It's finally arrived. One of the biggest updates - to version 2.0.0 - for Splatoon is now live, bringing with it a whole load of enhancements; it should automatically download when you next boot up the game. There are some balancing tweaks, of course, but it's the arrival of greater match customisation along with a host of new goodies that are getting both kids and squid excited.
Below is the high level summary from the official Splatoon Tumblr page:
- More than 40 pieces of new gear
- Two new weapon types, the Slosher and Splatling
- Squad Battles
- Private Battles
- Level Cap Increase
- Ranked Battle Level Increase
- Updates to Urchin Underpass
- New Music
Plenty to take in; as highlighted above a particularly big deal are the options to team up with friends in Squad Battles, or to run your own Private Battles with almost any player configuration you want, up to a maximum of four per team. For those with active Friend Lists on their Wii U, Splatoon just got a whole lot better.
The other tweaks are welcome too - there's loads of gear, two new weapon types, increased level and ranking caps, a tweaked stage and an awesome new music track.
So, dive into the update and let us know what you think!
Comments 100
Yay, it's finally here.
Nice, this was def one of 2015 biggest surprises for the Wii U, didn't expect the game to be so good, and to put so many hours on it, and it keeps on giving
I should probably get this game...
Well, I have the update, hence the article, but am getting connection errors. Anyone else?
Same here
i end up just goin straight in the game no messages about the updatr
Let me guess, they nerfed the roller, right?
I got the update but I'm getting network errors now
@ianolivia Based on the update notes, no.
Meanwhile in Canada...I can't connect either. So I went into Cooler Heads, and Annie refused to sell me gear because I was "kinda sorta offline". And then Moe called me a nerd and told me to beat it. I'm takin' my business elsewhere buddy.
@ThomasBW84 I am getting them too.
It's weird, Nintendo's 'Network Status' pages are reporting no errors. Oh well, patience is a virtue!
As soon as I updated, I rebooted the system and it let me in!
@manwithoutfear Yes you should. It's a lot of fun. One of the most fun I had with a new Nintendo title in ages. Not to say at times you won't be cursing out loud during online game-play, but that's because the battles can be so intense, lol.
Death to all Sloshers. They have been giving me the most trouble tonight.
Sloshers OP!
How has everyone been finding the Slosher and Splatling?
Getting my butt kicked by Sloshers
Slosher is OP as eff.
@Aromaiden Splatlings are easy to deal with if you have a splat roller in my opinion. I've been getting more kills lately with that weapon since absolutely everyone is trying out the Splatling.
Dealing with Sloshers though are a little tricky. As long as I have a wall that I can climb on to I take them down by surprise. They're pretty dangerous along the lines of the Inkzooka cause they can go over walls and such.
Splatoon is a lot of fun when playing solo, but when you're trying to play with friends it's a nightmare.
First of all, I only play online with people I know, not strangers off Miiverse. In the end, playing online with friends is pointless. Besides, most of my friends don't even have Wii U's. Face it Nintendo, people play with their friends on Xbox and Playstation. Proven fact.
On top of that, you can't even have your friends play with you locally without a classic controller or pro controller! What the hay, Nintendo! Seriously, I shouldn't have to go out and buy another controller JUST TO PLAY WITH MY FRIENDS.
Heck, you can't even do split-screen online multiplayer. I find this amusing because people marvel at Nintendo for being the only ones still offering local play. Advanced Warfare and Halo 5 are missing out on it, and as a result people gravitate toward Nintendo's split-screen games such as Mario Kart 8 and (even though it's not split-screen, it's still local multiplayer) Super Smash Bros. Realize that PEOPLE CARE. Give your loyal fanboys what they deserve.
Seriously Nintendo, you must've been smoking something strong when you were developing Splatoon.
@ningeek185 So based on your second paragraph, Nintendo shouldn't even include online multiplayer between friends, because apparently no one uses their Wii U to play with their friends. To be frank, that sounds a bit ridiculous.
