If you're a 3DS Ambassador, the NES upgrades just started rolling in.
Super Mario Bros. now comes with Suspend Points, allowing you to suspend your play mid-game and reload it as often as you like. Should make those speed runs a whole lot easier.
Other games have updates available but from our quick flick through it doesn't seem any other games have received Suspend Points. We'll keep checking.
Super Mario Bros. also has a neat new Home Menu icon with a little 3D NES. It's the little touches.
The update won't appear in the Available Updates section, so head to Titles You've Downloaded and scroll through the list to grab the update. If you decide to download all the updates, don't forget you can queue them up in Sleep Mode for all-at-once downloading.
Update: It seems this update is only available in the UK and Europe for now. We'll update you when we know about a US update.
Thanks to Twitter follower MathieuWarnier for the tip!
Comments 75
I really wish I was an ambassador...
Here's hoping we'll get those multiplayer features.
Awesome, I'll get back to this at some point to make use of the suspend points.
Yes! I've been wanting a restore point for Super Mario Bros for a while. Now my friends can play it while I keep my progress
whats the point of the "avalible updates" section if its not even used
I noticed all ten NES games received updates last week, so now it seems they were presumably in preparation for the full versions. Good to know they're coming.
Is this for all regions? This is great news
Loving the new Icons too. :3
I thought the games already came with a suspending feature - the only thing being added is the restore points.
EDIT: I have noticed that the new restoring takes longer. Probably just because they're NES games, not GB/GBC.
I'd like restore points in Zelda, Zelda 2 and Metroid as well, but none of the others really need them. I'm also happy the GBA games arent getting restore points.
@Geonjaha I've only got a EU 3DS so can't check but I'm sure one of our readers will do my research for me
There's no update on mine
@James: Apparently not in the US yet
@jtt235 You said it. What's the point of it? I've just found out that I have a Megaman: Dr. Wily's Revenge update.
I think available updates doesn't work. Has anyone actually got it to work?
When did my games begin to have this many updates. Some GB games and Excitebike want to be updated. I think I've updated some of these already once before.
I don't see it yet but at least I've now caught on to other updates I've missed.
@jtt235 my thoughts exactly - the available updates section should show things like this!!
I was all excited about the update till I read the last post. Hopefully the update will come to the US soon.
FINALLY I'll be able to end the "mission B" once you rescue Peach! Years ago as a child I never did it because I spend a lot playing and my mom yelled "turn it off already and come to dinner!!!" u.u
Not in the US.
hmm, i will wait for everything to update, so i can update them all at once, because nintendo dont have a function to update it all at once
There must be some sort of problems with Available Updates. All those update flags in Titles You've Downloaded should appear in that section. That's the assumption I'm going on, anyway, and I'm also going on the assumption that this'll be fixed in a future firmware update.
Good for the updates but when will we get updates for multiplayer link support on the GBA games?
@retro: Not gonna happen because GBA games are run in legacy mode, meaning they will not use the 3DS's functions
@retro_player_22 We're not. Nintendo announced they're not planning on adding those features; however, they might do it somewhere down the line just for the heck of it (I doubt it though).
Not out in the US yet but I'll keep trying. Maybe now I'll finally be able to finish this game... farthest I've gotten was World 7 (without warp holes by the way)... and that was 6 years ago... nowadays, the farthest I can go is end of World 5.
They created an awesome menu logo for the game. Updated everything.
WOW thank you!!!! Love you nintendo
there is also updates for most virtual console games and 3d classics too!!!!!!!!
There's an update for the Green Lantern movie trailer here in the US... weird, huh?
There's an update for the Ambassador Certificate too but it looks the same to me. Perhaps there'll be a further notification when all other updates are available?
Metroid also got one
I wish it would be available for the US, that new nes 3d icon would be awesome.
When can non ambassadors get to download this on the eshop for sale? I live in the USA. Maybe it's soon..like next month or so because they made sure ambassadors got it first. With this, i'll have my top 2 games of all time on my 3DS...LOL. Ocarina and Super Mario Bros. NES... :]
Aww, it's not in the US shop yet.
@super-nintendo That's a really good question and the answer is "I have absolutely no idea." Sorry!
