It's time for another Nintendo Download Update in North America, and this week serves up a fairly diverse range of options. We have two promising Indie efforts on Wii U, while a certain GBA Virtual Console release with 'Golden' in the title may go down well. The 3DS has a couple of interesting options and a few others that we wouldn't heartily recommend, while both stores have some rather decent discounts. Let's get to the details.
Missed the European Nintendo Download Update details earlier in the week? Don't cry yet, as the details can be found right here.
Wii U eShop
Astral Breakers (Intropy, $4.99) - When we say this is a coloured tile matching game, the temptation may be to switch off. To be fair to this one, though, it shakes up the formula a little; those astral breakers mix up the gameplay, while the competitive element also adds to this one's appeal. We gave it a solid recommendation in our Astral Breakers review.
Kung Fu FIGHT! (Nostatic Games, $1.99) - The second release from this studio to make its way to Wii U, this has a similar visual style to The Quiet Collection but is a twitch-reaction runner; there'll be multiple difficulty modes available, too. We'll get running and bring you a review.
Wii U Virtual Console
Golden Sun: The Lost Age (Nintendo, $7.99) — This Game Boy Advance sequel to its much-loved predecessor tackles the same world and events from new perspectives. The continuation of this series on the Wii U Virtual Console will no doubt please fans, and those that have completed the first game can transfer their data to this entry to unlock items and more; we gave this a strong recommendation in our Golden Sun: The Lost Age review.
Onimusha Tactics (Capcom, $6.99) - Based on the popular Onimusha series of action titles, this Game Boy Advance release takes place on a grid-based battlefield where the player has to defeat opposing forces in a turn-based conflict. It's a lot like Final Fantasy Tactics, as the name suggests. Although it doesn't follow the plot of its home console predecessors, several familiar faces make an appearance during the adventure. We'll get cracking on a review.
Wii U eShop Temporary Discounts
Citizens of Earth (Atlus, $4.99 from 10th August to 17th August, normally $14.99)
GetClose: A Game for RIVALS (Wombat Source, $0.99 until 27th August, normally $2.99)
Stealth Inc 2: A Game of Clones (Curve Digital, $7.49 until 27th August, normally $14.99)
BLOK DROP U (RCMADIAX, $1.00 until 30th September, normally $2.99)
BLOK DROP X Twisted Fusion (RCMADIAX, $1.00 until 30th September, normally $2.99)
POKER DICE SOLITAIRE FUTURE (RCMADIAX, $0.50 until 30th September, normally $1.49)
SHUT THE BOX (RCMADIAX, $0.50 until 30th September, normally $1.49)
PENTAPUZZLE (RCMADIAX, $1.50 until 30th September, normally $4.49)
Spikey Walls (RCMADIAX, $0.50 until 30th September, normally $1.49)
TOSS N GO (RCMADIAX, $0.50 until 30th September, normally $1.49)
Plenty of Fishies (Nitrolic Games, $2.99 until 30th September, normally $4.99)
Tiny Galaxy (Arcane Pixel Games, $3.99 from 7th August to 30th September, normally $5.99)
3DS eShop
PICROSS e6 (Jupiter, $5.99) - This series of quality puzzle titles keeps on going, with this one said to include over 300 puzzles. The formula is likely to be the same as its predecessors, but we'll give it a whirl for a review.
Japanese Rail Sim 3D Journey to Kyoto (Sonic Powered Co., $19.99) - The latest entry in this series in which you gently guide your train around the rails, this may have some appeal to Nintendo fans as it takes place on the Eizan Electric Railway around the company's home city. We'll find a suitable train driver's hat and get working on a review.
Best of Arcade Games - Brick Breaker (Bigben Interactive, $9.99) - Exactly as the title suggests, this aims to recreate the simple but fun arcade action of breaking bricks. With 50 levels and a little twist that allows you to control the ball directly in the final few seconds of a stage, this is competent, but as explained in our Best of Arcade Games - Brick Breaker review it's little more than that.
Best of Arcade Games - Tetraminos (Bigben Interactive, $9.99) - This series of re-jigged classics continues with some block placing puzzle shenanigans. We've been underwhelmed by some other entries in this series, and this one joins that list; we were quite critical of it in our Best of Arcade Games - Tetraminos review.