Slosher OP
Sloshers are OP, but incredibly fun to use. Also got the Squid Girl hat and Squid Girl dress on order
Did I say that? No, I didn't.
The story may have been different with the Wii, where almost everyone had it. I'm not saying they should remove online multiplayer, I'm just hoping they add REAL local play.
Well when the game was released, many people claimed the rollers were OP (which they weren't at all), because most people hadn't figured out yet how to attack them (just quickly jump around them, they're too slow).
I guess it's the same with the sloshers, every weapon has its weakness.
@ningeek185: And how is that supposed to work? You can't just demand something that isn't possible (8-player-splitscreen).
Just to let people know, the Battle Dojo version of Urchin Underpass uses the original layout. And also the one singleplayer level that takes place there.
@shani, that sadly doesn't work when their internet lags. Then they get free hits on you. Same goes for if your internet is laggy.
"In the end, playing online with friends is pointless... Face it Nintendo, people play with their friends on Xbox and Playstation. Proven fact."
^^So that's not you basically saying that it's pointless? Because that's what it sounds like you're saying to me.
By the way, I never said that you said Nintendo should remove the Online Multiplayer w/ Friends. I said you were basically referring to it as being pointless; which is why I said they shouldn't bother with it then.
@ningeek185 I don't understand what you're trying to say with this message, but what I'm getting is you're angry that nintendo didn't provide enough local multiplayer options for Splatoon? is that it? I mean at first I was bummed out because of the lack of multiplayer options for splatoon, but wasn't the point of the game is for Nintendo to create their first Online-focused game? Nintendo's got tons of local multiplayer focused games, go play those.
Well, too bad I don't have any friends...
@BlatantlyHeroic Now I'm confused, what are you referring to? What doesn't work?
Anyway, if someone got laggy internet, (in most cases) they only have themself to blame for choosing that internet provider/not changing it (unless you're living in the countryside and have no other option - but then again, why live in the countryside anyway?). It should be common sense that you need a good internet connection for realtime online games.
@rishisquid Then how about finding some (for example: on NintendoLife)?
@japfelix @Aromaiden
What I'm trying to say is that Splatoon's local multiplayer is broken and doesn't live up to the Big N's standards. Usually they offer awesome local play like they did in Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros.
However, Splatoon currently offers 1v1 battles outside of online matches with is definitely disappointing. And considering the fact that your friends can't even use Wii remotes, that mode is almost unusable (at least if you're like me and don't own multiple pro/classic controllers, which I'm guessing most of you don't either).
Oh, and where's local online play? They had it in Mario Kart and Smash Bros., so why not here?
Playing with friends online is great, but I was really hoping for some local action. Please Nintendo, fix this soon. Support your fans!
@shani Hahaha, I was about to get all ragey on you you before you got to the "unless you're living in the countryside" part. Then you got offensive again and now I dislike you again. Why not live on the countryside, away from murderers, thieves, and greed? Perhaps people prefer to have trees that give air rather than concrete that breaks bones. I'm more concerned with the fact that we haven't became advanced enough to be able to offer decent internet to everyone everywhere without having to pay an arm and a leg for it. You need to get off of your high horse and keep your ignorance and ego in check.
@BlatantlyHeroic I love the country, as I've always loved nature, and how calm and peaceful it tends to be. Although in all honesty, greed is unavoidable no matter where you are, as long as one is around other people. Of course the extent of it can vary depending on the amount of people, but it's almost always there.
@BlatantlyHeroic lol? How was I offensive? I was just stating the fact that everyone chooses his own internet provider.
