Do you have an idea for a video game that you've always wanted to see become a reality? If so, GAMEscribe has just the competition for you.
GAMEscribe and Renegade Kid have teamed up to give everyone the chance to pitch their game idea and have the opportunity to have that idea chosen and made into an actual 3DS eShop release.
You can check out the full details of the competition below that line out the process of submitting an entry, along with the complete set of rules governing the competition.
Pitch your game idea. Win the competition. Play your game!
GAMEscribe, LLC announces the launch of the very first pitchWinPLAY competition! Starting on March 25th, 2012, they will begin accepting video game pitches for a new side scrolling platformer to be developed by Renegade Kid through the official website www.pitchwinplay.com.
"We are very excited to be bringing this opportunity to creative gamers everywhere, to those who have ever had the dream to see their ideas come to life but just never had the means to make it happen." says John F. Kaiser III, founder of GAMEscribe, LLC.
To make this happen GAMEscribe has partnered up with award winning developer Renegade Kid, creators of the award winning Dementium series, cult racing hit ATV Wild Ride and critically acclaimed Mutant Mudds, to develop the winning entry into a video game for the Nintendo 3DS eShop.
"This is a very unique and exciting opportunity for everyone. To think that someone out there will submit the winning pitch and actually be able to play their game is quite magical." raves Jools Watsham, co-founder and creative director of Renegade Kid.
Game industry professionals will judge entries based on their Originality, Marketability, Feasibility and Communication. Entrants will be narrowed down to the top 10 Semi-Finalist which will then be sent on to guest judges to help rank the top 3 choices. Grand Prize is to have their pitch become reality! See official website for complete list of prizes.
- Conditions and restrictions apply. See www.pitchwinplay.com/rules for details
About GAMEscribe
GAMEscribe, LLC was formed in 2011 by John F. Kaiser III with the goal of giving a means to gamers who have all these ideas for games running around in their head but no means to make them a reality. This is now achieved through the pitchWinPLAY competitions.About Renegade Kid
Founded in 2007 by Jools Watsham and Gregg Hargrove, Renegade Kid LLC is an independent video-game development studio based in Austin, Texas. Best known for their award winning Dementium™ series and the critically-acclaimed Mutant Mudds™, Renegade Kid has embraced Nintendo's new Nintendo 3DS handheld with the development of Majesco's Face Racers: Photo Finish, UTV Ignition'sPlanet Crashers, and "Cult racing hit", ATV Wild Ride 3D.
[source pitchwinplay.com]
Comments 45
That sounds AWESOME!!!! I just need to come up with a game now :/
Goodness how do you top Mutant Mudds?
navi has the best idea ever for this~ n_____n
@Skotski Was that picture from Batman: The Animated Series from that episode with Joker posing as a clown with Jim Gordon's kid?
Anyway, this sounds cool. I've got a million ideas in my head.
I like it, but I don't really want to pay to enter. Anywhoo, I'll see if I come up with any good ideas.
HECK YEAH! but im under 18 cries himself to sleep tonight
but why asking us?really i would like a new dementium alot right now and why 2d platformer,most of the eshop games are 2d/2d platformer
Oooo! I think I could come up with some really unique game. Time to get to work.
nice. This is a really fun challenge, win or no win. Just the application gives you lots to think about in terms of needed structure. I'm in
hehe suckers ive been coming up with fake games for YEARS!
I've got quite a few ideas since I'd like to have a job in the industry when I'm older but none of them are platformers and I couldn't enter anyway since I'm 16.
"We accept credit, debit and Paypal only"
Well, that's one less idea for them then.
^ What? I have to pay for something.
Well there goes my entry. May still try since I have an idea I really want to pitch.
@TwilightV - Wow, I didn't know anyone over the age of 18 didn't have a debit card.
Oh wow this sounded awesome 'til I learnt you have to pay $20 minimum to enter. The prizes look awesome but yeah, I don't have any ideas anyway. Plus $20 just to give them an idea? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip
I'm already writing my idea. I hope Mexico is on their list of eligible countries... It's certainly not on the "not eligible" list.
i was interested.... up until they mentioned paying $20, so it's a no from me. shame really because this is such a great opportunity for games fans to pitch in with their own ideas.
It's not Gordon's kid, it's the Mayor's.
But hey, my country is not in the "excluded" list, so I might give this a shot.
