In case you were worried, there is going to be a licensed game coming out from the upcoming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. The inevitability of this was as plain as the mildly bulbous, nostril-ized areas on the heroes' faces.
Announced by Activision, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for the 3DS will take the form of a third-person action game that will let players switch between the four turtles at any time. Each turtle possesses his own set of stats and skills, with Raphael, as a given example, centering on strength and Michelangelo focusing more on speed. Classic foes will show up as fodder to face off against, including the Foot Clan and Baxter Stockman's scientific abominations.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is developed by Magic Pockets, the Paris-based house who also made the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game based on the Nickelodeon cartoon reboot (although they have the same name, their covers should not be easy to confuse). The new title is expected to emerge in early August, around the 8th August release of the movie.
Check out the gallery of current screenshots and let us know if you see some sewer surfing in your future.
Comments 54
If it were based off the Nick show, I'd buy it, unfortunately it's based off the movie, so I won't be getting this. Idk, maybe if it gets good review scores.
Those turtles in the boxart.... They're a lie! A big freaking lying lie! ;_; Wth did I just see? Those are not the turtles I know and love! Those are an abomination that married a toilet! Please, someone, just give me an 'Unsee' button D'''X /is having a mental breakdown
Its not turtles in time or hyperstone heist so its a no buy even though im a huge tmnt fan
Huge TMNT fan here. InstaBuy
Oh great another button masher it was fun in arcades but not in modern times I wish there was something different they could do with this license. We just got two games last year with the same concept didn't we? I don't know why we would buy this again. I'm not that interested in the movie either as it's way too dark and violent for this franchise. Plus Michael Bay had a large input
I don't really want it, but hopefully Activision doesn't mess this one up, too.
I learned my lesson with Activision's licensed titles so if this and the Korra games aren't good they they aren't getting my money again. Although the console Korra game is made by Platinum Games so hope may not be lost
But why not Wii U for any? Hugely missed opportunity
Looks like glorious horse dung.
This all day!... I also wouldn't mind the original arcade game ported over and since I'm in a greedy mood this evening, perhaps Hyperstone and Tournament Fighters?
Looks better than the movie, anyway.
They will never make a better TMNT game better than Turtles in Time so they should just put that on vc.
Not surprised this game doesn't have multiplayer.
"Nonono. It's just a mask."
@tom_q Played a little of Smash Up thought it was fun.
I'll keep an eye on this. The movie looks fun and there hasn't been a decent TMNT game on the 3DS yet.
@DiscoGentleman I dunno. Besides the designs and the "Hmm... what should we do to make people watch this movie... I KNOW! MEGAN FOX!".
Great! Another Acti TMNT cash grab.
Can we get a truly great TMNT game please?
SNES Turtles in Time HD update would be awesome!
WOAH. Woah. Woah. THOSE are the turtles of that new movie?! I wasn't aware that this was going to be a horror movie... Seriously, I'm practically 30 and those turtles are scary enough to give ME nightmares!
The recent cartoon had some weird design choices, but they grew on me fairly quick. I can't imagine ever liking THIS design, though.
lol and here goes the vc wishes...
@Mega719 never read the comics then? I'm also assuming it won't be any darker than the first movie and that it's humour won't be any better than the Transformers movies.
And thought the turtles looked ugly in the Xbox game.
So not seeing the movie or buying the game. Michael Bay has ruined my childhood. They just look so ugly.
@MadAdam81 I know about the comics,I was going to include that but assumed everyone would know I'm talking about the main representation
Isn't it "Heroes in a halfshell"?
Master Roshi is more attractive than those turtles...
They look more like turtles and they're supposed to be mutants,so it doesn't really matter if they look weird.Remember,this is just another version of TMNT and they have done this time and time again.The film isn't even out yet.
Who the heck is donnie and mikey? To irrelevant for my taste.
Can we just get the tmnt turtles in time from snes on virtual console already? These new turtle games are a waste of everything.
Oh god they're so ugly! My eyes! MY EEEEEEEYES!
