Remember Project CARS? The ultra-realistic racing sim was a pretty big deal back in the early days of the Wii U, and Slightly Mad Studios seemed pretty optimistic for the Wii U port. As time went on, the game was continually hit with delays – though the developer maintained that the Wii U would deliver a competent port – but the act was eventually dropped and the Wii U port was torched.
When the game was cancelled there was some hope for Nintendo fans, as Slightly Mad mentioned that it was looking forward to Nintendo's next hardware announcement, but now it looks like those hopes have been dashed, too. A fan recently asked the developers on Twitter if a version of the game is bound for the Nintendo Switch, and the response wasn't encouraging:
It's rather disappointing that Slightly Mad has given the Nintendo audience the Jekyll and Hyde treatment, but hopefully there'll be other similar racing sims to look forward to on the upcoming platform.
What do you think? Are you disappointed? Why do you think the studio doesn't seem to want to port the game to the Switch? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 102
Cares who? Not I.
Why? It's simple. Same reason why they didn't port to Wii U and why barely anyone supported Wii U:
Their publishers don't want to risk wasting more time and money allowing the development a version on a weaker platform that isn't selling well or that they think may not have the potential to sell well. Especially if the platform is TOO weak (I don't think this affects the Switch nearly as much as it affected the Wii U at least) or whose system architecture requires an entirely separate development pipeline (again, doesn't affect Switch QUITE as much as Wii U, as now they're sharing system architecture commonly used in smart devices....though the state of console game ports to ARM is still pretty much in its infancy; fortunately Android, NVIDIA, and the PS Vita have all already started paving the way for Nintendo to entice more devs to port modern games to modern ARM architecture).
They really did handle this whole thing rather badly. They promised Nintendo fans multiple times that they would make it work on Wii U, only to say that it was always a 'maybe' when they realized they couldn't figure out how to make it work. I have no doubt that it's quite tough to port this to Wii U, but they straight up lied to Nintendo fans.
Still salty from before it seems....
These guys are full of it......their handling of the Wii u/project cars fiasco was a complete disaster!!
I don't care about hyper-realistic racing games anyway.
I can't claim that this game was ever on my radar, but I'm a bit disconcerted non the less.
Nintendo, any chance of a full-on F-Zero to quell the desires of the speed freak Switch adopters?
Ultra realistic racing with actual car design but no items = Boring
Mario Kart 8 = Awesome
Umm, was anyone actually thinking it would come to Switch? Come on now. Nobody cares.
That's fine, I currently had no plans of buying Project Cars on Switch, sorry!
As if I even care about that studio anymore. After purposely deleting any ''negative'' comments on their own site, I gave up on that studio and it's game. Don't want to develop for a system? Fine. Say it. Don't avoid the question, and don't try to control your comment section just to make yourself look better. And mind you, they had a poll on their site asking what version people were looking most forward to. Remember that one? The Wii U was by far the most popular choice.
By the time the Switch launches Project Cars will be a 2 year old game. I don't think this has anything to do with spite or horsepower. It's just simply not a new game. Why is this a surprise to anyone?
@Zach777 I do. Project Cars looks like a fantastic game. Besides, there aren't any realistic driving games for Wii U. I hope that is not the case with Switch.
@Anti-Matter I disagree. I love Mario Kart, but I also enjoy games like Gran Turismo and Forza.
Okay, I think we have different opinion about racing games. I like Mario Kart 8 because first Cartoonish, not ultra realistic. For some reason i'm tired and boring to see typical ultra realistic cars, beside actually I have no interest with real car. Second, the items. Playing racing games without wacky items = boring, no sensation, not interesting to replay again. I ever tried Midnight Tune 5 arcade for once and I felt boring, not interested to play again. It was too plain. Cartoonish design attract me absolutely. Realistic design just make me boring. Third, Mario Kart 8 have Tons of Unique, Twisted, OMG racing track that I will never get bored. Typical realistic racing games mostly set on realistic place with no Anti Gravity, No Twist, No Unique Track design (Look at Ribbon Road, Cheeseland, Music Park, etc. They have themed racing track). I have watched so many times the gameplay of realistic racing car and none of them can attract me. Only Cartoonish racing games can attract me. Sorry if I prefer Cartoonish style rather than Realistic style. It just about my gaming taste.