Jewel Quest 4 Heritage (MSL, $5.99) — This is a 3DS-specific version of the DSiWare game of the same name. It's match-3 puzzling, in summary, and we were thoroughly unimpressed in our Jewel Quest 4 Heritage review.
3DS Retail Download
Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight (Atlus, $49.99) - Released earlier in the week, this is a fantastic re-imagining of the DS original, with plenty of free and paid DLC also thrown in. You can get the full lowdown in our detailed Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight review.
3DS eShop Temporary Discounts
Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl (Atlus, $14.99 until 10th August, normally $29.99)
Citizens of Earth (Atlus, $4.99 from 10th August to 17th August, normally $14.99)
Brunch Panic (CIRCLE Entertainment, on discount until 27th August)
KAMI (CIRCLE Entertainment, on discount until 27th August)
Sweet Memories Blackjack (CIRCLE Entertainment, on discount until 27th August)
3DS eShop Permanent Discounts
Shin Megami Tensei IV (Atlus, $19.99 from 10th August, was $29.99)
A-Train 3D: City Simulator (Natsume, $19.99, was $29.99)
3DS eShop Demo
Japanese Rail Sim 3D Journey to Kyoto (Sonic Powered Co., free)
3DS HOME Themes
Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition
That's everything for this week in North America - let us know what you plan to download in the poll and comments below.
Comments 145
FINALLY! Golden Sun 2 is FINALLY HERE! I can finally finish the story.
However, they forgot Xenoblade... but it is NoA, our E-shop releases for older Nintendo games is always a few months behind now it seems.
Yesh...nothing for mii, thankfully Splatoon will hold mii over and other stuff.
Seems weird we don't get the dbz demo
9 months later, NA Golden Sun fans can finally play the 2nd half of Golden Sun on Wii U VC. The battle is not won yet though as Zero Mission and a range of Wii titles are sorely missing.
@super08mario Indeed, not sure why that is.
EO2U looks awesome, but I still have the first one and haven't touched it yet. Mainly because I'm still working through Persona Q while watching Persona 4 on Hulu.
I finished Golden Sun: The Lost Age GBA years ago. It was a big, fun adventure with giant puzzle labyrinths and exciting rpg battles, not to mention some of the finest graphics on GBA. It was one of the very few RPGs I completed and I got the player's guide for it at the time and had a blast. From the makers of Mario Tennis!
@Spoony You beat me to the punch! I agree 100%.
I don't understand the region stuff, and I hate it. I hope the future brings region free gaming.
I thought there would be more disappointed people posting comments.
I really wanted Xenoblade. It would be nice if Nintendo would at least say what their plan was for that.
And still no Metroid Zero Mission anywhere to be found....
I don't want to point it out, but...um.......
I'm only halfway done Citizens of Earth, and boy does that game have issues. Still, I know I'd play it three times as much on a handheld, so... here I go!
Did not know Atlus charged their tax also on eShop versions. The funny thing is that EO2 is $50 while its prequel is $15.
Just tried to vote without selecting anything by mistake and I get a message
"Erm, you didn't an answer"
I think you are missing a word there
I am really getting irritated that the 3DS Virtual Console is being ignored. Also, why do Atlus games start at $50? I remember the Square Enix tax that nobody loved.
@Spoony I really hope it has nothing to do with NoA's Gamestop deal.
Awesome week for the Wii U VC. Onimusha Tactics is a pretty good game if you're interested in a TRPG other than Fire Emblem, and I don't need to say anything about how awesome Golden Sun is.
No DBZ demo!?! I've been seriously, counting the days for that. Took the wind, right outta my sails. And the rest of this weeks line-up has nothing I'm interested in. Crap...
Onimusha Tactics!? Had no idea that was coming! Will be downloading as soon as I get an eshop card.
Nothing for me again. This would be my usual cue to complain about Zero Mission, but a glimmer of hope is there today since Golden Sun finally got released.
Finally!!! Golden Sun Part 2 for me this week!
I'm still waiting for:
I was planning to get Citizens of Earth one day when I have less of a backlog but I guess with that price, I guess it's best to buy it now and play it later.
