While Nintendo has spent much of this week spilling the beans on its new console the Switch, there's still an awful lot that we don't know about. The online side of things is sketchy at present, and there's a feeling that Nintendo is continuing to hold information back with the intention of drip-feeding it as the launch date approaches.
Given that we still don't have the full picture, it's perhaps unsurprising that fans have been combing through every screenshot and video released over the past few days to unearth more info, and one particular image has thrown up something which could be interesting - or not.
On the surface, one might assume that an airplane mode icon would suggest some kind of mobile connectivity - after all, it's an almost ubiquitous feature on smartphones these days, and is used to cut off all connections during (you've guessed it) airplane flights, as these can potentially cause interference.
Could the Switch offer some kind of data connection when you're out of the house for online gaming and other tasks? It's certainly not that outlandish; Sony offered a mobile data-enabled PS Vita, and many tablets come with SIM card trays for this purpose.
However, before we get too carried away over the prospect of playing Splatoon 2 anywhere there's a mobile signal, it's worth noting that airplane mode often appears on WiFi-only devices, and simply means that wireless signals are switched off. This could well be the case with the Switch - when airplane mode is active, Bluetooth, NFC and WiFi are all turned off.
What do you think? Could Nintendo include mobile data with the Switch to make it truly portable, or is this a case of a fairly innocent and innocuous icon being misconstrued as something else? Share your opinion below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 122
Uhh I'm pretty sure that's just there for when people go on planes.
i doubt its gonna have mobile data
It's the same thing as having wireless turned off on a 3DS. Don't get too excited, folks.
They should have a symbol for: "Even after all these years we STILL don't know how to do online gaming properly".
@MarioFanatic64 On the plus side, it does mean we can save battery life when we aren't using it.
Wouldn't really need mobile. Most phones can be a mobile hotspot these days.
Would that kill its connection to the Joy-Con? Wouldn't that make the airplane scene in the reveal video impossible?
@ALinkttPresent That's what I thought, unless it uses some other means of connecting to the Joy-Cons?
I think this exists because of how useful the 3ds wifi switch was. But it still has me wondering cause if that's the case then why wouldn't they just have a wifi on/off setting instead of airplane mode. It's also strange how much they seemingly want people to play the switch in airplanes lol.
I doubt it means there will be data. It will be interesting to see how Nintendo handles its online offerings with Switch once they start charging people for internet play.
We would already know stuff like this if the January 12th event had actually told us a lot of details about the system like we thought it would.
@Grez latency
Probably just to turn off wireless features.
Probably no mobile data, but Airplane mode probably also takes that battery life up to 6 hours.
Good! I'm glad the NS will have a feature to turn off all of the wireless signals. There are many reasons why, but suffice to say this thing won't be forced to transmit data to anyone trying to snoop in. Also, increased battery life during offline play. (Well, okay, I can't leave out the part about turning off the wireless signal leading to less nuking of your internal organs...)
What @MarioFanatic64 said. "Plane mode". Plane and simple.
Okay sort of off topic, but are we getting an internet browser? That was a feature that was cool on both the 3DS and Wii U, but perhaps not the most optimal set up, in that neither really supported videos and were a little wonky in general. I'd like to think that since this portable, Nintendo would see the potential in it... I mean it makes more sense considering they've had it on handhelds and home consoles in the past, and now the Switch is a true combination of both.
You select the airplane icon so you can fold it up and throw it to the next player.
@AlexSora89 Does this mean the NS can... switch to airplane drone mode!?
It's probably used as a battery saving feature, turns off every extra feature on the switch.
The crazy theories that people come up with sometimes truly astounds me.
Ido like that clean simple looking AI, I have to admit
@Gorlokk I don't think anyone knows yet.

Better yet...
Nintendo will tell us January 12th
@JHDK You're acting like Nintendo's revealed everything about the Switch's online.
A sim card slot would have been spotted and reported at the hands on events by bleary eyed.. oops! sorry@ eagle eyed reporters such as @AlexOlney.
An airplane symbol is purely just for wireless communications off...
Remember that With is supposed to communicate with your Smartphone for in game chat etc....
The original 3DS had that too…
@Megas Apparently there is a LAN adaptor. . .
@Mega_Yarn_Poochy They've revealed that an app will be REQUIRED for voice chat. While I understand their point about a phone being easier than carrying around a gaming headset, the fact that a new game system in 2017 can't voice chat without a second device is utterly ridiculous and totally unacceptable!
