direct. The $7.99 price tag is even more intriguing. I'll wait for a proper review before I take the plunge.
Any idea if the ogre battle 64 game is discounted if you own the wii version? I don't think 10 dollars is worth it just to be able to use game pad as a controller.
@Jasonmd All games are discounted if you own the Wii version.
@Alto Its not a discount if you have to pay more overall than those who don't have the game on Wii.
Let's see, same old discounted games:
The only thing worth downloading are any of the Final Fantasy games and Kusakari, IMO.
@Bass_X0 this is true... I always hated that. I'm so curious to see how VC will be handled on Switch and if they'll ease up on the repurchasing again.
Bought Theatrhythm Curtain Call, having those kind of games digitally is nice to have and you can't go wrong with 50% off.
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