Eh. Not interested in anything from this dev anymore. There are so many good devs out there, no need to give those liars any money
I Had it on PS4 and traded it in after a month, wasn't overly impressed with it so wouldn't of been interested even if it did come to Switch
games like project cars, gran turismo, and forza, all serve as car guy fantasies beyond just being racing games. not getting project cars might be offset by the fact that 505 games is a switch partner and they've got assetto corsa. that game's hardcore tho', even for the console versions. it might be too much for the casual switch gamer.
@skywake PC2 is in development, but I'd assume this statement is referring to that too.
i really hope switch has these kind of games.
Some of these comments really annoy me and sound childish. I'm sure there are a lot of Nintendo fans that wanted to play this.
I was really dissapointed in project cars not coming to the WiiU, and I'm not suprised that it's not heading the switch.
I'll admit that it them having 'no current plans' doesn't mean it can't happen at all. So for those of you that are interested - give it awhile.
However, I will agree with @Zach777 and reiterate the "who cares?" notion. Not like this game's interesting.
Don't like this studio lies lies lies
One of my favourite games series is Gran Turismo. I'll get Project cars soon but I doubt it's in the same league as GT.
Unfortunately I don't think it'd do well on a Nintendo console. It probably works better with a steering wheel. Sim racers are a genre that are for a specific type of gamer. Even Forza is not really a sim it's a bit more arcade and we can see it's really popular. Sim racers are not as popular as they should be.
Another problem with sim racers is they can get bad review scores. Just look at some of the bad scores GT6 got and it's one of (if not) the best racing games of all time.
Unfortunately Nintendo gamers, or some of them want pick up and play games.
Project CARE, in development indefinitely.
I'm not interested
Here comes the 3rd party doom train ready to infect the Switch launch
@AVahne As Nvidia basically said the other day: there is really no excuse for developers to not port games to the Switch.
What a bunch of......
@UK-Nintendo Why? It wasn't a good game. There's always F1 and (if they own the rights) DriveClub that could come to the Switch given Codemasters are one of the third-parties on the list.
Besides, these 'driving simulators' belong next to GTA and FIFA. Bland, non imaginative pop trash for lad culture.
@the-madprofessor thanks but I'll play the proper games on my ps4
I'm a Nintendo fan but I guess most Nintendo fans don't like third party games
I was really looking forward to project cars on WiiU so was disappointed when they cancelled it, but totally understand why they did it from a business sense. If Switch sells well then I'm sure we'll see a Project Cars game in the future especially as it sounds relatively easy to port to. We need a couple of killer launch titles, at least some of the so called Western AAA titles and last and certainly not least proper marketing!
@beazlen1 brilliant message. I just wish this comment was right at the top
@Happmaskedguy I resent your comment about lad culture, I'm what I consider to be a hardcore car enthusiast an I'm long time gamer who doesn't care for things like cod,GTA or football and owning a Lancia Delta Integrale couldn't be further from "lad culture" if you tried. Not everyone who plays these games are thugs. also if i could buy realistic racing games on Nintendo I would not own my PS3.
I was really annoyed at slightly mad as I bet a lot of the crowd funding came from promised Nintendo owners,for them to continue that charade for so long was horrible!-they should bloody release the game to say sorry to all the let down fans!
Tell me if I'm wrong but I think the last proper racing sim on a Nintendo console was F1 2009. Hopefully Codemasters involvement in the switch means F1 2017 is on its way
That's a very narrow minded comment. I don't like Fifa or GTA and I'm certainly am not part of any lad culture gaming. I like what I like but I like Nintendo most. Gran Turismo should not be said in the same breath as Fifa and GTA.
Gran Turismo is a lot like Nintendo. Polyphony Digital strive for nothing short of perfection in their GT games.
Meh the game was trash anyways.
Lol, unfortunately for Nintendo that sums up the UK games market.
I remember they said they will port the game to the next Nintendo System. However, I'm not surprised. During the development they said a lot of times that the Wii U version was performing really well, but all were lies at the end of the day.
Either it isn't powerful enough to them (assuming they've had hands on with it) or they don't have time and are working on other things instead. Who knows at this point? And who cares?
I'm pretty much done with Project Cars. We were going to get it on the Wii U for my fiancé's son, who loves racing games, but after how they blasted the Wii Ubso badly we won't even get it on another system. Our son is really disappointed it's not coming out for the Wii U anymore, but he's happy enough with Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo.
I'm slightly mad and they are dead too me!
Is Project Cars a good game?
We've fretted so much about it not coming to a Nintendo platform, but it's two years on, so I have to wonder if it's even worth getting upset about.....