Someone please tell me why I could download more N64 games on the XBox 1 than the Wii u? http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/there-are-now-more-n64-games-available-on-xbox-one-than-wii-u/0153862
Loyal to Nintendo. Never had another system. All I want are more N64 games. Not to mention gamecube games. Oh well. Im always excited for thursday afternoon, and every time my little heart is dashed against the rocks. Picross would be cool. 3ds has like 20 versions of the game, and we dont have one. Sob.
@Spoony Ahh you just reminded me, I was waiting on that as well. That really disappointed, I was really hoping to be able to play it on my Wii U.
I've already picked up the physical version of EO:U 2, and seeing as there's no Xenoblade for NA, I won't be downloading anything this week.
Get Golden Sun! If you are debating, just get it!
No Xenoblade. FU Nintendo. Riki Sad!
Golden sun!!
Heh, is citizens of earth fixed now or are there still a lot of bugs? The game looks cool.
Step in the right direction with Goldensun, but it's the wrong RPG (Final Fantasy VI)
Stealth Inc discount is tempting.
I was hoping for Xenoblade Chronicles.
@mrchills This... just made me face palm literally... not only that the Xbox has more N64 games than what Nintendo has, but those 7 are all cheaper than what the Wii U has combined plus it comes with 3 other games. This just goes to show how poorly Nintendo is handling themselves this generation. No wonder everyone calls them crap because that is just what they are doing.
XC better come soon!
Everybody wondering about the DBZ demo and Xenoblade. Ever wonder why the EU gives advance notice on Monday for it's update but NOA gives us only an hour or 2?
Well, wonder no more.
Edit: I was only going to keep my Piper avatar for a few days, but I realize now his expression and body language pretty much fits every single one of my sarcastic posts so I may have to keep him around.
Mother *******! Burn in hell Reggie.
Ehh... Nothing for me
@LUIGITORNADO That deal only is applicable to third party distribution, remember the official Nintendo store also sold Xenoblade Chronicles in North America.
Now that I have a Wii U, I wish I'd bought Citizens of Earth on it instead of my 3DS, but even 5 bucks, without the ability to copy my savegame and just continue where I left off... meh...
@rjejr Just in time for another Splatoon Global Misfire
Nothing for me this week except for maybe the 3DS theme. Still waiting on Zero Mission NoA. But I got to know NoA,what's your 'excuse' for not releasing it?
I'm thinking of picking EO2U to be my first EO game, but that EOU prequel discount is too hard to pass, so I think I'll get the first game and wait for the inevitable discount on EO2U a few months later.
I think I need to buy Metroid Fusion, I loved Super Metroid when I played it for the first time VC.
Jeez people, Just because Europe got Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii U eShop before us doesn't mean its gonna release over here right away.
Looking at Citizens of Earth. Was the game patched and is good to go now? I'm considering the WiiU version.
Also, probably will get Ominushi Tactics eventually. Astral Breakers looks pretty solid too. Good week.
And wow the new Splatoon update has made things even more crazy. Awesome game for people who haven't bought that yet.
Golden Sun and Onimusha Tactics? Yes and Yes.
@SetupDisk hahaha...and yes. Succinct, would be a word.
@Grumblevolcano Well, at least the Wii U owners still get VC games. 3DS owners have not gotten jack from Nintendo since the Donkey Kong Land games.
Honestly Nintendo, is it that hard to put roms onto a server and sell them?
For fox sake! I am so jealous! European 3DS had no love this week ;(
I'm not getting anything, but all simulation fans should buy A-Train, especially with that permanent discount.
I also don't know why Rail Sim Kyoto is $20 (probably even more in Canada) but the previous game (Suburbs) is only $10.
Where the DBZ demo and Xenoblade !?
Wth NoA is doing seriously
Nintendo appear to be shafting America for a change, makes a change tbh, the last 30 years Europe usually got shafted (we technically still do, especially over exchange rates, US still get fairer pricing).
To be perfectly frank though, Nintendo need to definitely create a more Uniform release Schedule, I know they are trying to appeal to each territories differing tastes, but something tells me whatever data they are using to determine a titles popularity in that region is completely flawed and likely too far out of date to even consider.
