Jools Watsham actually prefers the stylus method

Renegade Kid is a pretty busy developer at the moment. It's recently released ATV Wild Ride 3D on the 3DS eShop and has Mutant Mudds: Deluxe, Mutant Mudds 2 and a new first person shooter for the 3DS in the works.

That FPS is to be unveiled at PAX East with Jools Watsham, the developer's co-founder, writing about it on his blog:

Our 3DS FPS has been an especially challenging task that we thrust upon ourselves. Not only have we needed to get the playable ‘Atmosphere Demo’ in shape to show off, but there’s the fact that this is the reveal of the game to the world. No pressure there, right? This has forced us to finalize the name of the game, the game logo, and the key imagery that hopefully embodies the game theme at a glance.

I know that the world will quickly judge and decide whether we have successfully presented an appealing game or not in just few days, but personally I am feeling really good about the game.

Watsham has since taken to Twitter to share some more information with us all, namely that the game will support the Circle Pad Pro, which will be a relief for those anxious about the control scheme.

Are you looking forward to finding out more about Renegade Kid's upcoming shooter? Let us know your thoughts on it in the comments section below.

[source, via]