The charge is fine by me. Its probably to thin out the number of entries they get and also help pay off the winners. Although if you're reading this, you shouldn't even bother blowing your cash because it will be I who wins the top prize!
@bboy2970 and this is what they say to you
I'll try to submit. I have a plethora of game ideas and game design documents. I had always wished for a contest like this to come along again. When I heardabout the "Unlock Xbox" doritos contest I tried to enter that one as well, but it had already ended for submissions. $20 is really not that much compared to "other" contests where you need a lot more. I say, enter if you think you have a great or interesting idea. If you don't win at least it's good experience, but just think what would happen if you did win. Even if it was the third place prizes.
I have always wanted something like this contest. I think the industry should do this more often instead of making sequels and rehashing ideas.
they just anNounceD EPIC MICKEY for 3ds!! I came here to read the news but is not ready yet i guess...
So you give them your game ideas so they can profit from them and you have to pay too?
And what stops them from using the great ideas from people not fortunate enough to be in the top three?
I have an idea for a video game, but as a side-scroller it's not going to happen.
These are basicly my thoughts, too.
(Removed too harsh words)
@Tinky same here
Hello everyone, I just wanted to pop in and try to address some of your concerns. I created the pitchWinPLAY contest to give creative gamers an opportunity to possibly see their ideas come to life. The submission fees cover operation and development costs. It's in no way a means to weed anyone out, it's just the cost of offering this chance to you.
GAMEscribe, LLC is not a publisher or developer, which is why we can run the competition. Any developer that joins us for any competition never sees any of the entries except for the winners. This is to protect them and you.
I don't want to break any of the Community Rules, so I won't ask you to check out the website. I just wanted to say hello, and to say thank you to those of you considering entering.
@pitchWinPLAY just make a dementium 3 please!...idea right there!
@dark-insanity I'm sure Renegade Kid would love to! If you played Dementium II, you may have dug up my grave But alas, you would need to let them know your support for a sequel. Their only affiliation with pitchWinPLAY is as the developer of the winner - we do not own them/work for them, nor they us. They've been very gracious in joining us for this competition and we thank them whole-heartedly for it.
@pitchWinPLAY hey whats the name of your grave,might go back and check it out
@dark-insanity John F. Kaiser III... Just watch out for the chest maws that will attack you when you do!
@pitchWinPLAY i already beat the game twice and dug up all the graves twice so i know what would happen!thanks anyway
I'm not sure why people are complaining. If you've ever had any desire to develop games, what better addition to your portfolio than a finished game that was basically your design idea. If I wasn't friends with Jools, I'd be entering this competition myself.
Definitely doing this.
@Zergling, it's already been done twice. VVVVVV, and Mighty Switch Force (that is unless, you're only referring to Renegade Kid instead of all eShop devs).
On a more topical note, this sounds like a great idea! To bad you have to pay to enter though...
I have this idea I've been sitting on for about 3 years. I even have a basic outline of the story and gameplay. This sounds like a great competition, but I'd like to keep the option open to make my game myself if I choose down that career path.
I'm sorry, but I don't trust Renegade Kid to do any of my ideas justice. :/
What about KIrby 3d land
a game like castle crashers
I might enter. If I won, Renegade Kid would most likely do fine on my game.
A game that features a hero mowing down bad guys, moving from left to right, with some jumping involved. Also, some platforms are moving. Erm. That's just about everything before.
Wait! Add rotational and 3D effects! Um, that's just so generic.
Okay, okay. You want original? Here goes:
Sweet Susie, Snail Sam's Sweetheart, has been Snail-napped! It is up to you to rescue her from the dreaded fate of being salted! Have Snail Sam upgrade his trusty Snail Scooter to various vehicles including, but not limited to School Bus, Soap Box, and Bikes with polygonal wheels. Successfully navigate hazardous environment such as discarded gum, dried soda, and melting ice cream on the porch(for sale on e-bay!). Have access to different weapons including Cows, Skunks, and Chihuahuas! Defeat various Bad Guys such as Postman, Teen DJ, and Old Ladies Pushing Carts Across the Parking Lot.
Will Sweet Susie be rescued? Will Snail Sam be flattened by careless walkers? It's up to you, young heroes! Hurry up and slime your way to Sweet Susie!
Too cheap to pay $20 for a formal entry submission.
I think they're better off making RPG maker.
Finally submitted mine. Fingers crossed.
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