The newer games tend to come to America first however, because localisation is a pain in EU, so although we do get a lot of the VC sooner (old stuff) the US tends to get a lot of the newer Indie games first. Swings an roundabouts.
@RCMADIAX Thanks for that, I've updated those details.
When I saw "Kung Fu" in the subheader, I got excited that "Kung Fu" made it to NES Virtual Console, but alas... Maybe I will look into "Citizens of Earth" or "Golden Sun" this week.
Echoing what others have asked, can anyone speak to whether the many bugs in Citizens of Earth have been patched? Does it still freeze up a lot?
Huh, interesting that Shin Megami Tensei IV is the first Atlus game to be getting a permanent drop to $20. I would have some thought some the earlier stuff like Etrian Odyssey IV and Code of Princess would have gone first. Whatever, if they then cut 50% off that $20, that'll be enough for me!
Nothing for me this week I'll just save my money for Freedom Planet next week though I will check out the DBZ demo.
@MikeW Don't bother waiting for SNES Starfox, it's never coming unfortunately!
I might pick up Citizens of Earth for that 66% discount.
@GabSt The eshop doesn't update till 12 Noon Eastern.
The eshop's timing is something else. Just started playing Golden Sun: Lost Age a couple of days ago on my Onyx GBA SP and here it is on virtual console. Looks like I'm gonna do a secondary playthrough.
Finally I can play Lost Age with headphones on AND a backlight!
Golden Sun 2 and Citizens of Earth. I'll wait for a price drop on EO2U, and a review for that Onimusha game.
@Hero-of-WiiU Fusion is so good. I just recently finished replaying it, and it's easily one of my favorite Metroid games. You'll almost never get lost in Fusion, but there's always plenty of exploration because of the item upgrades you can find.
Why not???
I've heard that emulating the Super FX chip might be an issue, but it's not impossible. And Nintendo owns all of the publishing rights to Star Fox SNES!
It would be so cool if they put it on the VC to get people pumped for Star Fox Zero!
Does Nintendo ever read how many "Nothing for me this week" votes are on here every single week? It's always a rather large number. We obviously are interested in buying games or we wouldn't all be reading these posts and voting. But they continually churn out oodles of junk and no one wants to buy it. What ever happened to the good 'ol days when decent games were common and not a rarity?
Only Golden Sun game I've got is the last one. only like 2 hours in but I feel kind of like I missed something...or a lot. I've got too much on my Wii U right now to download the others. My 3DS is needing some attention though. Not like a new game besides Fire Emblem is on the way.How about some VC??
GetClose (Wii U) is totally worth buying if you do local multiplayer.
However, no Xenoblade means I'm not buying anything. Is it surprising that NoA didn't release the game here? No. Apparently NoA doesn't like RPGs. It certainly is disappointing though.
@MikeW because the guys that made the super fx engine is owned by another company and their contract with Nintendo expired long ago.
Atlus tax in full effect, guess I'll be waiting for sales or price drops.
I will eventually pick up the Japanese Railway Sim but will just get the Demo for the time being. I'm a little surprised at the price increase for this title. I might even have to wait for a sale and hope Sonic powered will offer a sale. However these Railway Sim are very expensive in the Japanese Eshop as well. I may just pick it up when I have some extra money
Golden Sun!!!!
By the way, advice to the people who have bought the first game on Wii U VC. You can transfer your files using password system but it is absolutely necessary if you want 100% completion in TLA. The toughest superboss in the game along with his bonus dungeon can only be accessed if you transfer your save with the psynergy item Force (to get one Djinn in TLA) and preferably all Djinn (although you can get away with 6 of each type).
Gold password transfers all items, money, djinn, character stats and some event triggers for TLA.
Citizens of Earth is a definite pick up.
Onimusha for me.
I hate video game companies this week. Period.