@Mart1ndo Yup, narrow minded. Today I'm indulging in vast, sweeping statements of inconsideration. Enjoy.
@dew12333 Spot on. The UK market is a woeful, sludgey tale indeed.
@LJay Don't worry, my comment was made in a Trump-esque display of spectacular bigotry.
Um...I still need third party developers, but mostly from Japan, not Western. To be honest, my Wii + NDS + 3DS + Gamecube collection mostly Japanese third party with some first party games except Wii U that I rely on first party with only one Western game (Well, actually Lego City Undercover Wii U).
So far, Wii U lacks of Rhythm, Cartoonish Boxing, Somewhat like Go Vacation, Bokujo Monogatarisque , Life simulation, Girlie games, etc.
I think I'll just start calling them Slightly lied studios.
The ship has sailed on Project CARS now...it's launched on other platforms, been underwhelming and hardly set the charts alight so there's no reason to bother releasing it on other platforms now as the mass market interest is simply no longer there.
Switch needs fresh new games, not ports of games that are months/years old. That's partially what hampered the Wii U at launch.
I remember I was so excited for gt5 on my PS3 only to be bored with it and always went back to need for speed or Mario kart. This news only makes me less likely to support this studio with any future game purchases. I never got cars for my PS4 and might have considered it only for off tv play on Wii U. But since they don't support Nintendo, I don't support them.
@TromaDogg "Switch needs fresh new games, not ports of games that are months/years old. That's partially what hampered the Wii U at launch."
You're right. That's why we're getting ports of Zelda: BOTW, MK8, Smash Bros. and Splatoon on Switch.
I'd include Pikmin 4 but they wouldn't let us Wii U owners have it even though it was finished.
In all honesty, it's been out on the other systems for quite some time, and it wasn't that great of a game to begin with. As long as EA brings the next Need For Speed and there are other racing sims I'd rather play, that are more new or better...maybe Sega can bring back the GT series!!!! Other than that, a better Mario Kart would take away the competition on Switch.
I don't care about this particular game, but I've been a big fan of Gran Turismo for years. I'd love to see a decent racing sim on Switch. Or any decent racing game that isn't a cartooney kart racer. Mario Kart is loads of fun, but I could use some variety on the system. Good racing sims aren't exactly a dime a dozen, so a well done entry in the genre could be a boon to Switch's game library. Does it need to be there at launch? Nope.
I actually love racing sims. It's a fun way to go fast without risking lives or money. Gran Turismo was my jam growing up. I ended up getting Project CARS for PS4 and I've gotta say: it's a beautiful game, but wouldn't have been a home run for Wii U anyway. The driving customization settings were TOO detailed/sensitive in my opinion, making it hard to even keep the car on the road. Plus there are no unlockables. Took all the fun out it. It's supposed to be a video game after all. I personally hope Switch gets a better racing sim.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Ports from Wii-U may as well be fresh new games for the potential Switch audience because of the Wii-U's abysmal sales. Unless Switch's audience is only Wii-U upgraders, which would be a disaster. A port of a two year old game available on a more popular system doesn't really compare.
@NoxAeturnus Very often the launch day buyers of a console are the hardcore fans. I for one don't fancy spending €60 a pop on slight upgrades of Wii U games. Though they may be cheaper than that.
I think this game is too old to be relevant and beneficial for the switch. I think we need third party games that are either new releases or no older than a few weeks. We don't want the same situation as the wii u. Where we were getting year old ports at full price when they were already 20 bucks or cheaper on other systems. It just won't help the switchs appeal, except to us who are already buying it. I really don't see too many people waiting skipping a release for the Xbox or ps4 in order to play it on the switch.
Straight bold face liars.
@UK-Nintendo Not liking this particular racing game doesn't equal not liking any third party game at all.
Considering their comments showing interest in the then called NX I think plenty were hopeful for a port. But alas they are full of it.
I don't get why people get so fired up about third parties. They attempted to make it work, and in the end the amount of work required to reach Wii U owners was too much for them to handle.
Bethesda VP literally gave Wii U owners the finger 10 months after launch. But we love them now because Skyrim is coming to the Switch.
9-3-13 - Bethesda vice president Pete Hines says that it's too late for Nintendo to gather third-party support for its Wii U console.
Hines says. "If you're going to sort of decide 'Well, we're going to make a box and this is how it's going to work, and you should make games for it," - well, no! No is my answer!"
"I'm going to focus on other ones that better support what it is we're trying to do. You've got to spend more time trying to reach out to those folks before you even make the box when you're still designing it and thinking about how it's going to work."