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is developed by Magic Pockets, the Paris-based house who also made the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game based on the Nickelodeon cartoon reboot"
Welp, there's yet another Turtles game that is going to be a broken ugly mess. Too bad Konami doesn't have the license anymore since they were the only ones in history to make ANY fun TMNT video games, namely TMNT Arcade,Turtles in Time, and arguably Battle Nexus and Mutant Nightmare for PS2/Xbox/GCN. That's it.
@JellySplat The writer is referring to the design of the 3DS, which many say resembles a clamshell.
Like Batman and Godzilla, TMNT is one of the few film/tv/comic franchises that's actually had some video game success and half decent titles over the years.
That being said, it's also had it's share of quick cash-in turds.
It really amazes me after all these years on Planet Earth playing video games across multiple platforms over multiple generations how some video game tie-ins that seem like complete no-brainers end up being so bad!
Superheroes, mutants, robots...movies and tv shows with these things should be awesome, but 9/10 times they are garbage.
Here is hoping we get another "Turtles in Time" or "TMNT Tournament Fighter" and not another garbage cash in.
If this doesn't have a dam level, I'm going to be disappointed.
No eShop. No purchase.
Come on Activision!!!! What the hell are you plating at??? That's CoD black ops&ghosts/teenage mutant ninja turtles/angry birds star wars that I would have purchased across 3DS and Wii U by now, but you appear to no want my money?
It baffles me that people are still expecting it to be good. How often does it happen, that a movie tie in game comes out decent ?
98% of these games are quick cash in rush jobs, suffering from short development times and restricted creative freedom.
So yeah, not on my whishlist anytime soon.
Looks like it will probably be your typical slightly sh*tty movie tie-in.
I could be wrong but we'll see I guess...
I'm sure it will be terrible. Those lips, man... my god, what were they thinking with those lips?
Another 3DS crapware title that will get a score of 2/10
Freddy Kruegers of the sewer, eh.
I had high hopes for the last TMNT game because I really enjoy the cartoon. Those hopes were summarily dashed, so I'm not even bothering this time.
"were making a game about 4 brother heroes that run around and fight bad guys together... A one player game will be great, no need for multiplayer.." how does this keep happening to TMNT games? Who are the idiots that think that?
@Mega719 agreed. But I think I think I can see their reasons. First they probably did it because, admit it, there's more 3DS gamers than there are Wii U OWNERS. 2nd, because people would likely buy the cheaper 3ds vertion than the HD, pricey Wii U version.
No thanks. We have the first TMNT game on 3DS based off the cartoon and it's a lot of fun. I will be passing on this. I'll watch the movie to see... but I don't have much faith in it. And yes, I AM a fan of change.
No thanks to the movie, and no thanks to the game either. We all know both will be an abomination.
I need to see it in action, but still mildly interested.
Are people still picking apart the CG noses to what are mutant turtles that always had a full set of perfect teeth?
Get a grip guys.
England doesn't call them "teenage mutant hero turtles" anymore?
My question is: Is Slash gonna be in the movie?
oh great, another movie game, this is going to SUCK!!!
Games based on movie tie-ins and have "Activision" attached to it usually provide the perfect recipe for disaster!
@Link506 Yeah Rise of the Dark Spark received terrible reviews on Wii U but the 3DS version (as expected for a different game) did better
What? Slash is in it!? I might pick this up.
Huh, surprising to see Slash in it, (and other "classic" TMNT characters) makes me wonder if they'll be in the movie now, but hopefully this game is decent. The ability to switch turtles on the fly sounds nice, and something we haven't seen sense the NES game.
Would rather have the old Konami games on 3DS though personally...
Not as crisp and clean as the Nicks TMNT 3DS game which is sweet (voice acting too !)esp. in 3D on the 3dsxL. Its;s got the whole "squish krang flat against your screen" effects kinda like in K's Triple Deluxe. I havent played Nick's TMNT 3DS through yet so i will def. be saving it for the summer instead of this "ify" title !
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