If that interpretation turns out to be correct, this thing really will be Nintendo's answer to the PS Vita.
Don't see why it can't do online gaming on the go. Since there's nothing in the hub aside from the connection to the TV, it's doing all the online stuff anyway.
But good luck getting many online games out of it without a charging cable or charging bank....
@Megas No worries! I'm selling my XBone and PS4 - it's so boring buying a game online then waiting 48 hours for it to download.
So much information was missing form the presentation and form the Hands on events and the Treehouse. I would have liked it if they had made a bullet pointed list of every selling point of the Switch. . .
Until proven otherwise, I'll work on the assumption that it doesn't have mobile data, and the airplane icon just means that it won't connect to wireless internet.
@JHDK what makes you say that? the vita that had 3G failed even harder than the vita without lol
After all, Switch will be integrated with smartphone.
I wonder what is that means ?
It makes perfect sense for the Switch's online service to have some type of mobile internet.
@JHDK Yet when they try to improve their online gaming people complain about having to pay for it.
I would be very surprised if the system has a mobile network capability, but why use the airplane logo instead of what is used for the 3DS?
@MetaRyan @manu0 I said it earlier but the fact that the app is required for voice chat is insane. I'm ok with paying for online. I'm sure I will as soon as the free trial runs out, it just really bothers me that a modern system is not capable of full online features without the help of a secondary device.
It is a WiFi-only device just like my iPad.
Hmm, surely if it had mobile internet it would need a slot for a SIM card? Unless they've hidden it well or just didn't put it on the demo units, it probably won't since no one seems to have spotted anything like that yet. I hope it does, but I don't think it will.
Nintendo UI, possibly the most thrilling UI out there...
Having looked at the FCC filings, I didn't see anything that indicates that Switch has mobile data functionality, but then again I didn't dig very deeply into it, and there is also a confidentiality thing over most of the documents anyway.
It does, however, support 5GHz WiFi. ¯\(ツ)/¯
Yeah. I also remember from the first trailer when the guy who bring his Switch and played his Switch inside the airplane. Btw, what is airplane mode ?
@ALinkttPresent @Damo no, because it's only when the plane is taking off or landing when that "no wireless signals" is enforced. I'm pretty sure any stewardess would force you to turn off any device in those instances (even though it's a pointless warning, but that's another story)
Hmm. 3DS doesn't have an airplane mode, right? Seems odd that Nintendo would add that to Switch if it were no more functionally connected than 3DS.
@MarioFanatic64 So then why doesn't 3DS have a specific "airplane mode"? It's not like the concept was new when 3DS came out.
@Anti-Matter Airplane mode basically shuts off your device's ability to communicate with the outside world. But it's worth noting that you can enable and use wifi even with airplane mode switched on, and that the main purpose of the mode is to stop your phone from sending/receiving cellular signals.
Plot twist: Nintendo's online subscription program is actually a data plan to access internet features at home and on the go! It would definitely make the purchase worth it!
'Airplane Mode' means wifi and other wireless functions are turned off. Am I the only one here who uses an Android device and a PS Vita?
As the author of the article pointed out, Airplane Mode is present in Wi-Fi only devices so nothing to see here people. Move along. 😉
Who cares about the airplane icon? After that presentation, Switch now looks like the only system that could ever have one upped Wii U in terms of dropping the ball.
Thought it couldn't get worse? Go look at Wii U's year 1 lauch line up (hell just go look at its DAY 1 line up) then look back at what the Switch has in store.
Absolute embarrassment of a successor to the worst console in their history. Nintendo will get what's coming to them, as sad as it is being a life long fan.
It's too early to judge Switch will be failed again. Keep your eyes peeled on Nintendo. There are some secrets about Switch that we don't know yet.
if Switch functions as a normal tablet but is a Custom Nintendo OS the thing better have damn good connection to the Internet. think of the benefits of having all its apps downloadable, it's own app store..just like the Nvidia Tegra has the EVGA store..and it has a stylus pen..that would make Nintendo the first console game/tablet completely on hardware that people have and want.
Make it happen Nintendo.i hope it's as exciting as I imagine it.
3G bombed on the Vita, partly because it was tied to ATT but I seriously doubt the switch will support cellular data. Airplane mode surely just disables Bluetooth and wifi. I do think it would be neat but data costs, at least in the states, are still too prohibitive.