So I guess the answer is don't try to support Nintendo owners. Wait until literally you are the only third party that will give them a game at launch and people will love you no matter what you said before.
Ahahaha...! XD
Blue Shell, Kaboom...!!! XD
Meh, even if it came I wouldn't buy it just to spite them. That's the kind of dev that is the growing cancer in the industry.
Good thing. Rather don't get a game extremely old with no kind of enhanciments at full price.
This is not News - And it is not Nintendo Life. .
This is going to be the Duke Nukem Forever of racing games.
@AVahne Or maybe it's just because they're lazy buggers like most other western developers. But no, blame Nintendo for the incompetence of third party developers, especially this one who promised a Wii U version, and could have easily scaled back to have it on the Wii U, but instead ripped off Wii U owners cause they're freaking lazy. If you promise something and then go back on your promise, for whatever reason it may be, you better expect some pissed off consumers. But honestly, from what I've heard of the game, Wii U owners aren't exactly missing much given how mediocre the game is.
When exactly are we going to hold third party developers to certain standards instead of just casually blaming it on weak hardware from Nintendo? Third party developers seem to get away with pretty heinous crap, but when Nintendo makes a mistake, it's like they just committed genocide given the overrreactions I see from gamers. There's some serious double standards going on when it comes to Nintendo and third parties, and frankly, I'm tired of it. We need to hold third parties and certain indie developers responsible instead of casting blame on Nintendo for all their third party woes.
It would be sad if the game was any good but for those wishing to play it on switch look the game up. It ran like garbage on PS4 and Xbox One. It also needed a high end PC to run decent. I doubt they will even make a pro patch(like that could actually fix it).
In all honesty the game wasn't that great anyway, so you're not missing much, but they did screw Ninty gamers over.
Too many Nintendo fans bugged them about the Wii U game, so they took their ball and went home. The salt in this comments section is real.
@Billsama ok thanks
I blame the publisher that took over
@Lucina Yes, Lucina go in on that @$$. Thank you for writing that so I don't have to. I'm sick of the double standards when it comes to Nintendo as well.
@BiasedSonyFan Yes, that is true. However, have there ever been a SIM racing or SIM-cade racing game on a Nintendo platform? When looking at the GameCube third party sales, Need for Speed (although that is a arcade racing series) sold pretty well. Don't know the Wii Need for Speed sale figures. It doesn't help that Need for Speed: Most Wanted U was sabotage by EA.
@cleveland124 From my limited understanding, NVIDIA and Bethesda seem to have a decent working relationship. Actually, there are a lot studios that seem to have a decent relationship with NVIDIA. So, I do think the noise/crap talk that Nintendo received during the Wii and Wii U eras from developers, at least, should be a bit toned down to almost non-existent.
@AVahne Let me correct you they got funded by Kickstarter by alot of Nintendo fans for it was to come to Nintendo Wii U but when they got the funding they bailed and went to PS4 and Xbox One
#BoycottSlightlyMadStudios They Screwed Nintendo Fans
They don't want our business and we are giving them what they want. From this point any game they release it will always be a pass from us. We don't support Hate. They are a hateful company. Spread the word on all gaming sites of this foul company..Company that made Project CARS. Was supposed to come to Wii U. Got cancelled. Isn't coming to Switch. These wacko's used Kickstarter back when it was to come to Wii U and when they got funded by the Wii U fans they bailed and went to PS4 and Xbox One..Not cool!
@MitchVogel You are completly wrong , the WiiU version is ready, it runs at 30fps with 2006 graphics, they even said at this time that they don't think the game is really enjoyable in this condition and they are putting it aside hoping the NX will be more powerfull.
Nintendo simply didn't care about this type of game when they designed the WiiU. The devs don't have to do Nintendo's job.
Bethesda or Bioware devs stated that if the Switch is less powerful than a XboxOne they won't devellop anything on it, and i agree.
@Anti-Matter I think Mario Kart 8 is easily the best game on Wii U, and I also like Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. I have nothing against cartoonish racers, but I think it's good to also have more realistic racing games.
While I like fast-paced action in Mario Kart, I also enjoy driving real cars in video games. Driving can be fun even without bananas and shells; I think games like Need for Speed and Forza Horizon prove that quite well (and by the way, FAST Racing NEO is insanely fun even though it doesn't have items). Also, realistic games like Gran Turismo and Project Cars offer an experience that can be exciting and immersive, thanks to realism.
