The Year of Luigi has seen some promising products on the way for the Cult of the Green, but what may be the piece de resistance is currently limited to Japan.
A special edition Luigi 3DS XL system was announced during the Japan Nintendo Direct Wednesday. Similar to the Animal Crossing: New Leaf system that was announced today for Western release. The Luigi 3DS XL features silhouettes of the brave(-ish) plumber on a white backdrop.
The Luigi 3DS XL is expected to be released 18th June and includes a pre-installed copy of Mario and Luigi: Dream Team on its SD card.
What do you think to the design? Would you pick one up? Let us know by dropping a comment below.
[source destructoid.com]
Comments 44
Wonder if this will be in as high demand in NA and EU as the Pikachu model was (not sure if Pikachu xl has made it to EU or not yet).
Really cool looking! Might someday upgrade to XL, but now for now content with 3DS.
It's beautiful wow I want one
Does the Luigi 3DS XL come with a 2nd Circle pad to represent Luigi as the 2nd of a pair?
It's pretty cool! I might order one online if i get enough money
Oh gosh, Nintendo is really serius about this being Luigi's year XD
I guess they are making up for having left the poor green plumber in Mario's shadow for too too long, but.. gosh... how much bad are they feeling about it? O.O;
Anyway nice looking 3DS XL and love how Nintendo took itself so so seriously over even the silliest intentions ^O^
@Five-seveN The Pikachu XL got in Europe even before US actually ^^
It's cool that it's Luigi but the actual design looks too made for Japan with those pastel greens on white for me. Il love an all green one with some Luigi on it!
Pfff I can just put Luigi shaped stickers on what I got. Lets see $199 dollars or $5~ n_n
I already have Luigi stickers on mine lol
It looks better than the Animal Crossing one (Japan always gets the best special designs), but I probably still wouldn't buy it: it's still a little too busy looking and white is just asking to get stained.
It's ugly!
Hehe, at first, I thought that it was supposed to look like the grass from Animal Crossing. Would have preferred a Luigi's Mansion themed one.
Pretty cool, but I would prefer a simpler design. Maybe just a green 3DS with his L on it, or a giant darker green version of his sihouette in front of a lighter green 3DS.
I hope this one comes to america, I really like it, just trying to find an excuse to change from regular 3ds to xl really.
@FOURSIDE_BOY I highly recommend the upgrade. XL is way better than the original.
Technically, the tagline "The XL stands for "Xtra Luigi" doesn't work since this model is coming out in Japan where they call it a 3DS LL!
Looks like a camo design lol
Hey Nintendo of Europe, the 18th of June is my 50th birthday. As a long time customer and supporter i would really appreciate a nice present (hint, hint!)
I picked up the Pikachu XL, but I'll have to get this as well if it does in fact come to the US. I just love Luigi too much not to get this!
Will most likely see a EU/NA release.
Why did they make it look all girly? Instead of, you know, like maybe a nice green one?
That is what I was thinking.
Green is my favorite color, but this looks ugly.
I would have liked a solid forest green with a little white Luigi hat design on the top left or right corner. That would have looked really nice.
Idk what yall are talkin about. This is the dopest 3ds I've ever laid eyes upon. I'm secure enough to not worry about whether some see it as girly. I see it as art, and the busy design works well imo
We're all entitled to our opinions here, but I have to say that I think that thing is pretty ugly. The design looks like germs under a microscope.
kinda ugly, no? they should have done a Luigi Green , with a small logo of him in the middle, or corner. i dunno...
@DarkKirby There will never, ever be a 3ds with a second circle pad implemented
Nintendo cant do it.
I think it's cute.
Normally I don't really care for special system designs, but I kinda like this one.
@Weedy Large Luigi, then?
@Five-seveN Pikachu XL was quickly sold-out here in the EU.
I like the Luigi one, looks awesome!
i hope it will come to europe
i want it
I actually would pick one of these up... Which is totally unlike me...
i'd definitely get this XL if it came out here.
"The XL stands for "Xtra Luigi""
I just came to say: good one. But yeah, it's lackluster at best, ugly at worst.
But since I'm here I'll continue my pitch for a WiiU Pikmin 3 makeover
It should be called "Luigi Love" since it's called the LL in Japan.
@Rockman and @Five-seveN
I still see lots of the special edition yellow Pikachu 3DS XL for sale at my local MediaMarkt in Holland. Price is 199 euro. I have one and I like it a lot. Outside is yellow, with a big Pikachu (and some stupid technical text) and the inside is white, with white buttons. It's quite gorgeous!
@Weedy (#17) It stands for Lot'sa Luigi.
On the back of this 3DS there is a green Mario. No Joke.
I would definitely want one, if it was simply a reflective(3ds) Luigi green(as in, the same green color used in Luigi's character design), or even just that same green, but non reflective(3ds xl), w/ Luigi's L logo, his hat w/ the same logo, or maybe the image of Luigi throwing a fireball, from NSMB series artwork. Nintendo really needs to implement more special designs, but not go overboard. That'd be awesome!
@DerpSandwich: You took the words right outta my mouth.
Looks a lot like the Animal crossing one!
Yeah... Looks 'kinda like a Irish poptart XD
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