The same goes for living in the countryside: If you choose that, you choose poor internet connection (in most cases). Now I don't want to dictate anyone where to live (how could I?) and I surely understand the demand of having more quiet (I often have that demand myself). My father always says he prefers the countryside over the city. But personally, I really don't understand that. I've been in the countryside often and for a day or two, it's nice (like vacation), but staying there for a week almost drives me crazy. I couldn't live there. There are only few people to interact with (meaning you don't really have a choice and get fed up with them eventually), there is little to nothing to do (that's why people in the countryside are getting drunk all the time - at least in Germany it is that way, ask anyone who grew up in the countryside), there are few shops/activities to go to. And this might sound like a prejudice and I surely don't want to lump the country people together - that wouldn't be fair to anyone - but it's a fact that people in the countryside (if you take a larger number) tend do be less open-minded, less cosmopolitan and also tend to have more racial reservations. Again, I'm not talking about everyone in the countryside, I know many people who grey up in the countryside and they aren't even remotely like that, but the same people will confirm what I just wrote.
In cities, you have to interact with more different people and also, more people from other countries. That doesn't mean all city people are open-minded or not racist (if it just were that easy...), hell no. But take a city like Cologne (where the Gamescom takes place): It's full of all different kinds of people and they all accept and respect each other, not matter what race, nationality, religion, sexuality, hobbies or opinions they have.
And since when is the countryside "away from murderers, thieves, and greed"? Those things are present everywhere. The evil comes from humans, not from cities. This may not apply for the US, but here, we don't have many murderers, mainly because you can't just go buy a weapon. Actually, in the German countryside (and only there), we have gun clubs. Most of the time they are only known for having feasts with excessive alcohol use (similar to Cologne's Karneval). But guess what, those few prominent murder cases where one guy shot dozens of people in a school accured in the countryside and they got their weapons due to their membership in a gun club.
Anyway, I didn't mean to offend you or anyone living in the countryside. I hope that became clear now.
But I have to say, I could just as well tell you to get off your high horse regarding your prejudice about cities. Just so you know (I don't know which country you live in), there are plenty of cities with many trees and greens. Also, the problem isn't "that we haven't became advanced enough to be able to offer decent internet to everyone everywhere". The technical requirements already exist for a long time. It's just the internet providers not wanting to spend the money for a small amount of customers. That's why the countryside doesn't always have fast internet or more choice of providers.
Now, let's get back to topic: You wrote "that sadly doesn't work when their internet lags". What did you refer to?
Now all we need is an inkthrower.
The new music is really good at making me feel excited during a match. Though I wish the stores would have more clothing purchasable at a time considering Annie didn't have anything to purchase until it became midnight. After midnight she only had 2 purchasable hats to choose from which is okay at best.
@PokemonJustin Yeah! I always loved flamethrowers in any game (Turok 2, Far Cry 3 & 4).
More content! That should! Have been! Included! On retail copies! And digital! Since day one!!
That's how it sounds like.
7.8 - Too Much Countryside
man, i wish these threads would get rewritten.
so um, i'm still getting connection errors; anyone still the same? 9:20 akt
there is something nice about drip feed content though: as in gardening it waters the soul nicely, and on a regular basis if i might add. some of us appreciate that.
Error Code: 104-2230
@Aromaiden Not quite. There's still Rainmaker mode, as well as a few maps and weapons.
@IceClimbers Yeah, I actually just remembered that. My mistake, I should probably erase my other comment since it's incorrect.
Hey, folks! Are any US players getting an error message about not being connected to the internet (in the shops) when we really are?
@sleepinglion yes; just tried a restart and...
@sleepinglion yeah, restart your Wii U
my experience!
Winning with gatling - CONNECTION UNSTABLE! - You lost connection to the host.
Losing with gatling - No issues at all!
my life right now. ggwp. no re please, have mercy.
This looks fantastic. I can't wait to finish work this evening. I gave the game a long break since I was becoming too obsessed with rankings and wasn't playing it to have fun, but that's not a problem for me anymore
@crimsontadpoles GL mate ;] fare better than I have lol
@mybucket oh sweet baby Slosher... fantastic that last dance with you was.
@crimsontadpoles and don't worry lol we all know you're posting from the restroom lol
Just updated, my son was having trouble with error messages... Turned the Wii U off and on and so far so good. I'm from Northern Ireland in the UK
@Varelius That's very common among most shooters, the "quit if you're losing" strategy. Halo's the only shooter franchise I've played where people have honor and are willing to accept a loss.