I didn't see Switch stylus pen. Where is it ?
@diwdiws wireless latency isn't an issue these days on good carriers. Unless your in a competition to be no.1 in which case, you'd be hard wired in and not even use wifi.
Highly doubt there will be a cellular radio. Adds too much to the cost and also, extra battery drain. I'd also say the "app" would be pointless for online gaming then. And why kill Miiverse and Street Pass?
Big nope. Nothing adds up other than it just kills all wifi communication (also probably to the joycons too).
@gatorboi352 So, you know the whole first year lineup? Impressive, because I don't, and neither does anyone else.
@Grez some can even do it through Bluetooth.
@Anti-Matter Nintendo are using capacitive screens this time. Like on your mobile phone - so you wont need a stylus to be accurate. But you would need something like the apple pen for precision - so if there is one, it will be packed in with a game later I guess as an "add on" hardware.
yep it will just mean wifi off. the 12th was the hardware reveal, they would have said if mobile net connection was an option.
@Megas No profanity please.
I don't think mobile data is the only thing for airplane mode to disable. Wifi, NFC and other close range data waves... although maybe not joycon connectivity if the trailer advertised a guy using them detached during a flight.
@AlexSora89 Legendary prowess of TTT. (Teleportation Toaster Technology.)
@KirbyTheVampire Most consoles I think have a crappy first year. The SNES is the only console I can remember that had a number of decent/good games its first year.
Imagine if this is what Nintendo was hinting at with the subscription service. Play online free on wifi but the sub service gives you the ability to play anywhere! </wishful thinking>
@gatorboi352 It's funny how everyone claims doom based on a relatively decent launch lineup. Remember when N64 launched with 2 games? It did okay. Wii U did have quite a collection of games at launch, but Nintendo seems aware that the initial excitement of lots of 1st party gems at launch cannibalized the 3rd party offerings at launch. By making the initial selection smaller, people will be more inclined to buy 3rd party games early on instead of splurging on every Mario and Zelda title, then whine when there are no new games 6 months later.
@KingMike Exactly. And that's all anyone can talk about with the Switch, like it's some special case. Heck, we don't even KNOW the full first year lineup yet, so essentially they're complaining about only the part of the package that has been revealed to them.
Airplane mode duh.
Air plane mode? That must mean it is a tablet too. I'm still excited and I'm optimistic about the Switch. I'll pay my monthly fee. I'll buy my accessories. I'm alright with the line up. So far I'm getting 2 games at launch. Super Bomberman and BotW. I might even purchase that SquarEnix RPG. So I'm alright for about a month and a half. I want a workout game. I always get one. Those are fun.
In the mean time DQ8 comes out in 5 days, so I will be spending my time on that. I am looking at all the great RPGs that are going to come out.
@AlexSora89 as a late bird here at 8.23 AM, I needed a GIF like this. Thank you. XD
For the price of this thing, and the lack of games it would be nice if this thing included mobile data. But I doubt it.
@gatorboi352 I went and looked at Wii U day one lineup: https://www.wired.com/2012/09/wii-u-launch-lineup/
If that info wasn't updated elsewhere later, I see six games including two Nintendo ones (a party game among them), and several multiplatforms (a music-themed game among them).
Does Switch not cover that much three days after presentation? gasp Oh, right, silly me - Wii U launched with a Call of Duty title? XD
Play online free on wifi ?
Is that means if my Switch capture internet signal from modem inside my house, it will be free ?
And if I pay for subscription I will get unlimited range internet signal from inside my Switch and I can take my Switch anywhere despite of no internet signal from surrounding ? Gosh...
Switch has internet modem inside ?
@nab1 Only on pretty big international flights
Joy cons are likely to be conneted via bluetooth
It was leaked over a month ago that there are 4g versions of the switch. Im willing to bet that is true. Pop your sim card in perhaps? Otherwise im sure it will tether to your mobile phone anyway like the 3ds.
@Anti-Matter I can't tell if you are being serious or trolling me right now, lol!
I just curious about paid online features.
@Anti-Matter I am curious too. I doubt Nintendo would ever do what I said, it was wishful thinking.
@Anti-Matter not mentioned by Nintendo,just something I'd like to go along with the Switch.
Probably nothing exciting. But it would be nice, especially if it was part of the online subscription.
