In an interview with The Sonic Stadium, Sonic Team boss Takashi Iizuka has acknowledged that upcoming Wii U / 3DS exclusive Sonic Lost World shares similarities with Super Mario Galaxy — but argues that SEGA's new titles are still distinctly Sonic.
Sonic Team has taken a different approach to three dimensions this time, mixing elements of Sonic Colors with tube shapes and anti-gravity, giving it a look somewhat familiar to Nintendo's stellar Wii title and recalling cancelled Saturn title Sonic X-Treme. Iizuka declares that X-Treme had no impact on the title, as the team is completely different since that development, but recognises that comparisons to Mario Galaxy have been drawn.
Basically, because we have these geometries with their own gravity you hop to, you can kinda see the comparison there, but if you play the game on the show floor I think you’ll see the biggest difference is that it still feels and moves like a Sonic game.
Iizuka emphasises that the team wanted to take a different course with Sonic Lost World, stepping away from the fast focus of games such as Sonic Unleashed to put together a more "traditional" platforming title with greater control over speed. The visual style has also been simplified so that objects, such as rings and enemies, stand out more against the backgrounds — an occasional problem in Unleashed — and to secure a constant 60 frames-per-second frame-rate, while offering Sonic Team increased freedom in stage design.
The titles have been in development for two and a half years, with the home console version developed on PC until Wii U was announced. Sonic Colors Wii director Morio Kishimoto is at the helm of the Wii U edition, while Sonic Colors DS lead Takao Hirabayashi is directing the 3DS version. Sonic Unleashed composer Tomoya Ohtani is providing the soundtrack.
Finally, Iizuka attributes the Nintendo exclusivity of the games to past success with the platform holder, plus a feeling that fans of action platform titles will gravitate towards those systems. Are you excited to play either version of Sonic Lost World?
[source sonicstadium.org]
Comments 28
That's a stupid question: Of course I am excited to play this game
This game looks like great fun. I love the fact that they brought back the spin dash again. Just make some other characters playable besides the usual Sonic and Tails, and you would have yourselves an instant day 1 purchase from me.
Our Body Is Ready for This Game!
Maybe this is the mario games for the people who don't like the look of mario 3d land..?! Who knows. Looks great tho.
This looks to be the 3D sonic game we have all been waiting for since Sonic Heroes....and that was exactly 10 years ago. I should start playing Sonic Colors sometime soon to get warmed up!
Finally! A 60 fps sonic game. That last console sonic game that done that is Sonic 2006. I can't wait to experience 60 fps again
Makes Mario 3D World look like the lazy pile of turd that it is. Ill be grabbing this for sure!
Also this within the year.
This is one of the games I'm most excited for. Once again, the integration of Sonic and Mario looks really cool for this game along with HD visuals. Hype!
Yeah I wish I had this game right now! It looks like an awesome sonic title!
You are fast and beautiful. If you are also good, you will be mine!
When 3D sonic messed with gravity in the past, the glitches went in to overdrive... However, this looks really promising and I'll be hopefully picking up the 3DS version. I found the 3DS Generations to be underrated, I have the PS3 version but enjoyed the 3DS too, more than I did the DS version of Colours.
They should have played up a link to X-treme though, for us hard-core Saturn fans!
I'm Sorry.
But oh Sonic what have thay done to you.
People making this were probably ecstatic seeing all the negativity towards Mario 3D World. I know I wouldn't want to be working on this and see Mario Galaxy 3 come out at the same time.
Almost makes you wonder if there's some backroom dealings going on.
Nintendo - Hey Sega, makes us an exclusive single player Sonic game that looks like Mario Galaxy.
Sega- Yeah right, so when Galaxy 3 comes out our exclusive can rot on the shelves?
Nintendo - No, we're putting out a 3DS sequel this year, not a true single player Galaxy sequel that everybody really wants.
Sega - Well alrighty then, where do I sign?
Something like that.
This is probably a stupid question but, what if it's called Lost World because it's based on a cancelled game?
This is one of the Gems of E3 ... Can't wait to get my Hands on Sonic Lost World... Best looking & Most exciting Sonic since Sonic Adventures on Sega Dreamcast!!!!
This is the surprise game for this holiday season. I see this one being great.
Why oh why could they not have revealed this in the Nintendo Direct, it would have been an awesome suprise and compensated for the different Mario approach.
If this is a critical success it will be my first Sonic
its hard not to recognize the similarities.
Well, Nintendo can't get mad at Sega if they're supporting this game for them.
Looking forward to the new Sonic!
@banacheck Brought him closer to the Genesis games.
This game looks awesome.
My body is SO ready for this.
This has the potential to be the best Sonic game since the first Sonic Adventure (I know that game hasn't aged well but when it first came out it was highly regarded, I loved it on my Dreamcast). Sonic Colors and Sonic Generations were good, but not great games, and so Sonic has yet to rub off the stench of bad reputation it has had since the end of the Dreamcast era.
I have to say that making this exclusive to Nintendo Platforms make sense as both Sony and Microsoft are dominated by 1st and 3rd person shooters in North America and Europe to a lesser extent, and RPGs in the Japanese market. Which means I can't see this game being a Wii U system seller but I do see it as a nice option for people who already own Wii U, provided the game is actually good.
@Microwaveable1 That'd be funny lol
I'm a little disappointed that the release date has been pushed back to "Holiday 2013" when it was originally coming out in the Fall.
But hey, that can only mean they want to polish and tweak it so it'll be the absolute best it can be, right?
Was Lost World playable on the E3 show floor? I'd like to know if the wisp powers of the Wii U version NEED the touch screen to aim/activate/whatever. That's actually the deciding factor for me in whether I get the Wii U or 3DS version, haha.
Why would you call the composer of Sonic Colors the composer of Sonic Unleashed? C'mon.
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