I just wish I could get past what I consider to be basically broken aiming controls—because I love everything else about this game.
@Kirk I beg to differ. The gyro controls are so intuitive, I tilt other controllers in other games wanting them to respond. It feels like a step backwards having to use my thumbs!
@rishisquid I'll be your friend. Shall we take on the world, friend?
... the bucket is OP. Inkling Gods have mercy on us, THE BUCKET IS OP!
@GrailUK My error in not communicating specifically what I meant.
I have no real issue with the gyro controls. It's the way the aim cursor jumps around when you move it over enemies or across certain parts of the scenery. The look speed, or the cursor part of it, also changes slightly based on exactly where you are aiming on a surface, which again I do not like and don't think should happen. Personally, I feel the aim cursor should always remain basically static at the centre of the screen and only the view should move, and only according to how hard/soft you press the analogue stick or how much you tilt the controller. The way it works right now is basically broken imo—making genuine pure skill based shooting and precise control over your aiming basically impossible—although technically it's obviously doing exactly what the designers intended.
still haven't got this game! D:
it look so awesome that really make me want to buys this game (and a TV so my bedroom)so badly! D:
I just love when people are so fast to jump on conclusions of which weapons are OP and which not... "Rollers are OP! Oh wait, they aren't. But Aerosprays definitely are...uh, scratch that. But Sloshers are OP, I'm so certain of it!"
Seriously though, some weapons may be difficult to deal with if your strategy against them is lacking or if you're at huge disadvantage by your choice of weapon, but no weapon is OP in my book (>170h of experience with Splatoon online multiplayer). Tentatek Splattershot is just stupidly balanced, that's all.
I'm about to try it, but the impression I got from Sloshers are that they are like a shotgun mortar, so extreme range (Scopes like in ranked battle) or mobility and 'side' stepping (splattershots an MGs, but hard to counter attack).Also using Grenade throws might help. I'll find out shortly if the OP claim is worth any salt. I quickly adapted to countering Rollers, the only problem I had with rollers was the Hit box could eliminate you part way up a wall (where the roller could not roll onto you) and you couldn't bunny hop over the roller, other than that they are perfectly manageable.
The weapons are great in that you actually have to think on how to counter them all, a lot of games only have a few that take adapting too.
Tell me the the intro can either be fast forwarded or skipped now?
@ningeek185 To be fair, Local ONLINE play would have been almost impossible, due to the way the Game Pad is used. For checking where friends are, jumping from the spawn, jumping to your team mates. The 2nd player would not have any of that, so would have been at a drastic disadvantage.
I don`t know if anyone else has noticed or not. If you go into one of the Friend lobbies, you are able to press the + button, to change your load out whilst in the lobby. Why o why did they not put this into every mode? Surely it cannot be that hard to do??? Maybe if it works well enough in this update, they will add it at a later date.
@shani You know people who grey up in the countryside? You have some strange friends there, buddy.
@EarthboundBenjy I know, but I mourn the loss of one of my favourite levels online. Save our Urchin Underpass! Save our Urchin Underpass!
@sleepinglion : i had to reconnect! I had to re-enter my wi-fi code. The update apparently knocked out the connection.
Once done, I was able to play a few matches before more connection errors. Servers probably overwhelmed by eager participants. I'm in the US and this happened a little after 10pm NYC time
I am waiting to see if they add 2 player online. Could be done with a ds as second controller so you have the second touchscreen.
Just had over an hour session, Splosher is in no way shape or form OP haha, easiliy coped against it with my Splatter shot Jr, meanwhile I had to be super sneaky against those scopers as always the bane of a solid Jr player.
I also love the Urchin underpass redesign, a lot more space to flank and counter. Perhaps they'll add the old one back in as Urchin underpass Jr?
Definitely looking forward to more maps an redesigns to keep it all fresh.