My Vita fried, and I traded it for a PsTV. It kept getting errors when I was downlaoding Mega Man games on sale and wouldn't read my memory card anymore. I plug in my 64GB card into it, which worked perfectly fine... So I can confirm it was the garbage @&$ Vita... and all my PSP games work except for the most important one... Dracula X Chronicles. Researched online. Konami blames Sony for not whitelisting it. Sony says they aren't interested in making more games compatible with the PsTV, for the most part. I have lots of awesome PSP games digitally collected. Don't even get me started on my Crash Bandicoot, Silent Hill, and Metal Gear Solid 1 never being available on the dang firmware, either system. Then we got Nintendo. Took them forever to release Mario 3 on 3DS and Wii U after Reggie lied about the release date. I never forgot. I'm not opposed to Federation Force, but I'm sure many fans would appreciate and pay money for Zero Mission to soothe their worries. Who buys Nintendo systems these days? Die hard long time fans. Who would like to play every Metroid on one system on TV? Die hard long time fans. Lets forget they exist for awhile and wonder why theres e3 backlash. No Pandora's Tower or Xenoblade on the NA Wii U eShop.
I'm just fed up with the guy at his desk, either company, playing "release and authorization god." I don't beg to people like him. Though it shouldn't matter, in all reality I buy a capable system in hopes to play things that should clearly be there with no hinderance. Some games, like Dracula X or Zero Mission, are among top 10 favorites and have no excuse to be inaccessible.
Three cheers for Golden Sun 2, I bet a lot of players would've loved to strike while the iron was hot and clear both games in a reasonable time period. They aren't new, could've released them side by side and even offered a deal.
I'm sure when Mr. Iwata was alive he chucked fireballs at some of this laziness, but wasn't respected. I remember an interview stating he wanted a certain game released but it never happened. Poor guy. I hate politics, don't you?
Like always, America gets nothing.
You guys forgot the Dragon Ball Z Extreme Butoden Demo
Lots of crying. I love your self induced sorrow
Onimusha Tactics is considered "classic" Capcom?
Anyway, still waiting on SSFII Turbo Revival.
I'd like to get Golden Sun 2 first, but I'll go with Onimusha. I haven't seen that series in a while.
citizens of earth is 77% percent off this week? sign me up!
Looks like the 3DS VC well is all dried up... /sigh/
@MikeW It is possible but I seem to remember the Super FX chip was developed with Argonaut I think so that's the problem. This chip licensing must be the problem and that's why we have had no Stunt Race FX, Starfox or the original snes version of Yoshi's Island on Wii or Wii U VC. I want to see Starfox just as much as you do but I can't see it happening.
Yeah the DBZ demo is out, Downloaded that. Would have voted that.
Hi all, I'm in Europe and was happy to download xenoblade yesterday.
Just to make sure everybody gets this .
Sorry about that guys. I shouldn't have went off like that. Just frustrated, got things going on at work too. I won't delete it, in case some of you relate or whatnot.
@MikeW I don't know. I thought the Star Fox microgame in WarioWare: Smooth Moves for the Wii was pretty convincing of redoing (or at least faking) the Super FX microchip.
But I digress, Nintendo has its reasons.
Citizens isnt on sale. Whoever wrote that is a liar.
I have a hunch that Nintendo is waiting to release Star Fox on VC around the time Zero comes out.

@OneBagTravel I think Star Fox 64 will come near Star Fox Zero rather than the SNES game due to licensing issues already discussed in the comments.
Well, all of Atlus' $50 games come in a collectible case, usually with a soundtrack and/or small art book. Games like Stella Glow and Legend of Legacy, in contrast, are only being sold for the standard $39.99.
"Looks like 3DS VC is dried up"
As far as Nintendo releases go, yes. For now (until they shift focus off Wii U to free up more VC resources). But the VC is far from dried up, seeing as the Sega 3D Classics are still being slotted in. In fact I think one releases next Thursday, can't remember if it's Sonic 2, Gunstar Heroes or the other one that's coming soon...
@Crono1973: You and me both. I have given up on the VC on the 3DS at this point.
It's not backwards. VC started on a home console, so it should be no surprise to see it expand on a home console. Besides, 3DS can already play DS games. Wii U cannot.
And those Ambassador games are glitchy, unstable, and have none of the features standard with actual VC games. Not to say they couldn't run well with a little effort, but the point is 3DS does not "deserve" them above the Wii U. Idk where people get the idea the Wii U doesn't deserve these games.