I like different driving experiences. If I can get both cartoonish and realistic driving games, why should I settle for only one of them? That's why Switch needs games like Project Cars, WRC and Formula 1.
Wasn't Need for Speed Wii U regarded as one of, if not the best version?
I'm another Gran Turismo fan, it got me back into gaming with the PS1. I wish there were more racing games on Ninty - good ones I mean. On the 3DS we've got Ridge Racer and... that's it. (Sorry, not really a huge Mario Cart fan - maybe because I'm rubbish at it - flippin' shells)
An EA port of the phone game Real Racing 3 on the Switch would do nicely. Plus as per another thread, Tekken or Dead or Alive - really enjoyed that on 3DS - would be great.
I have a list of games, reasons to finally buy Wii U if the price drops and raid the second hand stores, but Need for Speed is going for over £80 in some places!
^ Kart not cart.
Also, wasn't Project Cars a buggy mess when it first came out? As in invisible walls across the track...
Crap game, crap company!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Neither do I, but I think those ports are more to entice new buyers within the launch period, rather than for the hardcore fans on launch day. As long as there are a couple new games at launch I'll be satisfied.
@masterpad Have you played the Wii U version? I haven't, nor has anybody else, because it never happened. Perhaps they did have a passable prototype in house, but they never actually delivered on their promise...
Good hopefully Nintendo will not have this on any system now or in the future.
Even if PC did make it to the Wii U, only 2 or 3 of you here would've actually bought it. So quit ya whining
@johnodaz And why is that? Because you don't want to? Believe me, there are lots of people who would want games like this on Switch. I hope they make it happen.
@masterpad It was running at 24 FPS at 720p. they didn't want to optimize their physics and/or tire engine.
@KoopaTheGamer I would love too see games like this on the NS and i was all up for it on the Wii U but not this game after the Wii U lies and how they treated the Nintendo backers of wanting a version on the Wii U not good I'll pass up on it.
Of course they're not planning to bring this game to Switch.
They never were. They lied to get money when they were raising funds, and then they gave everyone the finger and said deal with it. Said that it would have to be next generation on the NX. Switch gets announced, and surprise surprise, "We took your money and we're not going to give you what you paid for, sorry"
If the Switch manages to do well I hope Slightly Mad don't expect anyone slighted to support their future efforts. That would be, well, blind.
@WiiUPS4Gamer this is how I remember it, I felt suspicious of it from the very start even though was really hoping for it to be true an unfortunately I was right.
If the PS3 can run GT6,project cars could have ran good on Wiiu. It wasn't performance issues it was all about money-greedy lying bas@*$€#
@AVahne Your uninformed comparison of the Switch to the Wiiu is why Nvidia felt the need to stay in touch lately with the public about their involvement in building its graphics performance.
With its mobile-friendly components and Nintendo's branding, it's easy to speculate that it will be underpowered. Or just another Wiiu in terms of performance. But if you pay attenton to Nvidia's constant meetings with investors, where the company's CEO gives more and more details on what makes the Switch tick, you'll start to realize that there truly is something special under the gaming device's hood.
Here are some facts, according to genuine Nvidia press releases and direct quotes from company interviews:
1. The switch will be unlike anything the world of gaming has ever had before. The perfect marriage of a dedicated console and a dedicated handheld.
2. The Switch's modern architecture will allow easy ports from the PC, PS4, and XB1.
3. The Switch will have a unique scalable architecture that allows true console power when docked, with battery-friendly minimal compromise when undocked.
Bonus fact: The Switch will be a pleasant surprise.
@AVahne Also, you have to understand that there's not just ARM processors powering the switch. There's also a suite of Geforce drivers, custom APIs, and other performance enhancing software that will be the likes of what you'd find in Nvidia's latest Geforce PC cards. We should expect the Switch's performance to be interesting, not the boring underpowered mess that's dominating speculation. There also may be a surprise or two in there, like a dual-functioning CPU/GPU.
@Lucina "There's some serious double standards going on when it comes to Nintendo and third parties, and frankly, I'm tired of it. We need to hold third parties and certain indie developers responsible instead of casting blame on Nintendo for all their third party woes." Well said, my friend, well said.
@Captain_Toad Yeah, I think they realize that they may have burned some bridges with Nintendo's audience. They've lost an important amount of trust with us.
@LJay well the game did not sell as well and im hoping they go bankrupt at some point
People, just wait till next week to hear what games will appear.
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