The slosher is nice but the gatlin is not my style,to hard to get high scores,can't wait to level up and see the new equipment
@Iggly You can still visit the plaza and order gear from people you meet there from Spyke, It's more expensive, but it's a fast way to get rare gear.
Turned my Wii U on at 9:58, sat thru the girls spiel, got out, sat thru it again immediately after at 10. Went into lobby, wouldn't let me play. Got out and turned off my Wii U. Only 5 minutes later the light stopped and I was good to go, easy peasy. Played about 15 matches, got crushed continously by @Spoony_tech in turf war, then went 4-4 in tower control and went to bed, never once disconnected or got an error message.
I'm in the US, eastern time.
I'm not impressed by the sploshers, their width is narrow, easy to side step and shoot them, I only play w/ .52 gal or areospray. That one roller that makes a tidal wave of ink that just keeps going, that thing is OP. Gatling gun seems cool, I like how they pair it up w/ the ink wall. I might even give it a go sometime, last night was figuring out the new urchin underpass map - it's like an entirely new level - and they moved the tower on the rig, I was so confused first try.
@rjejr Btw, Gerald was also on my friends list and if you didn't notice he's much better then me lol. I got splatted by you quite a few times as well. My most memorable kill was you jumping over the ramps on the Underpass in the middle. I seen that coming a mile away and got you midair.
@Spoony_Tech - Yeah, Mr. Bubble, as I call Gerard, I figured was one of yours. I accused you 2 of cheating as my wife watched me lose match after match after match. I'm not sure I remember that kill, my most memorable, probably ever, was when we both killed each other w/ the seekers on the side of urchin underpass. I get a few kills w/ though, and get killed a bit, but never had it happen at the same time before.
Oh, and I switched back to the aerospray from my usual .52 gal deco out of respect as I figure that one is yours.
@jariw I know, I already ordered some stuff like the Squid Girl stuff. Though I personally prefer getting from the stores since you only get one piece of gear from Spyke per day unlike the stores.
Lol, I do remember that. That alley seemed cold and lifeless after we got splatted lol. I just thought to myself really!! I didn't enem see it coming till I died.
It's not "massive" it's big as far as Splatoon updates go, still didnt add maps or modes. I'd like them to release a lot more rather than tiny bits because it gets boring.
@pikminfan22 I thought it was pretty massive. It was a pretty big chunk of Splatoon's data since it was 610MB. Although it didn't add new modes (if you don't count the new battle options) or maps it did focus on fixing and modifying a lot of things in the game, and it did bring two new classes of weapons.
Never thought of that! Thanks for pointing that out!
All that's left is for them to add support to Wii remotes in private battles...
It did bring new modes, the Squad Battle and Private battles.
@luke88 Whats your ID?
Just in time for the next Splatfest. Oh yeah!
Pity the only thing I wanted, regional matchmaking, never happened.
I like the game but only being able to have decent games during a Splatfest is pretty annoying :/
And here I was almost done collecting and leveling all of the clothes in the game lol.
Definitely need to learn defense against sloshers. They throw a lot of paint pretty fast too.
@rishisquid luke88
Nah not like this. I think the netcode has an issue with the gatling weapon right now. The d/c's was at complete random but it was mostly when I was winning...
Not a fan of the new weapons. Went back to my trusty inkbrush and started dominating again. Urchin underpass is a bloodbath now.
I am considering getting this game, but really wanted 2-4 player local co-op. Was this added in 2.0, or is there any chance of it coming?
@abbyhitter same. My Ink Wall is no longer unstoppable
@Aromaiden i think the update data's ranging around 200-300 worth of MB
@luke88 Sent a friend request.
@luchacomics no chance of that ever happening.
@luchacomics It can't happen because of how important the gamepad is to the gameplay. And they would have to reengineer the whole Wii U to make more than one Gamepad work on a single machine.
Thank you Nintendo!
@rishisquid accepted your request 👍🏻. We'll have to sort a time out, are you in the U.S?
@luke88 Yes, I'm in the U.S. I'll try to see when I'm free for a while.
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