TACS Systems has announced that its next Wii U eShop title will launch this month. Radiantflux: Hyperfractal is a unique combination of adventure, action and puzzle-solving all presented in a faux desktop computer environment. You assume the role of a "neo-hacker" who delves into "data-fractal hyper structures" after receiving a mysterious email.
Using various "forbidden tools" you must dig into the dark web to uncover a hidden world of secrets. As you can see from the gameplay in the trailer, your journey into the underbelly of the net takes various forms, including an intense shoot 'em up, a Game Boy-style puzzle title, a Doom clone and even a take on the classic Minesweeper game for Microsoft Windows.
Developer Thomas Hopper explains the story behind the game:
RF:HF was born from research I was doing into raymarching fractal structures on the Wii U's GPU. I found that very complex fractals could be rendered in real time at decent speeds. Using spacial folding techniques the basic fractal structures could be morphed into a number of interesting symmetrical animated forms. Further optimisations of the technique allowed for a game to run at the same time as the complex fractal rendering on the Wii U hardware. The rotational nature of the fractals implied a cylindrical space and so a wrap-around playfield was designed. The infinite grid-like backgrounds, setting sun and complex fractals rendered in purple and pink are inspired by 90s computer generated graphics. So, naturally, the user interface had to reflect this too. I designed a fake 90s inspired operating system and a suite of applications which can be unlocked as rewards as the player progresses in the main game. Each represents an application I remember being obsessed with at some point in my youth.
What do you make of this trailer? Will you be buying the game when it arrives later this month? Let us know with a comment.
Comments 24
"RF:HF was born from research I was doing into raymarching fractal structures on the Wii U's GPU. I found that very complex fractals could be rendered in real time at decent speeds. Using spacial folding techniques the basic fractal structures could be morphed into a number of interesting symmetrical animated forms."
What in the world does that mean?
@Mega_Yarn_Poochy Volumetric rendering lets a developer draw non-polygonal stuff. Things that have volume. Usually used for things like light shafts, fog, smoke, that sort of thing.
Here I'm using the technique to render very complex shapes that the Wii U wouldn't otherwise be able to draw. These fractals already have millions of points of detail. Spacial folding lets me mirror parts of that structure which means even more detail.
I don't think so.
A mashup of several old games appearing as parodies of themselves ("duum" takes the cake) in a faux-Windows 3.11 interface while a SUPERHOT-esque plot unfolds? That might be interesting!
Looks interesting!
Remind me of Pony Island !
Yeah, you are right. It sounds interesting though.
This sounds really interesting! At the right price, I'll give this a shot!
@RealPoketendoNL it's 2.99
"complex fractal rendering on the Wii U hardware"
There's life in the ol' dog yet!
Looks interesting.
It's there a overall story?
seem's like it might be trying to take on more then it can chew all at once.
this seems a very strange and unique concept in a cool kind of way! want to know more!
I'm glad to see most commenters are intrigued, rather than being dismissive. I'm intrigued as well.
more junk lol
I hope the main game feels nice to play. That fractal effect is really cool. Only 2.99? I'm in.
So sad that Wii U is flooded with these low level 8 bit looking games.
@iamserious I couldn't disagree more.
Looks like vomit.
Day one puirchase. i absolutely adore the aesthetic. i saw a dos computer and a vhs tape........SOLD
At least the indie sector is still pumping out great stuff... And just 2,99€?!? Wow!
That was cool, and very unique! I love the 90:s OS UI. Those fractals are very impressive to watch too. This is the type of titles I want to see on Wii U!
Such an interesting one for just 2,99€? Getting it at day 1 =)
Glad to see Wii-U e-shop still offers so different stuff like this exclusive indie <3
Know my old comment here? "Looks like vomit," my butt. Game is actually one hell of an experience. Not as great as SUPERHOT, or close to it, but if expanded upon would make for a great AAA game, no joke.
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