We're lucky 3DS even has any VC at all. But the Wii U- that's the VC home. That's where it started, that's where the focus should be. And it's powerful enough to run everything, which is a huge appeal- having games from every past platform. Which it nearly does at this point. Toss in Gameboy and GameCube and you've got a one-stop shop.
@JaxonH I'd say Genesis, Saturn and Dreamcast are more import than putting Gameboy titles on Wii U VC.
I would too, but I was talking about Nintendo's own platforms.
Crap! I thought Golden Sun was released on the 3DS. Pooh!
Might as well get the new theme.
I said Japanese Railway Sim, but I'm thinking about holding out and maybe seeing if they drop another Airport Hero on the eShop. This is the third game Sonic Powered has put out in like two months, so maybe they're on a big localization push?
(But I guess those train games are all in parts, so maybe it's just that!)
Nothing but tumbleweeds...
Why was everyone hoping for Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii VC?
@Grumblevolcano I agree with you on on waiting for Zero Mission and other titles for the Wii. I have to say I'm really disappointed in the lack of effort that Nintendo has displayed in releasing games for the VC, as this was one of the reasons I purchased a Wii U. Plus the fact that the Xbox One has more N64 releases now is salt in the wound. I'd really like to believe that this will be recognized by Nintendo and remedied, but it seems much of their attention will be focused on the NX, which I hope will carry on the VC.
DBZ Demo is out, you just have to search for the game and get it from there in the Eshop. Its not listed in the demo section for some reason.
Not worried about XC not appearing this week. I won't be getting it anyway since I have physical Wii version.
@roadbuc I didn't mention N64 simply because this is something both NoA and NoE need to address. My comment was solely about NoA catching up to NoE.
Well. At least the US eShop has lots of sales... yay?
America finally feels the pain Europe has felt for decades with getting the shaft on RPG's, with XC being released elsewhere first... Now do more people understand why region locking is stupid? Nintendo has no good reason for implementing it.
SMT4 at $20 is great for those who haven't tried the series out yet. It's difficult for newcomers, and there's lots of menu sifting, but the combat is simple and fun. I got it at release, so I won't be buying it here, but I recommend it.
I still have the Golden Sun saga on GBA, so I don't need to download it. Which reminds me, I should try out the Golden Sun mods sometime...
I also echo those who mentioned already that XB1 has more N64 games available then Wii U. It's as if Nintendo wants people to buy another system, or use emulators... The capabilities of Project64 surpass those of VC, after all. Gameshark Pro v3.3 is useful for that, too...
@super08mario if you are talking about the na version of the dbz demo then its out, search 'dragon', you wont find it in the demo section, i tried that but i do have it downloaded as we speak.
Apologist? Troll? Shove up my butt?
Comment reported, I don't have time for the likes of you.
@Spoony Jax is pretty cool, so chill. If you're going to pick on someone, go for... Say... The Dude Abides, or someone like that. They're the self admitted trolls of NL.
@Spoony The Ambassador games do not have suspend save states, otherwise known as restore points. That's a feature that regular VC releases have that the Ambassador releases do not.
@TeeJay because Europe got XC for wii U as a wii download. So NA is waiting for word on a release for us.
Junk as usual.
@ShockeyRai You'd think people would use their heads for once, but they never do.
@erv You... YOU... YOU!!! I like you.
Not the digital releases yet the price is the same. No thanks. Good thing they go on sale every other week.
Wow that Citizens of Earth price drop makes me happy!
@VR32F1END heh, its times like this where you just have to go outside and relax a little bit.
well since I am behind on purchasing the VC/Eshop indie games, I can now catch up a bit. Citizens of Earth/Golden Sun/stealth and others are on my list for getting this week.
Nothing for me this week... which means more time for Splatoon!!!
I'm looking at Citizens of Earth. Can anyone recommend one version over the other? I've got a 3DS and a Wii U so whichever is the better version I'll get. Thoughts??!
@linxdev Lol, that was my favorite response! I feel the same.
Still waiting for Mega Man Soccer.
