The run-up to E3 is almost as exciting as the event itself, with half the fun in predicting exactly what Nintendo will show. Not every company is as secretive however, as a recently published list reveals the show will play host to at least fifteen DS games and twenty titles for Wii.
That may not seem like a huge amount, but bear in mind this list doesn't include SEGA, Ubisoft, Capcom or Nintendo itself, so expect that list to swell during the days of the conference itself.
It's also interesting to note there's no WiiWare on the list, with only the recently-announced Animal Colour Cross confirmed for a DSiWare showing, but hopefully there'll be some pleasant surprises revealed for fans of downloads everywhere.
[source vg247.com]
Comments 41
Great news!
second that
All I care for are Zelda and Golden Sun tidbits.
sighs There better be a F-Zero in there!
E3 = crying fans.
I'll be watching it alone and staying FAAAR away from forums.
Sweet, looking forward to next month!
I can't not wait.
Alright Nintendo... show em' what you got!! Good luck to Capcom, Sega, and the other gangs too.
Star Fox! Star Fox! Star Fox! Star Fox!
I hope they give us something we've all been dieing to have.
Hoping there's another Mario game for me.
where is this list?
That's cool.
Get a load of Reggie & Cammie duking it out in Wii Sports Resort's swordplay dual match.
Hm, I wonder who's going head to head this year......
Reggie vs. Cammie? Reggie vs. Bill, Reggie vs. Iwata.... REGGIE VS. MIYAMOTO?
Still awesome, but at least give some love to the digital download side of Nintendo....
Now this looks interesting. I hope there is another Wii series game in the mix
man i cant wait i can sense e3 2010 is going to be awsome
Any news on Zelda?? Not. Damn.
STAR FOX. Please Nintendo..........PLEASE
**Looks at the source.**
Grease? Will that movie never stop haunting me?!
Come on, Zumba Fitness!
Well, Nintendo must deciding what to show and what to delay.
Pikmin 3!!!!!
During the yesteryears of E3 (when commencing as May showings) I would take the day off to view the live coverage of both Nintendo and Sony's showings, but I can't do it anymore because I'm needed for closing the books for my office's fiscal year (July-June). Meaning: no "off" days in June...
I'll simply do what I've one last year and keep refreshing the NL home page and conversing with friends on PSN and the Wii.
Btw, the title is misleading
A wonderful choice of picture there James.
It's going to have a happy Reggie
I hope we get announcements of the mother series coming to the west.
I am hoping for more QUALITY games that use Wii Motion Plus, because there aren't many.
I was just scrolling the list, saw "Rock Band 3" and nearly jumped for joy! I'll buy it only if it has a ton of improvements over the last one. (Rock Band Network on the Wii, anyone?)
Other than that, I'm pretty sure Nintendo's going to give out news on the new Zelda game (including the real title) and I think Mario Galaxy 2 will have a demo there. The most awesome thing that could happen at E3 this year would have to be if Nintendo unveiled the 3DS.
E3 is always exciting. I want a Zelda blowout to get excited for that, and an announcement of Starfox Wii and/or Pikmin 3.
Over 30 Nintendo titles you say?
Cant wait then.
star fox
Like another poster said F-ZERO! That game would be awesome and i could finally wipe the dust off my wii wheels.
Ok, but I looked at the list and there really isn't much there. Most of it either has the stench of shovelware, or is crossplatform stuff such as Madden '11 and Rock Band 3. Not that there's anything wrong with the latter kind, but I don't see much to get excited about. Overall the list is pretty unexciting for all platforms. Hopefully better stuff is coming.
Zelda, Zelda, Zelda!!!
That's all they need to win the console war. Let's face it, that's why we're Nintendo fans. Excellent game-play combined with excellent expectation delivered. Come on Nintendo! Give us what we're craving!!!
lz is right; that headline IS misleading. Makes it sound like there's over thirty FIRST PARTY games coming. NoA's localization crew would have to put in some SERIOUS overtime to give us enough backlogged games for that!
Most exciting news I've heard today: Color Cross (and the DSiWare Animal version) coming to America. We need more Picross-related stuff in this country!
There's no game for Wii or DS on this list I would get excited about.
Can they promise me no Cammie Dunaway?
Then I will get excited.
Yeah, we need a new picture done for E3 this year, I predict Miyamoto vs Iwata in Wii Party!
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