Really hoping to see online go to the multiplayer games!
Ive made it to world 8, using warp pipes only to skip levels I had already beaten to save lives. Then,nI rage quitted, so Ittl be nice to give it another try wth suspend points.
Updated my games roughly two weeks ago.
it would be very nice if the 3DS displayed updates like an iphone did... and then you tap... "update all" and then they all update..
It seems almost all apps have an update available; bar the videos and a handful of others.
The only true speed running should be without tool assistance. Just my feelings on the matter.
Thrilled to get these, though. It'll make that Great Temple much more bearable.
Yay! Hopefully Zelda 1&2 and Metroid are next.
I have updates for every single piece of software I downloaded.
Including all of the ambassador games.
All of the other updates are just compatibility fixes due to games not launching properly from some SD Cards. This has been known for a while over on GameFAQs.
hola im back. i love updates
Thanks for your answer James. I neeeeeeed this game...lol
I looked before finishing the reading, green Lanturn trailer was it
disappointing, I'm not bad at platformers but I'm not good at them, I could use the help
This is awesome news!
YES! Now come to America so I can beat the game.
@Square-enixFan Yes what he said
I wish they would update Gameboy games such as Radar Mission and Tetris to add the 2 player mode.
Speaking of all the updates, should i update netflix on my 3DS? When i did that on my wii, it slowed down my loading speeds. Did it do the same on the 3DS?
I already beat this. Zelda needs the feature more.
Hey James! Nice new pic! And nice new site Did you guys manage to get the Search engine working?
Legacy mode?
Thank you NON-Ambassadors for making me an Ambassador!
@Red_Kinetic: It's a mode that shuts off most functions of the system to run the game. I dunno why the GBA games use it, but they do. Note how Sleep Mode doesn't work; this is why.
can't tell from here which regions people are getting updates from since the site no longer has flags for the users. Oh, I guess I could click into every persons profile to see. kind of annoying; what were those flags hurting?
@SkywardLink98 Maybe a friend can copy the games on your SD card? I think it'll work
Like @McRokert(#18) at first i wanted to update them all at once. But i guess by downloading the new versions of SMB and the Ambassador Certificate Nintendo could see that I'm very interested in the meaningful updates. Will be done today.
Also what @Shugo(#39) said. While i haven't noticed that so far everything that makes the games look better by only being marginally smaller is great in my book.
@Gavin_Rozee(#50): Thanks for the info. Can you give us a link please ?
If it's really just what you mentioned why don't they automatically update while the system's in Sleep Mode ?
@Heavy_Barrel(#58): Who doesn't.
@Lordlz: Just because GBA games run in lame-ass mode now doesn't mean it has to stay that way forever. That's the sort of thing an update should be able to fix.
@LordAndrew: If Nintendo doesn't release these to the general public, there would be no point to update them in the first place. Time will tell in this case.
@battLeToaD I can't find the topic, but a Japanese 3DS owner on there confirmed that was what the updates did. I believe he stated Nintendo Japan said so in a SpotPass notification.
... and Nintendo of America has dropped the ball. Again.
@Gavin_Rozee(#73): Thanks buddy. All other regional Nintendos should follow that example!
A little 3D NES to match the little 3D Gameboys. How Cute! While suspend save states are a welcome addition, there are a few other ambassador games this feature would be more useful for. Seriously, in SMB, you can just jump on a Koopa Troopa's shell in World 3-1 for unlimited redos.
The Update is Now available to NA users!!!
What shinesprite said. I just checked if the update for my NTSC-U 3DS was available, and sure enough, it was!
@James , you should add this great news into the article. It would be much appreciated to everyone here in the states!
After taking it for a quick spin, I can really see how the restore point feature will come in handy. However, wasn't the update also supposed to add local multiplayer?
@shinesprite Yeah, I thought that, too...
Hopefully Nintendo will add multiplayer before Balloon Fight gets updated. Balloon Fight needs it!
My Mario Bros game is now a VC Mario Bros Game,
I live in NEW YORK, USA
@78 Wireless multiplayer in SMB is useless, really.
I love it. Should make it easier for me to beat the game.
It looks like the same type of save as Sonic Classics Collection.
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