As many of you are aware, Pokkén Tournament is a Japanese arcade fighting game that aims to incorporate elements of the Tekken fighting series into a Pokémon themed fighter. It certainly seems to be an engaging experience and it's been recently confirmed that it will be brought to the West in the form of a port for the Wii U. All the same, it seems that the arcade version is continuing to receive updates, as a new boss character was just recently added in.
This extra boss is Dark Mewtwo, which is evidently a new form of the popular psychic Pokémon. Whether this is a Pokkén exclusive version of Mewtwo or a possible new form for the main games (Mewtwo Z?) remains unclear, but one thing that's for sure is that this thing is a really tough boss. Take a look at some footage of the fight with Dark Mewtwo below:
What do you think? Is this going to show up in the inevitable next Pokémon game? What do you think of Pokkén Tournament? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source neogaf.com]
Comments 40
That is one mean looking mewtwo. Looks a lot like mega mewtwo x with a few more spikes. Be cool if it was mega mewtwo z but Im not sure. Let's wait and see.
The fight looked kind of boring to be honest.
I think it looks really similar to Mewtwo X, so it's kind of tough to judge what this really is. On one hand, it wouldn't surprise me if there were exclusive forms of Pokemon that were made just for this game; but on the other hand, there were two versions of Mewtwo in X and Y, so it's certainly a possibility that they'll give him a third one for Z.
The fact that it's called Dark Mewtwo in the game according to the in-game text leads me to believe it's probably Pokken exclusive. Also totally expecting regular Mewtwo to be a playable fighter.
@IceClimbers He isn't already?
Dark Mewtwo that Mega Evolves into Dark Mega Mewtwo X Not a new form
Yeah, Dark Mewtwo seems like his own thing. Not a Mewtwo Z form.
Wii U version can't get here soon enough.
Yeah, Serebii said it. It's essentially iust Mega Mewtwo X with a palette swap, but good God, it's an awesome-looking palette swap! And seriously, if Mewtwo isn't playable, I'm sure we'll be giving a few stern words to the folks at Bandai Namco! Surely he must be playable, right...?
Kinda looks like a shadow pokemon from Coliseum and XD rather than a new form.
Cool! Of course the console version will have it, there would be riots at the doors of Game Freak HQ if it doesn't!
That didn't look tough at all for a fighting game. I like the design, however.
Suddenly Mega Mewtwo X became cool.
@KTT I always preferred Mega Mewtwo X design over the Y design. I hate how the Y design make Mewtwo turn into a Pokémon version of Super Buu just a 100 times worst design wise. Mega Mewtwo X likes Like a real upgrade of Mewtwo since he actually resembles Mewtwo outside of the color scheme.
It's just Mewtwo X with a bit of anime style variation.
My guess is that this is just an exclusive version of Mewtwo created specifically created for Pokken and won't appear in the main Pokemon games. However, I'm usually wrong with these guesses. If it's announced for the main games, I would be so excited.
For the love of Arceus, PLEASE let him be playable!!!
Should've been Mecha Nurse Joy
It'd be cool to add Shadow Stones or something to current Pokemon games, giving you a dark form of Mega Evolved Pokemon.
Can anyone say "OP as fawk"?
It looks like Mewtwo got some lessons from the SNK bosses...
I'm guessing palette swap for this one. It looks awesome, and seems to be a subtle callback to Coliseum/XD.
Orre confirmed?!?!
Super Saiyan Mewtwo Confirmed??
@MitchVogel Not confirmed yet. I'd be shocked if Mewtwo wasn't playable though.
Looks amazing I cannot wait to get this title for my Wii U this is currently my most anticipated game come on spring time ..
BUT......Who would win a DEATH BATTLE? Him or Dark Ryu? XD
So what's next? Mega Dark Mewtwo Z?
Too much edge
@OlicityBlows i want it to be so, but unlikely since it was a project from another team right?
@Aromaiden your Avi is wonderful
Its probably an exclusive dark version just for Pokken, like the TCG often does. Doesn't Tekken also tend to do dark versions of its characters too? That's likely where the idea came from, the TCG ding it just makes it that much more believable.
I hope this also means regular Mewtwo is playable, if not this one as well. Maybe even Mewtwo Y since this one is based on X.
@Kalmaro Thank you. It was made by Jenna (@TamarinFrog).
Maybe a special Mewtwo like Dark Lugia in Pokémon XD (not listed in the main series)
Just when you thought Mewtwo couldn't get any more edgey.
It would be cool if a future main series game allowed us to add the "dark" type to certain Pokemon via an item or "dark evolution" (be it permanent or not) similarly to how "Dark" Pokémon were implemented in the trading card game some 15 years ago. Either way, I think having Pokémon with up to three possible types is in order, as some Pokémon seem to embody more than just two types, particularly flying types or Pokémon with the levitate ability that often need to forfeit one type in favour of another (such as Lugia, who has long been depicted as an aquatic Pokémon but is categorised in-game only as a Psychic/Flying type; another example is Mega Charizard X, who should also be a Fire/Dragon/Flying type, but the flying type was dropped in favour of dragon).
You mean like how the TCG made dual energy Pokemon?
The problem with that is the TCG Pokemon only ever have one type and weakness at a time, they just use another energy type.
Adding a 3rd permanent type could easily break the games. Take mega Charizard X for example, you'd be removing it's ground weakness and neutralizing flying's weaknesses. There's no downside besides a bigger rock weakness, while others would just end up nerfed.
Not to mention it'd just make things more convoluted and needlessly complex. There are already items, moves, and abilities that have similar effects.
@Zombie_Barioth : No. I think the dual energy gimmick only spanned one expansion. I was referrring to the Rocket expansion from years past (which introduced "dark" variations of existing Pokémon, with more cunning moves).
I don't understand what you mean by "breaking" Charizard. I don't see how a Fire/Flying/Dragon type Pokémon would be overpowered or underpowered. If anything, it will gain as many advantages as disadvantages while giving it a more realistic type combination.
I thought so. The dual energy thing lasted a while if I remember right.
As I already said, there aren't really any disadvantages to that typing. Dragon and fire cancel most of flying's weaknesses, besides ice and rock, which its already weak to anyway. Its already a top-tier threat as is without getting nearly free levitate, since it loses it's ground weakness.
This is a case where realism conflicts with game balance. Most games don't mess with more than one element per creature for a reason, let alone 3. It doesn't necessarily make it more realistic anyway since Pokemon don't need to be of a certain type to have the associated characteristics.
@Zombie_Barioth : I'm not completely certain though. I had only followed the Base/Jungle/Fossil sets and I recall buying the Misty deck from the Gym Challenges (?) series. A few years ago, I bought a few cheap decks from the Black and White series out of nostalgia for the card game and then I hadn't bought any since and I never will again. Too expensive and too great a commitment for something that I'm never going to play. I'm just holding out a new handheld TCG in the spirit of the GBC games from 15 years ago. The PC/iOS version simply doesn't cut it as it operates too much like a free-to-play/pay-to-win game and requires a ridiculous amount of grinding to add even a few cards to my collection. It encapsulates everything that I hate about the "free" gaming of today.
And I suggested 3-typing as a way to subtly enhance the base mechanics of the game without totally breaking it. I think it will happen eventually (if not next generation) as I doubt that Game Freak will be introducing any new types or other drastic changes to the core game anytime soon (it had already taken them 15 years to introduce the "Fairy" type). It won't affect my enjoyment of the game one way or the other. I haven't had any grievances with the direction that Game Freak has been taking the main series games, at least not yet (aside from it being too repetitive and uninspired with the same basic formula for nearly 20 years now).
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