
If you're a 3DS Ambassador, the NES upgrades just started rolling in.

Super Mario Bros. now comes with Suspend Points, allowing you to suspend your play mid-game and reload it as often as you like. Should make those speed runs a whole lot easier.

Other games have updates available but from our quick flick through it doesn't seem any other games have received Suspend Points. We'll keep checking.

Super Mario Bros. also has a neat new Home Menu icon with a little 3D NES. It's the little touches.

The update won't appear in the Available Updates section, so head to Titles You've Downloaded and scroll through the list to grab the update. If you decide to download all the updates, don't forget you can queue them up in Sleep Mode for all-at-once downloading.

Update: It seems this update is only available in the UK and Europe for now. We'll update you when we know about a US update.

Thanks to Twitter follower MathieuWarnier for the tip!