I am pretty fed up with Nintendo too. What's the benefit of not releasing anything on the 3DS virtual console for so long? What's the point of not releasing GBA and SNES games on the 3DS as well as the Wii U? What's the point of not offering downloadable DS games for the 3DS too? They don't benefit at all if I am forced to buy a used copy of NSMB DS because I prefer to play in a handheld (as it was designed for).
I wonder, why does no game journalist ever ask Reggie about this shit? If they have I would love to read/watch the damn response.
Bandai Namco tweeted the DBZ demo is out in NA, NoA retweeted it. The link.
Good grief. One person's cool is another's irritating.
Neither does anyone saying otherwise make it NOT so.
That's twisting the facts somewhat, as 3 of the N64 titles are running via 360 backwards compatibility. So it seems unfair to count those but not count the Wii BC titles (making a total of 22 games). Rare Replay is also a huge gift, as those N64 360 games originally cost $15 each, which was more than the $10 ones on the Wii U. It's a great collection though and I'm having a blast playing Blast Corps again.
What's the benefit of not releasing anything on the 3DS virtual console for so long?
Same reason they don't release new VC games on Wii, Probably no longer profitable for them to do so. Or the 3DS is doing well without VC games while the Wii U needs them as an additional incentive.
I've been putting off actually playing the first Golden Sun until Lost Age was released on VC. Time to finally go through the first!
Great. Now make Felix in smash.
I am so so sad that there's no Golden Sun for 3DS
Nyah, nyah...doesn't count: I said it first.
Wii U- Journey of a Special Average Balloon is only $0.10? Is it special or average? oh wth, it's a dime..Alright, Alright, Alright, a DBZ demo...
Golden sun is so good. That's a score!
I dunno but tiny galaxy is not on sale.
Everybody that doesn't have Shin Megami Tensei IV go get right now!
@EmmatheBest oh, and its good,
definitely plan to get the Wii U version of Citizens of Earth, and possibly the 3DS version as well. I'm tempted to pick up Spiky Walls and Toss & Go to have a couple more couple minute time killers in my library
@Souflee listen to this man he knows what he's talking about. Shin Megami Tensei IV is still my favorite 3DS game so far.
@CaPPa Even if you ignore those 3, Nintendo's not in a good position. For Europe it becomes equal (SM64, DK64, Kirby 64, Paper Mario) and NA is only 1 infront (Europe + Mario Tennis).
@Manaphy2007 thank you! A soon as I saw your reply I went to go download it!
@Windy I actually just recently picked it up, like a month and a half ago, it was on a promotion like this, and I was stunned at how much it all clicked with me, I love getting unfairly beat by demons everywhere, lol, have never played a game where every decision matters and has a consequence, I was intrigued because I really liked the way the game looked and everybody described it like being pokemon for adults, and being extremely complex and hard, I was just curious it was so cheap in EU, for 9€ I downloaded it, and now its getting close to surpassing FE as my most played game on the 3DS been playing it nonstop, it truly is an amazing game, Kid Icarus is still the best 3DS game though
@Souflee I have actually gone through Shin Megami Tensei IV now 2 and half times. I think for me the atmosphere just grabs me. I hope we see another Shin megami Tensei like it. I think the Cross over they are doing with the FE characters is real similar to Shin Megami Tensei IV. I will be getting that. I am really starting to like the Eyrian Odysseys. I have 3 Versions and just started playing. I'm enjoying it quite a bit. I liked Kid Icarus too. I think it's the best looking 3DS game ever made but after I beat the single player I was turned off by the Multiplayer play which reminded of a mini call of duty game. I would have to say I like it better than like a call of duty but I never played it again. I still have my copy maybe I will bust it out and give it another go.
LOL at all the people who are crying about no Xenoblade. You can play Wii games on Wii U y'know! I enjoy my physical copy of Xenoblade Chronicles just fine!
@Windy Man, that SMT cross with FE, looked like too much from the first trailer, but when the treehouse video dropped, it just upped the value of my Wii U, that game will be really special, it won't be like SMT IV in terms of style and progression I think, but that one was designed for an handheld, this one is obviously aiming at a much higher scale. That and the new 3DS FE, is definitely a big way to start 2016 gaming wise, but I really would like to see a SMT V one of these days, lets hope it doesn't take as much time as SMT IV took to come out
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