@DoctorOverbuild hmm, if so wouldn't the Parental control app Nintendo just showed off be wasteful if AP cuts off all option? Mobile data will come into play at some point.
The Nintendo 3Ts! (Nintendo three tees)
You're welcome. I like to be a cheer-up fairy whenever I can.
The Wii U had N though, so I suppose the switch won't have less than that (probably ac).
This is clearly just "airplane mode" where the Switch is no longer searching for Wifi hotspots or able to create local multiplayer communications.
Isn't it exciting. I wonder what they'll reveal next?
C'mon people. Airplane mode turns off all wireless communications. Nothing to do with mobile data.
99 Out 100 people have this feature on their phone yet no one knows what it's for? It turns off all wireless communications! I actually use it as a battery saving feature at night and when I'm in places where there is very little network coverage.
I doubt it so music. Even the Wifi-only Vita model has an airplane mode, it's like people have forgotten that Wifi is a form of internet connection too.
That said, what I would give for cellular online play...
It is cloud
Said it months ago, on here, you'd be able to use it like a mobile phone too...........
Thought the point of the switch was gaming on the go?..... surely it needs mobile to truly do that?.........
Nintendo make games for Nintendo platforms, if they're making mobile games then they will want the lions share of they're profits..........
Nintendo have already said they're online will need a smartphone app to do so, read into it eh............
Very, very clever move actually if they're monthly subscribtion includes mobile data, surely they're best and only way of clawing back customers from the mobile phone gamers.........
For those who say that Nintendo Switch should have a 4G, I'm glad it didn't, because that would suck the Switch's battery so much to the point that it cuts the duration in half. Wi-Fi only is a great decision in my opinion.
Airplane mode? It's useful if it can be turned on quickly in case you forgot to turn the Wi-Fi off in the settings.
Nintendo have already said that voice chat features are managed by an app, so to me that suggests that Switch can tether to a mobile for data
@JHDK That's not at all what they said. The way it was worded was two separate points:
-voice chat and lobbies
-app to allow the above via smartphone.
There was no suggestion whatsoever you can't voice chat via the console. The most likely situation at the moment is you can't at launch, which along with other missing features is why online is free at launch. When you start paying for online the voice chat will be part of it, there's no two ways about it.
@jimi Ignoring your blatant agenda, maybe going by what IGN said instead of what Nintendo said is pretty stupid?
The way Nintendo wrote it was:
"- Online lobby and voice chat
-Our new dedicated smart device app will connect to Nintendo Switch and let you invite friends to play online, set play appointments, and chat with friends during online matches in compatible games─all from your smart device."
They are specifically listed as two separate features. We have online chat and a lobby system, and an app that allows you to do those too! That's how they sold it.
Not to mention they are selling "Nintendo Switch Chat Earbuds" and headsets. They could be to plug into your phone of course but since most people already have headphones for their smartphones, that would be a pretty idiotic accessory to get ready for launch.
As for your other complaints, copying save games has no possible benefit except piracy. Not to mention cloud saves are a possibility once the paid service comes online. They haven't suggested whatsoever that there won't be a browser, just that there won't be at launch. Since we know the online service is coming a bit later that shouldn't be a surprise to anybody. The same goes for Miiverse. Plus we know they have a share button so if they do remove Miiverse they will have something to replace it.
They aren't keeping the 3DS alive either. Obviously they aren't gonna come out and say "the 3DS is now dead nobody buy it!" They have had the same approach to every console launch including Nintendo DS which they claimed was only a third pillar to Gamecube and GBA even though GBA was dead in the water already.
The only thing I agree with you on is that the price is too high as I was expecting around £220 but £279 in the UK isn't ridiculously bad at all.
PS4 and Xbox One launched at £350 and took around two years to get near that price. Yes they are more powerful but don't feature HD rumble, a HD screen, accelerometers, the Joycons and their sensors etc. Processing power is a minuscule part of the cost.
We know Nintendo are purposely holding back games to allow third parties a chance as they did on the Nintendo DS and this a good idea to me. If your main issues with the system are lack of games and the price then the common sense thing to do would be wait. The Wii U price didn't drop due to the ridiculous manufacturing costs involved but you can bet they've learnt from that. Around holiday 2017 or early 2018, when more games have released, the price has dropped, and the online has launched, anyone with a slight interest in Nintendo games will want it, including you, I'm willing to bet.
I doubt it is about mobile internet (wasn't it practically confirmed there wouldn't be 3G/4G?)
Most likely it is to shut down any wireless signal that could interfere with navigation systems during a flight. Safety first, guys! It will be useful to get a longer battery life from each charge though - hope it is as easy to access as it is on the 3DS!.
@Damo From my experience you only need to turn off Wi-Fi during take off and landing. During flight they often allow you to use your phones. Some planes even have their own Wi-Fi for you to use for free.
Doesn't 3DS have an airplane mode as well? Doesn't indicate mobile data or anything, just an option to turn off all wireless communications.
@PtM Yes actually. I remember when I was on a plane, we only had to shut off our devices for the ascent and descent. The whole middle part of the flight was fine.
yeah, the old iphone touch had an airplane mode. It was wifi only too.
Half-Life 3 Confirmed!
@Zactoad Could be. Most of my flights have been across hemispheres.
Pilotwings Switch confirmed! Feel winds with your hands!
Excuse me ?!
Super Mario Odyssey looks GORGEOUS BEAUTIFUL and FUN to play !
How on Earth could you called it Rubbish ?!
Did you lost your mind ?!
And so WHAT if Switch less powerful than ps4 ? WHO CARES !! I said WHO CARES !! Being most powerful is NOT the King of all. Stop being greedy for powerful specs. Shut up and play the games even less powerful than ps4 or pc. Games doesn't NEED to be as sharp as pc to be called Perfect. Not at all. Not everybody so hungry for OMG ULTRA TOO HD graphics. Geesh...
I'll admit it would be pretty cool if the Nintendo Switch was able to use mobile data, but I wouldn't get my hopes up. It sure would be a big convenience though.
I am not sure why anyone is making a big deal out of this. Airplane mode just shuts down all of the network radios with a hit of the button as to not interfere with the airplane's navigation equipment during takeoff.... We do this with our phones now.
@Dpullam If you turn on the mobile hotspot on your phone then you can connect to it via Wi-Fi, it's the same thing as long the Switch is able to communicate over that network.
Mobile Hotspots are essentially the same as buying Mobile data for a device through your phone provider.
You can buy a Mobile hotspot and then just connect to it with the Switch.
@spawn1210 Oh cool! Didn't think about that. How much does buying a hotspot cost exactly?
@gatorboi352 The Switch is already looking a lot better than the Wii U ever was. Sure it's launch line looks laughable, but the year as a whole doesn't look that bad.
Luckily I have unlimited data with my phone, so combining it with a hotspot and I should be able to be online anytime I need with a Switch anyway (it's brilliant for remote play on the Vita too, been scavenging for supplies in The Division on my lunches for the last week).
I would say there is zero chance of this happening. For one it wasn't even touched upon during the two different conferences. Secondly there are no access covers for a SIM card to be inserted (as they showed everything including the MicroSD location under the kickstand). So that would leave only CDMA (Verizon and Sprint in the USA) and again nothing was mentioned within two conferences totaling nearly seven hours in length.
@Peach64 Right, tethering your Switch to your cellphone will be the only way to play online on the go.
@TheMisterManGuy 2017 looks to be a good year for the Switch though the launch lineup until Splatoon 2 is very thin. Zelda has been said several times to be nearly identical to the Wii U version, though the Wii U will have dual display for inventory management. I was fairly excited for MK8E up until it was stated there will be no additional courses. I will pick it up for the 1080p 60 fps, extra characters and battle stages, but it was a decision that could have gone either way at $60. It shouldn't have got my attention, but I'll likely pickup Snipperclips for $20 after seeing it on the Treehouse Live. But Bomberman R didn't look to be a full $60 title either.
@TheMisterManGuy "The Switch is already looking a lot better than the Wii U ever was."
That isn't really saying much lol
i actually have a little private jet, this will be cool if its true. i dont fly but i ride so yay!
@gatorboi352 It really is when you think about it. The Wii U had some fundamental problems in both design and concept for it to ever be a success. Even with a different name, better marketing, and better 3rd party support, it still would've failed, because they fail to solve the underlying problems with the Wii U design wise.
The Switch doesn't have any of the design problems that plagued it's predecessor though. It's only real problems are it's steep price and lackluster launch. I see the Nintendo Switch as much closer to the Nintendo DS than the Wii U.
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